Chapter 102

Lena and Kara walk out of their room with the last of their things that they hadn't already put in the wagons for transport. Kara lets out a squeak, covering her eyes with one hand.

Alex is leaning against the opposite wall, with Maggie pressed against her as they make out. It's more gentle than rough, which Kara appreciates because as much a she doesn't want to see this, she really doesn't want to see her sister in a heated make out session. Gross.

Maggie pulls back from her fiancée and looks over her shoulder, laughing when she sees Kara covering her eyes. "You can look now, Little Danvers."

Alex chuckles breathlessly when she realizes what her fiancée means by that. Her eyes flutter open and she blinks, not having realized that she was keeping them closed. She's just in time to see the amusement in Lena's expression as Kara uncovers her face.

Maggie takes Alex's hand and one of the bags Kara's carrying and begins walking towards the kitchen.

"You know I have super strength, right? You don't need to carry that." Kara says as she and Lena follow them, also hand in hand.

"Yes, but I'm a gentlewoman. I don't let anyone carry that much, even if you do have superpowers. Especially if that person is my future sister-in-law."

Alex grins widely at that and raises Maggie's hand to her lips. She doesn't even mind when Kara says "Aww" loudly, no doubt alerting the nearby guards to how sappy Alex is. Though by now, most if not all of them know that.

"Where are we headed?" Lena asks once they pass where they could turn to head out the main entrance.

"The kitchen, to fill your girlfriend's bottomless pit of a stomach," Maggie answers.

The three of them laugh as Kara cheers loudly enough for the hallways to echo with it. Kara urges them to go faster, practically skipping down the halls to the kitchen with Lena by her side. Lena smiles at her warmly and lets herself be pulled.

Kara is, like usual, the first to sit at the table in the kitchen. Lena sits next to her and Maggie and Alex sit across from them. Kara manages to wait semi-patiently, only squirming a little bit as she waits for the food to come. Lena chuckles when Kara perks up, her head turned towards the room where Lyra is making food. She sniffs the air and smiles.

A moment later, Lyra walks out carrying a tray of food. There are three plates and she sets one in front of Lena, Maggie, and Alex.

Kara pouts at Lyra. "What about me?"

"I could never forget you, or your appetite," Lyra teases. "I need to make another trip for your breakfast."

Lyra heads back to the other room, the door swinging shut behind her.

Maggie looks down at the plate of food in front of her. "I know it's rude to eat before everyone's served, but I think I'll make an exception to my politeness this time."

Kara shrugs. "That's fair. Lyra's a really good cook."

"And seeing you devour your meal could make anyone lose their appetite," Maggie adds, cutting up her waffle.

Lena shrugs and follows suit. Alex has been eating since the food was first set down in front of her. She's long since learned that no food is safe around Kara and that she will often need to eat as fast as she can.

"I guess the unappetizing eating runs in the family," Lena remarks.

Lyra comes back out with another tray, this time stacked higher than it was before and places everything in front of Kara. Lena laughs at how Kara's entire face lights up.

"Oh my Rao, I love you Lyra." Kara speaks quickly and then begins digging in.

"I swear, she's going to leave me for a chef someday," Lena jokes.

Alex lets out a snort, covering her mouth so that she doesn't show off the food that's still sitting half-chewed in her mouth. "No she won't, Lena. You're the Queen of the Luthor Kingdom; you're rich."

"And I'm a lesbian," Maggie deadpans. Maggie smirks at the inquisitive look she received as Alex swallows the last of the food in her mouth. . "What? I thought we were stating the obvious."

Alex lets out a huff. "What I mean is that Lena can pay the best chef in the world to make food for Kara. So she wouldn't leave her for a chef."

"I wouldn't leave her anyway!" Kara protests after quickly gulping down the food she had in her mouth.

"I know, darling." Lena pats Kara's hand.


The sun has risen high enough in the sky that there aren't any reds or oranges left from the sunrise. Lena and Kara place their last things into the wagon that's being used for their storage. Theirs is a separate wagon just in case. Because they're both royalty, they don't want anyone going through their things unchecked. Lena has been told horror stories from Lillian since a young age about attempted poisonings and assassination attempts on Luthors when their belongings aren't carefully watched and separated from other's.

Kara shuts the back of the wagon behind them, the locking mechanism clicking. Kara takes a breath, her hand still pressed up against the wagon to close it. There's nothing the woman of steel can do to steel herself for this.

She turns around and her lower lip immediately trembles. Eliza and Jeremiah have enveloped Lena in a rather tight hug, but Lena doesn't seem to mind. Kara hears a soft sniffle come from her girlfriend and closes her eyes briefly, trying not to cry too. Her eyes open when she's wrapped in familiar strong arms.

"I'm going to miss you, Kara." James murmurs softly.

"Stop hogging the Kryptonian, Jimmy." Lucy says, pulling James away from Kara before throwing herself in Kara's arms.

"I'm going to miss you too." Kara chokes out. "Both of you."

Next chapter, more goodbyes! I thought we would get through it this chapter, but apparently breakfast was more important in my mind! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!