Chapter 38

"Queen Lena."

"Sir Alex," Lena greets her back.

Only Alex's slight twitch of her eyebrows betray her surprise at Lena knowing who she is immediately. Maggie's looking between Lena and Kara with thinly veiled interest, noticing the lack of space between them and how they don't seem to mind in the least. That doesn't surprise her with Kara, but she has heard that the illusive Queen of the Luthor Kingdom likes her personal space.

Kara's too busy giving Alex a warning look to notice Maggie's inquisitive gaze, but Lena definitely does. When Kara's attention is pulled back to Lena and vice versa, Maggie leans in and whispers something to Alex.

Alex scoffs, pulling Lena and Kara's attention back over to them. "What? No way."

Maggie nods with a smirk. "I'll bet you ten bucks, Danvers."

Alex squints at her girlfriend, eyeing her warily. She relents and sticks out her hand. "Deal, Sawyer. I know you're wrong."

Maggie smirks as they shake on it.

"What did you guys bet on?" Kara asks curiously.

"Nothing," Alex answers too quickly.

Kara gives her an odd look but decides that now that Alex has a girlfriend, she probably doesn't want to know everything they bet on. She shrugs it off for now as Lena introduces herself to Maggie.

"You must be Sir Maggie Sawyer." Lena says, holding out her hand.

Maggie shakes it and smiles in return, flashing those famous dimples that make Alex melt, even if they aren't because of her. "Queen Lena Luthor. I have to say, I didn't expect you to know my name. I'm still pretty new around here. Hell, half of the people I work with don't know my name."

"They're learning a lot quicker than usual, babe. Especially since you're dating the hotter Danvers sister." Alex says, nudging her girlfriend and grinning at her sister's affronted noise.

"To be honest, I've been tracking your career for years." Lena admits. "You're very good at what you do and I was considering hiring you as a royal guard when you were scooped up by the Danvers. Though with my family's reputation, I doubt you would have taken the job anyway."

"I didn't know that." Kara says.

"I didn't either until I saw her face. I recognized it from her file." Lena says, reaching out her hand to let their pinkies intertwine briefly. "Not to mention, Kara's told me a lot about you. It's nice to meet you."

"It's good to meet you too. Now come on, Little Danvers. Your sister and I have been baking cakes." Maggie gives Kara a wink.

"Wait," Kara says, her nerves resurfacing.

"Wait?" Alex repeats, sounding bewildered. "Kara, you did hear her, right? She said cake."

"I know."

Kara reaches up to adjust her glasses before quietly huffing at the reminder she doesn't have them. Alex wordlessly pulls them out of her pocket and hands them to Kara. She watches her with worried eyes. Kara thanks her softly and puts them back on her face. Lena fights hard not to show how much she's swooning right now at the sight of her girlfriend in glasses. Who knew she could look even more adorable?

"Um. Before we go to the castle, I want to tell you guys something."

Kara adjusts her glasses again nervously. Lena wishes she could reach out and offer support, but she knows that this is up to Kara. Whether she tells them now or not, it's up to her. Lena doesn't want to pressure her with her touch. Gods know how many times her family had done that to her. She wouldn't ever want to do that to someone else, especially not Kara. Her sweet, loving, adorable Kara.

"Lena, um. Lena's my girlfriend."

Whatever response she expected, it certainly wasn't this. Alex scowling, yeah she predicted that. What she didn't predict was Maggie throwing a fist in the air with a victorious beaming smile.

"Ha! I told you, Danvers!" Maggie points her fingers at her girlfriend and pokes her in the side.

"Okay, okay."

Alex half-heartedly bats at her girlfriend's hands and hands her ten dollars while Lena and Kara watch in stupefied silence.

"You Danvers sisters move fast." Maggie notes.

"They're just really endearing. It's too much to resist." Lena says. Maggie laughs at that.

"So... You're okay with us being together, Alex?" Kara asks hesitantly, causing the others to shift their attention back to the Danvers sisters.

Alex purses her lips and lets out a sigh. "I'll respect your decision to date her. I know you're too trusting sometimes, so I'll be skeptical enough for the both of us. I'm not saying I'll be rude about it, I'm saying she will have to work for my trust." She shifts her attention to her sister's girlfriend. "Are you okay with that?"

"Truthfully, I was expecting you to say a lot worse." Lena admits.

