Chapter 118

Alex rolls over onto her back and huffs, letting her arm drop over her face and cover her eyes. Sleep doesn't seem like it wants to come. She's not used to sleeping alone. Even before Maggie, she rarely had to since Kara likes to cuddle.

She takes a deep breath and tries to relax into the comfortable bed but it feels too cold, too empty. Alex groans quietly. This is the night before her wedding and one night where she definitely needs sleep. Maybe she could... Alex huffs again. If she's contemplating that, then the decision is already made. She gets up and out of bed, shivering at the onrush of cold air. She grabs her sweater that she had grabbed in case she got cold without Maggie and pulls it on.

Alex pulls open the door, a gentle light filling the lifeless feeling bedroom. She takes a deep breath and then slips out.


Maggie's awoken from her restless sleep once more and sighs. But this time, it isn't because she got cold or someone walked by. She wakes up because light floods the room. Enough that she knows someone slipped into her and Alex's room. She sits up, pulling up the covers so they cover her bare chest. She reaches for the knife they keep hidden under the pillows and pulls it from its sheathe. She hears the intruder chuckle and she sighs, putting the knife back in its sheathe.

"Alex?" She whispers into the darkness, squinting at the shape of her fiancée. It becomes clearer as Alex steps closer. "What are you doing here? I thought we were going to sleep apart for tonight."

"I can't sleep without you," Alex admits.

Maggie softens and lifts up the covers. "Neither can I. Get in here, you dork."

Alex slips into bed and wraps her arms around Maggie. "Missed you," she murmurs.

"I missed you too, babe." Maggie admits, pressing a kiss to Alex's forehead. "So how's this going to work? Are we just going to let them find us in the morning?"

"Nope. I'm going to sneak out before they can find us," Alex answers.

Maggie chuckles. "All that effort just to cuddle me. You're a sap, Danvers."

"You're only now figuring this out?" Alex mumbles. "Now shh, I wanna sleep."

Maggie grins, her dimples invisible in the dark of their bedroom. She spoons Alex and grins at how Alex melts in her arms. Alex scoots back so that their bodies touch as much as they can. Maggie wraps her arms around Alex and lets out a happy sigh. Sleep finally comes for them both.

Maggie tightens her grip on Alex when she feels her squirm.

"Babe, I have to get going. I waited as long as I can. Unless you want to incur my mother's wrath on our wedding day?" Alex says, only half-joking.

Maggie lets out a sleepy noise of protest and tugs on Alex's sweater. "Kiss me before you go."

Alex relents immediately, leaning in and kissing her fiancée deeply. "I love you. See you soon, Mags."

"Love you too, Allie." Maggie murmurs, leaning in to peck Alex's lips one last time.


"Alex, Alex!" Alex groans when she feels a weight on top of her. Gods, Kara's as excited as she is on Christmas morning. "Wake up! It's your wedding day! Come on!"

Alex opens her eyes to see her sister's face alarmingly close to her own. She lets out a startled noise and sits up. They would've smacked foreheads if Kara didn't have superspeed.

"Get up, come on!" Kara urges.

"Lyra made something really good, didn't she?" Alex asks Lena, who's standing in the doorway.

"And won't let Kara have any until you get up." Lena confirms, winking at her girlfriend when she tries to stutter out an explanation.

"That's not the only reason I'm here waking you up. Come on! Your wedding is in like five hours!"

"Exactly. It's in five hours." Alex yawns and stretches.

"Yeah! So we only have five hours to get you ready!" Kara says. "Now come on! As your maid of honor, I need to get you ready!"

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up. And I'm staying in this until I put on my wedding dress." Alex says, getting out of bed.

"Al-" Kara's cut off by Alex's firm look. "Fine. Now let's get food!"

Kara spends the morning parading Alex around the castle, from getting food to a room close to an exit that goes to where the wedding will be held soon. Alex hasn't seen how it looks with everything set up, but Kara doesn't let her do anything but eat and sit in the chair to do her hair and makeup, after they get the dress on of course.

When they get Alex into the dress, it makes Kara burst into tears. Which in turn causes her girlfriend to cry, as well as Alex.

"Stop, you have to do my makeup next." Alex says with a sniffle, smiling at her sister.

"It's perfect." Kara says, wiping her tears away as more form. "You're definitely going to cry during your wedding, so now we'll know what works best."

Alex sighs and wipes a tear from her eye, admitting to herself that Kara actually makes sense. Alex sits down on the seat in front of the many mirrors that Kara has brought in here. She sits down and Kara begins "working her magic," though judging by her giggling it isn't going as well. Lena eventually takes over after laughing for a good couple minutes at Kara's attempt.

"I'm not used to working on other people!" Kara protests.

"You're cute, darling. You did succeed in making her resemble a clown," Lena says with a chuckle.


Alex snickers but silently agrees with Lena's assessment. Kara grumbles good-naturedly as she does Alex's hair, curling it for her. The two of them make Alex close her eyes.

"Okay, now you can open them." Lena says as she pulls her hand away from Alex's face one final time.

Alex opens her eyes and gasps softly. This is exactly what she had wanted, the makeup looking natural on her face, and the curls gently frame her face. Tears well in her eyes as she chokes out a thank you.

"Now your hair is as straight as you," Lena jokes.

Alex lets out a watery laugh, wiping the tears from her eyes once again. Lena chose good makeup, it doesn't show any signs that she was crying a minute ago.

"Alex," Kara says. She points to the clock. "It's almost time."

Slightly longer chapter for you lovely people ;) Next chapter, the wedding officially starts! And if you're like "hey wait! What does Alex's dress look like?" I did that in purpose, I'll describe it in the next chapter! Happy holidays, guys! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!