Chapter 123

"Welcome to the reception to the wedding of my daughter Alex and my new daughter-in-law, Maggie. It's an honor to be here to celebrate their love, and I couldn't be happier with my newest daughter. Thank you all for coming. And don't worry, I won't delay any longer, Kara," Eliza jokes. "Let's eat!"

Maggie reaches out to take Alex's hand and squeezes, smiling softly at her wife before digging into the food that was delivered to everyone's spots during their first dance. It's all their favorites, and Alex special ordered Maggie's tiramisu for dessert from her favorite place.

Maggie and Alex smirk at each other through mouthfuls of food when Kara squeals at the sight of potstickers.

"Best sisters ever!" Kara declares before stuffing two in her face.

"Darling, please remember your manners. We're at your sister's wedding. Perhaps it isn't the place to see how many potstickers you can cram into your mouth," Lena says softly.


"Hm?" Lena's eyebrows scrunch together.

"That's how many I can fit in my mouth. Winn counted."

"That is... Disgustingly impressive."

"Thank you." Kara gives Lena a wide smile.

Kara perks up, her eyes lighting up as she picks up her fork. She eats a bit more good quickly and then swallows it. Lena just tries not to look for too long. She loves Kara, but her eating habits leave something to be desired.

Kara picks up her fork again and taps it against her glass carefully. With all her years on earth, she still occasionally has to do math in her head to see what kind of speed and force she should be using in order to not shatter or break things. The glass makes a loud clinking noise. Everyone is familiar with the noise and they pause their conversations so they can listen. Kara clears her throat and stands.

"Now that the brides have made us all cry with their first dance, and we all have a little bit of food in our stomachs, it's time for me to embarrass my sisters with my toast."

"Kara..." Alex murmurs, shaking her head with a fond smile.

"I've known Alex for a little over half of my life now, and I've never seen her as happy as she is with you, Maggie. You make her smile and blush and turn into what Winn calls 'a gay puddle.' " People chuckle.

"No punching little brothers on your wedding day please!" Winn says. Alex jokingly points her finger at him, the one she's been threatening him with.

"Maggie, I haven't known you as long, but I've seen how you light up around her. I've seen you with what Alex swears are double dimples when she makes you really happy."

"Aww, babe." Maggie says teasingly, giving Alex that same smile that Alex thinks of as her double dimple one.

"What I'm trying to get at is that you two are amazing together. You guys work together like two pieces in a puzzle." Kara clears her throat and then continues. "On Krypton, we had what we called the Matrix, which would put us with our perfect person. Maggie, I know you've said it sounds kind of like soulmates, except selected by an 'indescribably sophisticated machine.' That part's from Winn." Kara says, using air quotes. "I have no doubt that if we were all on Krypton or if we had our own Matrix here, you would be put together. You're soulmates, and I'm so happy you two managed to find each other. This toast is to you. To Maggie and Alex Danvers-Sawyer!"

"To Maggie and Alex!" People repeat, raising their glasses.

They take a sip as Kara sits, taking a sip of her own. Her eyes widen. "Al, is this...?"

"Alien wine that you like and is also strong enough to get you drunk? Yes, yes it is."

Kara mouths her thank you to Alex as her girlfriend stands up and taps her glass to get everyone's attention again.

"I apologize for interrupting the delicious meal again, but I figured I would say my toast before you all get lulled into a false sense of security." Lena smiles when people chuckle. "Maggie and Alex. I haven't known either of you very long but I trust you more than I ever trusted a member of my family. And for some reason, Maggie, you trusted me enough to ask me to be your maid of honor. Thank you for that. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Or better sisters." Lena tries not to choke up. Kara reaches up to hold her hand and she takes it, using the touch to ground her. "I'm honored that you've welcomed me into your family. I've never had a good reference for relationships, but when I saw you two interact for the first time, I knew you had something special. Even though you bet on whether Kara and I were in a relationship the first time we met."

"Alex, of course, lost." Maggie says, nudging her girlfriend. Alex huffs and nudges her back, grinning.

Lena clears her throat softly and then continues. "You have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen, and I'm so proud to call you my sisters. To the Danvers-Sawyers!"

"To the Danvers-Sawyers!" They repeat.

They take sips from their drinks again and Lena sits down. The dinner is still warm, since the toasts didn't take too long. Even if they did, they always have Kara. Maggie and Alex smile warmly at each other and then begin eating again.

The clinking of utensils against plates and bowls fills the room, echoing in the vastness of the throne room. Conversations start up again, including one where Winn draws Lena into a conversation about some idea he has for some new technology. Alex and Maggie end up tuning in as well.

"It's a nerd fest at your wedding, Alex." Kara teases. "And Winn, your design wouldn't work. You need a hydraulic compressor."

Winn frowns and his eyes widen. "Shoot, you're right! How do I always forget you're a genius?"

Next chapter, more of the reception! Now I'm going to stop typing and actually go talk to the person I need to talk to... I got a scholarship to go to this awesome convention and I need to finalize some things but I hate bothering people without appointments! Aah! I'm going to stop putting it off. Like I'm legitimately five feet from her office. Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!