"I was tempted to. But I know what it's like to be in the shadow of a sibling. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Luthor. Don't make this a mistake."

"I won't." Lena promises.

Alex nods and eyes her seriously. "Good. Now, I would give you the shovel talk here, but I'm betting Kara wants to tell our mom next. She'll do a much better job scaring you than I could on such short notice."

Alex grins at how Lena pales. She and Maggie start leading the way back towards the Danvers castle. Lena and Kara follow behind them, with the rest of the people they've been traveling with a few paces behind them.

Kara reaches out and brushes the back of Lena's hand with her pinkie finger after she doesn't speak for another couple of minutes.

"Lee?" Kara speaks softly and the gentleness eases Lena out of her panicked stupor. "I don't have to tell her today. Not if you're not ready."

"I'm okay, Kara. Really." She insists when her girlfriend gives her a skeptical look. "I've just... I've never gotten the 'shovel talk,' and you have so many people who love you."

"And in time, they'll learn to love you too!" Kara says.

Lena nods but doesn't truly believe it. She's used to people being not caring about her continued existence, she honestly can't picture anyone aside from Kara caring like what she knows her girlfriend's thinking.

"I know that if I asked, you wouldn't tell her." Lena murmurs and Kara looks at her with kind eyes. "It's odd... On one hand, I'm terrified. I'm worried about what your parents, your friends, your people will think. About how they'll try to tell you of a Luthor's manipulative ways, about how I'm incapable of love, how you're too good for someone like me."

"Lena..." Kara murmurs, bringing her fingers close to her girlfriend's but letting her initiate anything. Lena intwines their hands together.

"But on the other hand, most of me is dying to scream from the highest tower that you're mine and I'm yours. That somehow, out of everyone you could date, you chose me. And every cell in my body is proud of that." Kara looks at her with an expression reserved only for Lena. Lena flushes and tucks a stray strand of hair that fell out of her braid behind her ear. "What?"

"You're really good with words." Kara says, squeezing her hand gently.

"I am a Luthor, Kara." Lena says, with less bitterness in her tone than she used to have. "I have to be good with words."

"Mm." Kara hums. "But you didn't have to be poetic. You're just a romantic."

Lena laughs and grins at her girlfriend. "Only for you, darling."

Kara blushes scarlet and she fiddles with her glasses, flustered. "See?" She squeaks out. "Romantic."

Lena chuckes, noticing how Alex and Maggie are both watching them interact out of the corner of their eyes. For once, she doesn't mind.

They reach the castle and some stable hands help bring all of the horses to the stables while DEO agents flood the area to take the prisoners away. One of the dumber ones whistles as he's being taken away when he sees Maggie and Alex holding hands, which doesn't end well for him. He gets decked in the face by Maggie while Alex kicks him in the crotch. He whimpers in agony and has to be dragged away.

"Creeper." Maggie scowls.

"Pig," Alex mutters.

"Thank you for doing that, I was starting to get tempted to do that myself." Lena says. "He's been leering at Kara and I nonstop."

"He's been what?" Alex snarls.

It's only Maggie's arms wrapping around her waist that stop her from marching into the DEO and doing something more damaging to him.

She lets out a huff. "I hope I get to interrogate him."

"But for now, let's leave the interrogation for your mom and Lena." Maggie coaxes.


They lead Kara and Lena into the castle and down the larger halls with beautiful paintings on them.

"Are these yours?" Lena asks curiously, stopping in front of a painting of a young girl that looks like Kara with a devastated, grief-stricken look on her face that makes Lena's breath hitch in her throat.

"Yeah. Most of them, anyway. That's one that I drew when I first got here. I poured my grief into it."

"It's beautiful." Lena admits softly, not seeing Alex and Maggie have paused to let them talk.

Kara chuckles. "Believe it or not, that's the first time someone's told me that about this painting. Usually it just depresses people. I even had one person burst into tears when they first saw it."

Alex coughs to disguise her amused chuckle, whispering to her girlfriend. "That was Winn."

Hopefully this turned out well! And hey, the bet kind of eased the tension! It's one of those things that I didn't plan but thought of and just had to add in! And this is a slightly longer chapter, so whoo! Next chapter, Lena meets Eliza (duh duh DUH... Or will she be cool with it?). And I have to say, I'm really liking Alex's response. Anyways! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!