Chapter 130

Alex leads Maggie to the master bedroom, tugging on her hand to guide her. They can't help the giggles falling from their lips, feeling like teenagers alone with their partner for the first time.

Maggie pulls Alex to a stop before they enter the bedroom and presses her against the wall. With smiles on both their lips, they kiss. It's a slow, deep kiss that says everything they can't find words for. Maggie pulls back before they get lost in it or increase the intensity, resting her forehead against Alex's.

"I love you," Maggie murmurs.

Alex smiles brilliantly at her, trying to blink away the sudden tears clouding her vision. "I love you too."

They peck each other's lips and then Alex holds Maggie's hand tighter, gently tugging at her to indicate she wants to go into the bedroom. Maggie willingly follow her, about to head to the bed but her wife is leading her into the walk-in closet. Her eyebrows furrow but she mentally shrugs, deciding to just go with it.

Once they're inside the closet, Alex removes her hand from Maggie's and steps closer until their bodies are almost completely pressed against each other's. Maggie's breath hitches as she meets Alex's eyes to see her pupils swallowing the irises. Alex's hands slide underneath her suit jacket and up her body.

Maggie lets out a breath, trying to keep her mind from going completely hazy from lust. "Alex, babe. As much as I love you, I don't want our first time after getting married to be in a closet. Though it would be hilarious to tell people, it would be like a next tier gay joke."

Alex's face breaks into this smile she always has when she thinks Maggie is being cute.

"Mags. You said you didn't want the clothes we're wearing to get wrinkled and dirty. You wanted us to hang them up. I'm just following what you want." Amusement laces Alex's tone.

Maggie blushes a deep pink. She had completely forgotten that she said that. She drops her head onto Alex's shoulder, groaning softly.

"Forget I said anything, Allie. I forgot."

Maggie can feel Alex's shoulders shake as she laughs. "I can tell. Now come on. As long as the thought of making love in the closet didn't completely ruin the mood for you, I would very much like to get naked. Or at least out of this dress. It wasn't made to be in for long amounts of time.

Maggie gestures for Alex to turn around and she complies. Maggie unzips it slowly.

"I'm good, Allie. And I would love to get naked," Maggie says, her voice getting huskier than usual. "Plus, I have slept with someone in the closet."

Alex hums thoughtfully. "Isn't it a bit cramped?"

"Babe, we've had sex in a DEO weapons storage closet before." Maggie reminds her.

She can see Alex's neck and ears turn red from blushing, even from behind her. "Oh yeah." Alex drops her head into her hands. "Gods, I couldn't look J'onn in the eyes for weeks."

Maggie snickers, remembering how the Space Dad of the family and his Earth Daughter both studiously avoided looking at each other unless absolutely necessary. She found it hilarious; her and Lucy made a (water) drinking game about it.

"Mm hmm. But that's not what I meant, Misses Danvers-Sawyer. I meant they weren't out yet."

"They weren't..." Alex trails off with a sigh as Maggie snickers. "You and your puns."

"You love it."

"I love ," Alex emphasizes with a wink. "The puns are just an unfortunate side effect of being your wife."

"Sure they are. Don't worry Allie, I know you like them." Maggie presses a kiss to Alex's exposed upper back.

"Maybe we should stop talking," Alex suggests.

Maggie nods, despite knowing that Alex can't see that. Alex slips out of the sleeves of her dress, causing the top half to fall down around her waist, held up by it hugging her hips. Alex takes in a sharp breath when Maggie unexpectedly presses a sweet kiss to the spot just below her neck. Maggie knows that spot well by now, knows to kiss it whenever she gets the chance. It's marked by a small scar from her falling backwards onto gravel as a little girl.

Maggie unhooks her bra and hangs it up while keeping an eye on Alex's beautiful body. She takes off her own jacket and hangs it up, the rustle of fabric causing Alex to turn around and look. Maggie still has on the plain white button up and tie. Alex puts her hands on Maggie's shoulders to stop her when Maggie's hands go to her own buttons.

"Let me, please." Alex murmurs.

Maggie removes her hands and Alex tugs on the tie with a smirk. Maggie blushes slightly, she had nearly forgotten it was there. Alex undoes the tie and hangs it up on the same coat hanger that the suit jacket is on. She turns back to Maggie and begins undoing the buttons, smirking to herself when she motives how Maggie's eyes are glued to her bare chest.

"See something you like?" Alex teases.

"Definitely," Maggie confirms absentmindedly.

Alex chuckles softly and continues unbuttoning Maggie's shirt until she reaches the last. She pops it out of it's hole and pulls the shirt open so she can see her wife's body.

Alex bites her lower lip. "You went all out for me, huh? That's a fancy bra. I know you don't like them as much."

"They aren't as comfy as sports bras. But only the best for my girl!" Maggie winks at her, dimples showing. Alex melts inside and grins dopily back at her. "Especially on our wedding night."

"I love you," Alex murmurs.

Maggie pecks her lips as she gets out of her button up. "Love you too, Allie."

They hang up Maggie's shirt and bra, and Maggie lets Alex unbutton her pants, but then stops her with a gentle hand on her wrist.

"May I get you out of your dress first?"

Alex nods. "Sure."

I was right, I thought I was going to draw this out! Next chapter, they take off more clothes and hopefully make it to the bed (I mean like I get far enough) ;) Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!