Chapter 25

"The bar," Alex and Maggie say at the same time.

"Alex," Winn starts carefully. "I know this is a stressful situation but it really isn't the time for-"

"Winn." Alex cuts him off. "I'm not talking about going for a drink."

"Right." Winn says awkwardly, his eyes wide as he avoids meeting Alex's gaze. "So, um. What are you guys talking about?"

"An alien told me about this bar in town that's specifically for off-worlders." Maggie explains. "Alex, Kara, and I checked it out before she had to leave. It's more a dive bar than anything, but a lot of aliens go there. If Cadmus hits it, there will be high casualties."

Alex clears her throat quietly, pushing down her response to how hot Maggie is when she's taking charge. "Winn, how long until they get here?"

He frowns down at his notes and looks back up. "Two days if we're lucky."

Alex curses quietly. "That isn't enough time to do much."

"What can we do?" Winn questions, sounding even more anxious than usual.

"Set a trap." Vasquez suggests.

"That might actually work." Alex murmurs and everyone looks to her. "We can evacuate the citizens, and tell them to tell their friends that the bar is closed for now."

"They may see that as a xenophobic move," Maggie says. "We may want to consider telling them the truth."

"It could cause a panic." Winn points out.

"Possibly, but are you willing to risk their safety?" Maggie retorts passionately, but speaks in such a way that it doesn't feel like a personal attack. "Just some might be scared and panic because Lillian Luthor's gang of xenophobes want to kill them?"

"That's a fair point." Winn concedes. "So who will be telling them?"

"Sir Maggie and Sir Alex can do that." J'onn says. "The aliens are already familiar with their faces and most will see them as allies."

Alex nods. "Yes sir. And as for the actual plan on how to take down the group, we could ambush them."

"Oh!" Winn exclaims, making everyone else jump in surprise. "Do you know where the bar is? Like streetwise? Because I have layouts of every known business in National City. I even brought a stack of them here!" So that explains the messy stack of papers on the table.

"Yeah, it's right in Alley 307." Maggie says.

"Alright, I think I know where you're talking about. Wait for it, wait for it..." Winn says as he digs through the pile. "Ha! Found it!" He holds up a piece of paper victoriously and slides the paper over to Alex and Maggie. "Is this the bar?"

"Yeah, it is." Alex confirms proudly, resisting the urge to ruffle Winn's hair affectionately. "So here's what I'm thinking we could do..."


Lena wakes up that morning feeling more rested than she ever remembers feeling. She's also warm, but not uncomfortably so.

Lena sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly as she sleepily stretches out her limbs, frowning when she accidentally hits something hard. Her tired eyes blink open but refuse to focus for a few seconds as she gets used the the light. When the world comes into view, she can feel the hammering of her heart in her chest.

Kara's sleeping face is only inches from hers. Lena drags her eyes away from her lips and takes in her face. She looks so peaceful and beautiful, but the spell is broken when Kara lets out a quiet snore. It's the cutest thing Lena's ever heard and she puts her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

Lena's movement makes Kara frown in her sleep and she scrunches up her nose, yawning. Lena does her best to ignore how her emotions are now a gooey gay mess on the floor and watches as her crush wakes up.

"Hmm?" Kara hums, moving her head to the side slightly.

Lena removes her hand from over her lips and puts it back where it was, in the minimal space between her and Kara's bodies. It's then that Lena realizes that the hard thing her hand hit when she stretched had to have been Kara's stomach. Lena would bet her Kingdom that she has abs. She bites her lips and fights off the urge to look. To distract herself from Kara's muscular body, she looks back at her face.

Kara smacks her lips together once and blearily opens her eyes. Her gaze settles on Lena's face and she visibly jolts.

Kara's arm retreats from where it was draped over Lena's side and she reaches up to adjust her nonexistent glasses as she blushes.

Lena's lips twitch up into the smirk that has never failed to make a woman want to fall into her bed with her. It's a bit odd to use it on a gorgeous woman that's already in her bed, and she hasn't slept with her aside from actually sleeping.

"I guess you're not used to waking up next to someone who isn't your sister." Lena murmurs.

"Uh, no. Not really."

Kara's fingers fiddle with a piece of hair instead of with her glasses. Her head turns slightly, like someone just called her name but Lena didn't hear it. Her eyes widen and her blush deepens.

"What is it?" Lena prompts curiously.

"Some of your guards are making bets on what we're doing in here, and none of their theories are 'sleeping.' " Kara answers shyly.

Lena laughs. "I am known as a 'corruptor of innocence' in my kingdom. And you my dear give off an aura of innocence."

"I'm-I'm not innocent!" Kara protests.

Instead of teasing her like Kara expects, Lena looks her over with purses lips and eyes narrowed in concentration. "I can see that. Beneath the fluffy exterior, you have a core of steel. To me, you seem like an unshakable tree with rainbow colored leaves. And I have a feeling not many people look past the leaves to see the hidden strength."

"That's really beautiful." Kara breathes out, grinning when she makes Lena flush.

Before Lena can respond, someone calls for her. "Your Highness, the riders are getting dangerously close."

"What, did they ride through the night?" Lena grumbles unhappily.

"What do you propose we do?" The guard asks.

"Kara, how close are they? Can you hear them? See them?" Lena asks.

"They are..." Kara closes her eyes and expands her senses until she can hear the galloping of hooves hitting the road. "They're really close. An hour and a half away at most."

"Do you think we can take them?" Lena questions.

"Lena-" Kara starts worriedly.

"Please, answer. Running from them will do nothing but lead them right to your home."

Kara presses her lips into a thin line and thinks. "Yeah, I think so. Especially with my powers."

Lena nods and then calls back an answer to the guard. "Round up the nobles and take them somewhere safe with two guards. The rest will stay and fight."

"My Lady?" He says hesitantly.

"You heard me. Now tell everyone what they're doing and get in it right away." Lena orders.

"Yes ma'am."

His footsteps fade away and Lena turns her attention back to a frowning Kara.

"You're not going with the nobles, are you?" Kara asks.

"No," Lena shakes her head. "I'm one of the best archers in Luthor Kingdom and I can fight."

"I'm not doubting your abilities, Lena. I'm just worrying about your safety." Kara says gently.

Lena softens and smiles. "I'll be okay. I have really good armor made of a tough polymer that I made myself. Plus, I have you."

Kara gives her a dopey grin. "Yeah, you do. But please Lena, be careful."

"I will." Lena promises. "Now let's get ready to fight some of my mother's minions."

She carefully untangles her legs from Kara's and gets out of bed. Kara lazily floats up and removes the blanket from over her before floating away from the bed. Her feet gently hit the ground and she stretches. Lena clears her throat, glancing away from Kara's exposed stomach that confirms her theory. She does have abs.

Lena turns her back to Kara to allow her to swiftly change into her super suit. She jumps when Kara puts a hand on her back before she turns around.

"I'll be just outside keeping an ear out for them." Kara says.

"Thank you. You be careful too, Supergirl."

Lena reaches out to take Kara's hand, squeezing once before letting go. Kara beams at her and then uses her super speed to get out of there in an instant.

Lena takes in a calming breath to steel her nerves and takes her armor from the chest it's stored in. She always sleeps near it so no one can try to steal it or figure out how it's made to reproduce it. She puts it on carefully, adjusting the hidden straps until it fits her perfectly. Lena attaches her bow and quiver of arrows and hides some of her daggers in slots she fitted into the suit. She's ready to fight.

Everyone's getting ready to fight... We have some undoubtedly fun action scenes ahead! And wow, Supercorp is really gay and they're not even dating! Yet. Thank you for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!