Chapter 41

They decide to let Kara eat in silence for a while. Lena spends the entire time marveling over how her girlfriend can demolish a single cake in ten minutes. Maggie and Alex cuddle on Kara's bed, switching between watching the new couple and looking at each other.

Once Kara's done with the first cake (somehow managing to only get a little bit on her face), she gestures for everyone to come over. Alex brightens noticeably, drawing a curious look from her girlfriend. She walks over to Kara, pulling Maggie along as well.

Kara grabs the extra plates that Alex had set aside in case Kara feels generous and cuts up some of the second cake. She reaches out to hand one to Maggie first.

"Sorry, Little Danvers. I'm lactose intolerant." Maggie explains. "I'll just eat a little bit of Alex's." Kara nods with a sympathetic look and hands the plate to Alex.

"Hey!" Alex says in mock-protest.

"Sharing is caring, Danvers."

Alex squints at her girlfriend, at a loss for a comeback to that. "... You're lucky you're cute."

Maggie grins. "I know. The dimples really help."

Kara fake gags, drawing their attention back to her and Lena. Lena, who has a giant piece of chocolate cake on her plate. Alex's eyes bug out and she looks between Lena's plate and her own with exaggerated head movements.

"Why does she get a piece that's twice the size of mine?" Alex asks, baffled.

"She's my girlfriend," Kara explains.

"And I'm your sister. Maggie and I spent hours making them for you!"

And now the infamous Danvers pout is out. Despite what many believe, the badass agent's pout is just as deadly as her sister's.

"... Fine." Kara relents.

She picks up the dull knife again and is about to cut another slice when she gets a better idea. Hiding her expression from her sister, Kara leans down and cuts into the cake. Except she only cuts through the bottom part, without the frosting.

Alex gapes at her sister's action, staring at the frosting-less slice of cake being offered to her.

"You monster," Alex breathes out, horrified. "Who cuts like that? There isn't even any frosting!"

Kara giggles and deposits the slice on her sister's plate. "You want frosting?"

"Of course, yeah!"

Maggie doesn't know what Little Danvers is going to do, but she's been around her enough to know that that smile is trouble. She steps back, away from Alex, who despite her extensive training doesn't notice her girlfriend's retreat.

Lena joins her, watching the Danvers sisters interact with amusement. Kara scoops up a bit of chocolate icing with an overemphasized movement. She then brings it towards Alex's plate but the full knife changes direction too fast for Alex to block. Kara smears the icing on Alex's nose.

Alex's shocked expression is almost comical. That is until her eyes narrow and she looks more like a predator than a woman with frosting on her nose. Maggie tries not to drool.

"Kara Zor-El Danvers." She says in a dangerous tone.

Kara's giggling and clutching her stomach, laughing to hard to answer.

"You did just do that." Alex says. "You know what this means?"

Kara stops laughing and her eyes go wide. "Prank war?" She breathes out almost reverently.

"Prank war," Alex confirms.

"Oh dear." Lena mutters under her breath, causing Maggie to look over at her. "Kara told me about their last 'prank war.' Jeremiah, Eliza, and J'onn had to stop them because it was getting to be too much."

"At least they have us now to make sure they don't go too far." Maggie remarks, grinning as Alex chases her sister around the room, cursing her while Kara laughs.

"That they do," Lena says. "But I'm not sure we will be useful on that front. I have a feeling we're just as competitive as the Danvers sisters."

Maggie nods. "That's fair. We're probably just going to add fuel to the fire."

Lena chuckles. "That's a fair assessment."

Maggie and Lena laugh when Kara, seemingly done with running away from Alex, just floats up to the ceiling. She rests her back against it. Kara's too high up for Alex to reach, but that doesn't keep her from trying. Alex jumps up, swiping at her sister and missing by a foot.

"Come on, Danvers. You won't be able to get her." Maggie says, attempting to coax her girlfriend over to her.

Alex gives her an offended look and drags a chair over to Kara, who just floats away to a different spot on the ceiling.

"Darling, get down from there." Lena says.

"Why? Alex will just punch me." Kara remarks.

"It won't hurt you." Lena reminds her. "Plus, Alex hasn't told us about why Queen Eliza was yelling at her."

