Chapter 112

After practically collapsing on Lena's extremely comfortable bed and sleeping for almost ten hours straight, Lena and Kara wake up and feel much better rested.

Kara smiles at her girlfriend, who's still asleep and in her arms. Lena's curled up against her, her upper body resting on top of Kara, wrapped in Kara's arms. Lena's head is resting on Kara's shoulder and she hums, cuddling closer.

It's not the most comfortable position they've ever slept in, and Kara predicts that her girlfriend may need a back massage later on because curling up like that can't be good for her back. Which is funny, because after sleeping in smaller cots while they traveled, she would've thought they would have slept spread eagle or something on Lena's laughably large bed.

But Kara isn't exactly complaining.

Kara lies there, deciding not to close her eyes again. She doesn't know what time it is, but judging by how well-rested she feels, they've been asleep for a while. When she's not exhausted from traveling for so long, she can just lie here and enjoy being with her girlfriend. Without her eyelids drooping of their own volition, she can look at Lena. In a not creepy way, of course. She just likes to watch how Lena's expression changes as she sleeps.

Kara can tell when Lena begins to stir. Her nose scrunches slightly like she's not really happy with the fact that she's waking up. Kara thinks it's really cute, it kind of reminds her of her own "crinkle," as Alex calls it. Lena takes in a deep breath and she nuzzles slightly into Kara's shoulder. She lets it out and her eyelids flutter more rapidly than before. Her nose crinkles further and she lets out another breath in the form of a groan.

Lena does something that kinda looks like blinking with her eyes closed, her eyelids tensing for a moment. She blinks blearily like her eyes aren't quite focusing. Her grip on Kara tightens and she looks up to see her girlfriend grinning dopily at her.

"See something you like?" Lena murmurs, her voice raspy from sleep.

"Mm," Kara hums. "I see my beautiful girlfriend."

Lena blushes and presses her face against Kara's shoulder again, trying to hide her red cheeks from her chuckling girlfriend. She can feel Kara's body moving under her with the force of her laughter.

"You're sweet, darling. But I have no doubt that I have major morning breath and crazy hair."

"I love every part of you, Lee. Including the crazy sex hair even when we didn't do anything but collapse on the bed last night." Kara beams at Lena when she lifts her head to scowl at her girlfriend.

"You think you're so cute." Lena murmurs, squinting teasingly at Kara.

"Mm. I don't think I am, but I'm often told that by my gorgeous girlfriend. But she's a little biased." Kara says.

"Biased doesn't mean incorrect," Lena points out.

Kara's smile grows wider and she kisses Lena forehead. "Now who's sweet? Now come on, I know you have things you want to do today."

Lena groans when Kara shifts under her, indicating she wants to get up. "Why? What time is it?"

"I don't know," Kara admits. "Do you want me to ask? If it's early I won't make you get up."

"You can't make me do anything," Lena says sleepily, yawning.

"You're right, my strong independent girlfriend."

Lena can feel Kara's smile against her forehead as she kisses it. Kara gets out from underneath Lena. She grumbles and curls up on the spot where Kara was, trying to much off some of the heat she left behind.

"You may want to put on different clothes than the ones you wore last night, darling." Lena points out, sitting up slight to give her girlfriend an amused look.

Kara flushes beet red when she realizes that. Her clothes are ruffled from sleeping in them, but it might not appear to be from that particular cause should she open the door. She removes her hand from the door handle and presses a hand to her heated cheeks, trying to will them to cool.

Kara blurs and uses her superspeed to look for clothes. Since they were too tired last night to bring anything in and didn't want anyone interrupting their sleep, Kara doesn't have any extra clothing here.

"Hey Lee?"


"Do you mind if I wear your clothes? Ours hasn't been brought in yet."

"I would prefer you wearing nothing, but I suppose that you wearing my clothes is fine." Lena drawls, rolling onto her back in the bed to see Kara's reaction, which does not disappoint.

If Kara's face was red before, it's even worse now. She lets out a soft beep and blurs again, setting the clothes she found on the bed. Lena sits up, smirking at her girlfriend.

"Lee!" Kara complains. "My blush was just starting to go away!"

"Yes, but you look so pretty with it." Lena says, biting her lower lip as she looks her girlfriend up and down.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I don't think we'll be leaving this room today at all."

"Is that a threat or a suggestion?" Lena asks, winking at Kara. "You just look beautiful in my clothes."

Kara flushes shyly, looking down at herself. She's wearing a plain black t-shirt that's much too loose for her, so it must be for Lena too. The pants are more tight fitting than she usually wears, which Lena definitely appreciates, especially when Kara turns around to face the door.

She opens the door and speaks softly with the guards, who physically startle when they see Kara. They stutter through their responses and Kara thanks them before shutting the door behind her.

"So?" Lena asks, raising an eyebrow.

"It's eleven."

"In the morning?" Lena's eyes are wide as she gets out of bed.

"Yeah, we slept for quite a bit." Kara's now cooling cheeks warm again as her head turns rapidly towards the closed door.

"What is it?"

Kara reaches up to adjust her glasses awkwardly but forgets that they're not there. She runs a hand through her hair and gives Lena a shy smile.

"They're, uh... Speculating as to how we spent the night in order for you to sleep this long."

Next chapter, more of this! Jess will be joining the party soon! :) And we are heading towards the wedding like I mentioned, we just have some Supercorp stuff to get through before I make myself cry by writing the vows for Maggie and Alex! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!