Chapter 29

"Danvers." Maggie says.

She had been watching Alex pace and fidget and fiddle with some stuff in the bar for the past three hours. She knows her girlfriend is anxious about what may happen, but three hours of this seems a bit excessive to her.

Maggie shakes her head at her girlfriend when Alex just hums in response, crouched and continuing to use her screwdriver to attempt to perfect one of her creations.

"Babe," she tries again.

Alex's head shoots up and she blinks like she just came out of a deep trance. "Huh?"

"Babe, we've done everything we can."

"No we haven't. These traps won't do much, they won't stop them." Alex pauses and huffs, running a hand through her hair. "Gods, if we just had more time..."

Maggie gets up from the barstool she has been sitting on and walks over to Alex, who's pacing again.

"Alex," Maggie says in a soft tone.

She stops and looks at her. The depth of the concern and worry in Maggie's eyes makes Alex deflate. When she reaches out and grabs her hand, Alex practically melts and her tensed muscles relax.

"I just wish we had more time." Alex admits. "This is a half-assed plan at best."

"That doesn't mean it won't work." Maggie says, causing Alex to give her a skeptical look. "This may not be the best plan, but it's something the smartest minds in the Kingdom came up with. You've made a bunch of traps. They won't see it coming. They don't even know that we know they're coming, let alone that they're coming here."

Alex lets out a breath and nods. She gives her girlfriend a lopsided, grateful smile. "You're really good at pep-talks."

"Thanks." Maggie beams and tugs on Alex's hand. "Now come on, let's go. That beautiful mind of yours is amazing, but like everyone else, you need sleep."

Alex blushes and clears her throat, letting herself be pulled by Maggie. Once she sees what direction they're headed in, she tugs on Maggie's hand and forces them to stop. As soon as she does, her girlfriend turns around and Alex is greeted by a confused look.

"Hang on, Mags. We can't go out that way. I may have um... Rigged a Molotov cocktail to go off if someone steps anywhere near that tripwire."

Alex points with her hand that's still holding Maggie's, who follows her gaze. Her eyebrows raise and she lets out a low whistle.

"Damn Danvers." Maggie says, sure that her girlfriend can hear how impressed she is in her voice. "Is it weird that I find that kind of hot?"

"Molotov cocktails are hot." Alex states.

Maggie squints at her girlfriend for a couple seconds until Alex's impassive mask cracks and she snorts.

"Danvers... Did you just make a joke?"

Alex nods while her girlfriend grins and shakes her head, her shoulders shaking with silent, stifled laughter.

"Tough, gorgeous, brilliant, and funny. You're a quadruple threat, Sir Alex." Maggie remarks, bumping their shoulders together. Alex flushes and clears her throat shyly. "And Danvers... Mags? Really?"

Alex's blush deepens. "Shut up, Sawyer. It's cute."

"I guess that means I can call you Allie now." Maggie teases.

Alex groans and doesn't reply to that. "Didn't you want to get out of here?"

"Well how are we supposed to do that?" Maggie asks. "Babe, you blocked off the main entrance and exit. And as far as I know, that's the only one."

"Don't worry, I thought of that. Come on."

Now Alex drags Maggie toward the bathroom.

"Why are we heading to the bathroom, Alex? Did you build a secret escape tunnel or are you hoping for a quickie before we figure out a way to get out of here?"

Alex chokes on nothing, her cheeks even redder than before. "Maggie!" She squeaks.

"We have already slept with each other." Maggie points out, poking her girlfriend's side with her unoccupied hand.

"In the same bed. Next to each other." Alex reminds her. "Not... Not like that."

Picking up on Alex's discomfort, Maggie squeezes her hand and they stop heading towards the unisex bathroom.

"Hey, Alex. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. I wasn't trying to pressure you or whatever it is that you're worrying about right now, okay? We'll go at a snail's pace if that's what you need. We can go as fast or as slow as you want alright?"

Alex nods and gives Maggie a smile. "Alright. Thanks, Maggie. Um, can we talk about this when we get home?"