Kara lets out a little gasp, floating down a foot. "I forgot about that!"

Alex gives Lena a betrayed look before trying to get her still floating sister. Alex leaps up and grabs onto Kara's sides, dangling from her and using her upper body strength to keep from falling the couple of feet to the floor. Kara giggles like it tickles.

"Don't drop my girlfriend, Little Danvers." Maggie says worriedly, watching as Alex gives her sister a determined look, still hanging on.

Kara sighs and slowly lowers herself. Alex lets up of her as soon as her feet hit the ground. Kara stands next to her a moment later, getting a smack on the shoulder as soon as she does. She pouts at her sister, rubbing where she was hit.

"Like that hurt you, Supergirl." Alex snorts.

"It hurt my feelings." Kara retorts, maturely sticking out her tongue. She grows serious as they rejoin their girlfriends and their cakes. "So what happened?"

"Well, basically... The assassins being sent after Lena were a distraction, something to get you away from National City. They sent more of their people here to carry out a hate crime. We figured it out just in time at the DEO and Maggie and I were the ones that knew that it had to be the bar they would target."

"The Dollywood place?" Kara gasps out.

Alex nods in confirmation while Lena looks confused yet intrigued. "Why would they target that bar?"

"They knew it's a safe space for aliens." Alex answers and Lena goes silent, mentally cursing her adoptive mother.

"So Danvers and I made everyone evacuate while we figured out a plan." Maggie continues the story. "We did the best we could with what we had, which meant setting traps and bringing as many agents in on the day of their attack."

Maggie and Alex take turns explaining everything. Kara almost falls, laughing too hard at what their traps did.

"They're brilliant." Lena remarks as Alex shows her the blueprints to one of her creations. "It's amazing you got everything ready and working in such a short amount of time."

Alex blushes at the compliment. "Yeah, well. Now they know never to underestimate a Danvers."

"Yeah!" Kara gives Alex a high five. "We should come with a warning!"

Alex chuckles, then changes the subject. "So what happened with you guys?"

Lena sits back and lets Kara tell it, only interjecting occasionally with a comment or an explanation when Kara's brain leaps from one place to a vastly different place. Alex and Maggie listen intently to her, with minimal interruptions. There are a few, like these.

"Kara I love you but I don't need to know what you and your girlfriend did in bed tighter."

Kara's face heats up. "Alex! We weren't even dating then! We only-"

"Nope," Alex cuts her off. "Don't want to hear it."

And, "Lena, I didn't know you're an expert Markswoman." A fact that impressed both Alex and maggie, despite Lena's insistence that she's not 'that good.'

Kara's just finishing telling them about the fight when there's a knock at the door.

"Is it dinner time already?" Alex asks, frowning.

"No, that's not for another thirty five minutes and fourth two seconds." Kara replies.

"You count down to dinner?" Maggie asks, surprised.

"You don't?" Kara says.

"Fair enough. So who's at the door, Supergirl?" Maggie questions.

Kara pulls down her glasses and focuses her x-Ray vision. She smiles, "It's a delivery for Lena!"

Lena gives the closed door a nervous look, like she's half-expecting an assassin or something to burst through. But she trusts her girlfriend, and Kara doesn't seem nervous.

Lena opens the door to reveal a guard she and Kara traveled with.

"My apologies for interrupting, Queen Lena. I was I was informed that this is where you would be and was ordered to bring this to you as soon as possible. Would you like for me to carry it inside so I can set it down on a table? It's rather heavy."

"No, it's alright. I can carry it. Thank you." Lena replies politely.

The knight nods and doesn't attempt to argue, just places the wooden box in her hands. She walks back into the room and sets it down on the table. She opens the latch and pulls up the top. The others peek inside and Alex lets out an audible gasp.

"No way. Is that...?"

"A working crossbow?" Lena prompts. "Yes, it is."

Ooh, Lena and Alex can have their nerd fest now! I love everyone's interactions! Soon, there's dinner with the parents and then they have to all discuss Cadmus and Lillian... This chapter also features a shameless headcanon of mine that Maggie's lactose intolerant. I too am a lactose intolerant lesbian, yet I put myself through eating ice cream... Worth it. Most of the time. Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!