Chapter 22


Just like Maggie expected, she ends up losing terribly against Alex. Maggie doesn't mind in the least because Alex is especially hot when she's confident. Plus, Alex's dorky victory dance she does when she wins is absolutely adorable. Maggie can't really tease her about it because she does her own nerdy victory dances whenever she actually manages to get a ball in. Even when she gets the cue ball in one time, which is so worth it because Alex's laughter makes her swoon.

"You owe me another round." Alex says when she finishes up her dance.

"You're too good, Danvers." Maggie sighs theatrically, pretending to be annoyed but she knows she isn't pretending well if the beaming smile she's wearing is any indication. "How about we call it a night instead? I don't want to get you drunk on the first date."

Alex's eyebrows shoot up and she just looks at Maggie like she hung the stars in the sky just for her. Maggie doesn't break eye contact but shifts slightly on her feet. Did she say something wrong?

Alex speaks when she finally finds her voice again, sounding a lot more confident than Alex expected. "First date, huh? Are you implying we'll have more than one, Sawyer?"

Maggie's eyes widen when she realizes what made Alex so surprised. She clears her throat and looks slightly to the right of Alex's head so she's still looking at her without actually looking at her.

"Um, yeah. If you want to."

Where has the courage she used to have around cute girls gone? Oh right, Maggie never had any.

"Good," is all Alex says.

Maggie is tempted to ask what she means by that when Alex seems to decide that a nonverbal answer would be best. Alex leans in slowly so Maggie could pull away and when she doesn't, Alex kisses her gently. And once again, Maggie is melting against her.

Alex is the first to pull away for breath and Maggie opens her eyes. Alex kisses her again quickly.

"I'll go pay for our drinks and then we can get out of here, okay?" Alex murmurs.

Maggie, still kind of dazed by their kisses, just hums in response. She's watching Alex's hips away as she heads toward the bar when something occurs to her.

"Alex! I'm supposed to be buying." Maggie points out.

"I'm the one who asked you out, it's common courtesy to pay. You can buy me drinks next time we come here, Sawyer." Alex responds, looking back at her over her shoulder.

Maggie grins, a blush coloring her cheeks that's barely visible in the dim bar light, and grabs their leather jackets as Alex pays. Alex thanks her with another quick peck and they head outside hand in hand.

Since neither of them want to head back to the castle just yet, they continue their night by walking around National City. It's not the safest at night, but with both of them being well-trained knights and DEO agents, they're not exactly worried about their own safety if they get jumped.

It almost feels as though that in the darkness of the night, it's easier to tell each other about the darkness in their lives. Alex tells Maggie about how she feels insignificant compared to Kara. Maggie responds by pushing her against the nearest wall and kissing her until they're out of breath and quietly telling Alex how amazing she is.

Maggie tells Alex about how her parents kicked her out for being gay. They had known she wanted to be a knight, which they didn't like. They always wanted her to look after their farm, with her one of the best choices amongst her older siblings. Her not being straight was the last straw for them and she had to live on a neighboring farm with her aunt until she was old enough to be trained by a local retired knight. She's on better terms with them now (mainly since she sends them most of the money she earns so her siblings don't go hungry) but they still don't accept their sexuality.

After Maggie tells her about that, Alex stops her in the middle of a dimly lit alleyway and pulls her into a gentle hug. Maggie lets herself cry in Alex's strong arms until she has calmed down. Alex doesn't pull away, letting Maggie be the one to break the hug. When she does, Alex tenderly wipes away the tear tracks on Maggie's face and kisses her cheek.

"Thanks, Alex. That, um. That usually isn't something I reveal on a first date." Maggie murmurs shyly.

"Thanks for telling me." Alex says and squeezes Maggie's hand. "I'm here, you know. No matter what. If you need to talk or cry or hug someone, I'm here."

Maggie cocks her head to the side and smiles up at Alex. "Thank you, Alex. You're sweet."

"Don't tell anyone," Alex jokes.

Maggie laughs, grateful for the change in the tone of their conversation. It felt too heavy for her to deal with right then.

"I won't, Danvers. Your secret's safe with me." Maggie winks for good measure, making Alex grin widely at her.

They start walking again, this time heading in the direction of the Danvers Castle as they talk about lighter things. A guard or two gives Alex a knowing look when they see that she's holding Maggie's hand. While she does blush, she really doesn't care because she's holding a beautiful, amazing woman's hand. Who actually, somehow, likes her.

They stop in front of Alex's door, neither of them willing to part from each other just yet.

"Do you maybe want to come in?" Alex asks nervously. She takes in Maggie's wide eyes and surprised expression and she blushes. "I mean, just to cuddle. You just told me a big thing about yourself and I know that whenever I do that or relive something like that, I always ask Kara to come stay with me."

"Sure," Maggie says so softly that Alex barely hears her.

Alex holds open her bedroom door for Maggie, who kisses Alex's cheek as she passes her in thanks. Alex puts her hand to where Maggie kissed her, failing to keep her dopey grin off of her face. Alex watches as Maggie slowly makes her way around around her room, taking everything in.

"I like it," Maggie says when she turns back to Alex. "But I am surprised you don't have any weapons displayed anywhere."

Alex flushes and heads to her closet. She has two in her room and since she isn't the type of girl to have a bunch of clothes, she uses the larger one to hold her weapons collection. She opens up the door and internally preens when Maggie's jaw drops.

In the closet, she has installed a couple drawers across the bottom which have ammunition for her gun and arrows, followed by a few shelves covered in various swords and daggers, then a full on weapons rack at the top. Which is where she hangs her bow as well as her favorite sword made out of the same material as Kara's ship.

"Damn, Danvers." Maggie breathes out, her hand stretching out to touch a sword. She pauses a few inches away and looks back at Alex. "Can I touch them?"

"Yeah," Alex confirms.

If Kara were here right now, she would be having a field day with Alex. Alex never, lets anyone touch her weapons. Not even Kara. Alex doesn't trust her alien sister with super strength not to break or bend any of her weapons. But seeing Maggie's face light up as she gently traces the blade of one of Alex's favorite daggers makes trusting Maggie with this easier than beating her at pool.

"You're going to have to tell me the stories behind all of these someday," Maggie breathes.

"Some of the stories are pretty long," Alex warns. "I once put Kara to sleep talking about one and I wasn't even halfway done."

"Well, I could listen to you talk all day." Maggie remarks almost absentmindedly as she studies Alex's bow.

Alex grins and ducks her head, deciding to change the subject. "Um. I can probably find pajamas for you. What do you usually sleep in?"

"Nothing," Maggie deadpans, cracking up at the shocked and far-away expression on Alex's face. "Breathe, Danvers. I'll sleep in whatever."

Alex clears her throat awkwardly and rushes to her other closet to pull out some old clothes.

"You can change in the bathroom." Alex says as she tosses Maggie pajamas, pointing to the bathroom door. "There should be a spare toothbrush and stuff in there. Let me know if you can't find something."

"Alright, thanks Alex." Maggie gives her a quick peck when she passes her on the way to the bathroom.

Once Alex hears the door shut, she starts getting dressed. Maggie pokes her head out of the bathroom.

"It's safe, Danvers. Come in, you can do your night routine."

Brushing her teeth next to Maggie while Maggie is in her shirt and pants feels amazingly domestic. And for once, that thought doesn't scare her.

Okay I'm ending the chapter there before I write another couple hundred words on Sanvers... ;) So next chapter will definitely feature Lena and Kara! And the Sanvers sisters will continue to simultaneously be awkward and endearing around their crushes! Sorry that I didn't post this sooner, it's super windy here and it knocked out our power! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!