"Of course." Maggie says, squeezing Alex's hand again.

She doesn't miss how Alex says 'home' and can't help wondering what she means. Does she mean the castle? Does she mean Alex's room? And she also can't help thinking that home is when she's with Alex.

"Now you can show me the secret tunnel." Maggie says, making Alex laugh. The tension drains from the air between them. They will have to talk about this, but not right now.

Alex leads Maggie past the first few unisex bathrooms and pulls her into the last one. Maggie's eyebrows shoot up as she takes in the sight before her.

This place may have used to be a bathroom, but it isn't anymore. Where there used to be a wall opposite the door, there's now a large hole. It's lined with lanterns and leads up to a ladder.

"Wow. There really is a secret tunnel. You're full of surprises, Danvers."


At first, Kara is too shocked to really get into the kiss, her lips moving automatically against Lena's. Her brain struggles for a moment, trying to figure it out. Kara's thoughts are mainly along the lines of "what?" and "wow this dream is really vivid."

It isn't until she pinches herself that she lets herself believe that this is real. Because Rao. Lena Luthor, the beautiful goddess of a woman she has been crushing on, is .

But as soon as Kara's brain catches up, she relaxes into the kiss. She feels Lena become much less tense as she actively kisses her back.

Her arms flail around a bit before Kara decides what to do with them. She reaches up and uses one hand to gently cup Lena's jaw while her other presses on her back. Lena lets out a shuddering breath and moves her hands so that one is tangled in her hair and the other is resting on Kara's side.

Lena lets out a shuddering breath when Kara pulls back slightly to change the angle of their kiss. She sinks into her, resting her weight against Kara as she grips her tighter.

Eventually, Lena can no longer ignore her screaming lungs and has to pull back in order to breathe properly. She keeps her eyes closed, not wanting this moment to end. Lena rests her forehead against Kara and only opens her eyes when she feels Kara's hand carefully trace her cheekbones. She's met with a look of concern.

"Lena? Are you okay?" Kara asks.

Lena tries to smile, but her lower lip is trembling with the weight of her emotions. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're crying."

Lena's eyes widen and she reaches up to touch underneath her eyes. Her fingers touch something wet and she blinks in surprise. It has been many years since Lena has cried in front of another person. And she didn't even notice.

"Lena?" Kara prompts.

Right, she hasn't told Kara why she's crying. Honestly, Lena isn't really sure what it is. Feeling too many emotions a once has always made her cry (a fact her mother despised). And she just kissed Kara, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, and Kara kissed her back. In less than a week, she  has a friend and a possible romantic partner. It could be any one of those things or a combination or even something she can't think of off the top of her head.

"They're happy tears, darling." Lena murmurs, brushing a stray strand of hair from Kara's face.

"Oh. So, um. What now?" Kara asks, fidgeting nervously.

"Now is the moment in the romance novel where we declare our undying love for each other and go on a perfect first date."

Kara gives her a crooked smile. "You read romance novels?"

"That's what you got out of that?" Lena mutters, blushing. She playfully bats at Kara's arm, both of them beaming at each other. "Hush. We all have our guilty pleasures."

"I didn't know romance novels are a guilty pleasure. Is that why Alex hides some of hers?" Lena laughs and decides not to answer that. "Right, so Lena. I really like you. Do you maybe want to go out with me sometime?"

Lena's smile grows. "I really like you too, Kara." She laughs as Kara does a dorky victory dance. "Yes, I would love to go out with you."

"Yes! Can I kiss you again?" Kara asks.

Lena practically melts, leaning forward without answering but stopping a few inches from Kara's lips. Kara lets out an unhappy whine but stays where she is.

"Kara, you can kiss me anytime you want."

Kara smiles so brightly it rivals the sun and leans in and kisses Lena again.

Aww... Lena and Kara are so cute together. And here you go, some more Sanvers per your requests!! :) Next chapter, more cuteness! And maybe the bar fight... We'll see how it goes. Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!