Chapter 139

Maggie relaxes back against her chair. They had decided that they probably shouldn't spend their entire honeymoon in bed. They each chose something they want to do, and Maggie's choice was to eat breakfast outside and watch the sunrise ("does this mean you want your eggs sunny side up babe?"). Alex's choice will come later in the day, she chose to go on a hike.

They're sitting at a table made of some dark metal, the top covered in a circular sheet of glass. Underneath the glass, the top of the table is made up of a checkered pattern, with holes between the lines of metal that make up the squares.

Their chairs are made up of the same metal, cool to bare skin in the chilly morning air. That's why Alex had the brilliant idea to put pillows behind their backs and underneath their butts. It's warm enough that they're outside in tank tops and shorts, but not quite warm enough with the sun not up yet for the metal to warm up.

Maggie hears the movement coming from inside shifting, hearing the soft clack of plates hitting each other gently. She stands and goes over to the sliding glass door, sliding it so that Alex can get through. Much to Maggie's amusement, Alex's first attempt at bringing her double toasted bagel outside resulted in her hitting the glass door with enough force for her to drop the bagel. So she also opens it just in case Alex doesn't see that it was closed.

Alex murmurs out her thanks and Maggie takes one of the plates from her, setting it down at the table. Steam rises from her eggs (she really does like them sunny side up, and she also loves puns, so she didn't want to pass this opportunity up), curling gently in the air like a soft caress.

"Are our drinks still inside?" Maggie asks as Alex sets down her own plate.

"Yeah. I can get them, though."

"Let me help, babe."

Alex nods and they head inside together, grabbing Alex's water glass and Maggie's glass of orange juice. Maggie sees Alex's eyes stray to where the wine glasses are kept.

"Do you want a glass of wine too?" Maggie asks.

"It's alright, it's early." Alex waves her off.

"I'll join you if you don't mind waiting an extra minute or two for me to pour it. Plus, it is after five o'clock."

"Babe it's six in the... You meant morning, didn't you?" Alex sighs softly, shaking her head at her wife with a smile. "Alright. Yeah, just hand me my water and I'll take these outside while you get the wine."

Maggie nods and gives Alex her water, giving her a kiss on the cheek as a bonus. Maggie goes to where they keep the wine that they know they'll want soon and pulls one out that she knows Alex has been eyeing. She sets it on the counter and pulls open the cupboards to grab the wine glasses.

She looks up at where they are and sighs softly to herself. Whoever designed these cupboards didn't have short people in mind, and Alex put the wine glasses away where they're supposed to go in this house, which is up high. Higher than Maggie can reach without climbing up on the counter. She takes in a determined breath and puts her hands on the counter, using her upper body strength to haul herself up. She sits up, holding carefully onto the shelving to keep her balance as she stretches, just barely missing grabbing the wine glasses. Alex just had to push them back a bit, too.

She feels a warm body press against her back and sees two hands reach up and grab what she was failing to get.

"I had it, babe." Maggie insists as the warm body pulls back from her.

She carefully turns around and swings her feet over the edge of the counter, now sitting on it. Alex expertly uncorks the wine bottle and pours it, carefully tipping the glasses.

"I know you did," Alex says. "I just didn't want you to tip over. I'll put them lower when we put them away."

Maggie comes up behind her as she pours the second glass, wrapping her arms around her wife from behind. Alex leans back into her touch, humming softly. Alex puts the cork back in the wine bottle.

"Do you want to put the bottle away or bring it out with us?" Alex asks.

"We can bring it out with us."

Alex nods and Maggie pulls back, taking the glasses while Alex grabs the bottle. The door is still open, and Maggie may or may not stick her foot out unnecessarily far when she steps close to it to make sure that it's actually open. It is, luckily, since Maggie doesn't particularly want to clean wine stains off glass.

They sit back down at the table and begin eating their breakfast as the first tendrils of light become visible on the horizon. Alex and Maggie pause their chewing when the sun pokes its head out from behind the curvature of the Earth. Pinks and blues reach outward from the sun, bathing the once pitch black sky in a stunning variety of colors. The colors shift and dance across the sky as the sun makes its slow ascension.

The stillness of the morning means that the sun's rays warm their bodies without much of a breeze to attempt to take it away. Maggie lazily sips at the wine and smiles softly when she hears the birds of the forest begin their morning songs. Alex reaches her hand across the table and Maggie takes it in her own. It makes it much harder to eat, what with her only having one hand to use since the other is occupied, but it's more than worth it.

Maggie smiles when Alex lifts her hand to her lips, first pressing a kiss to the back of her hand and then to her ring.

"I love you," Alex murmurs.

"I love you too."

Someone mentioned not minding a filler chapter of fluff, so here you go! Soft gays! Next chapter, the other soft gays! One of my friends saw my post on Facebook over Spring Break with the picture of me with short hair and they told me that they literally screamed haha. And then they proceeded to insist that I was a new person in the poetry/creative writing club for the first half of the club! They also heard me while walking say "I have an entire chicken sandwich in my pocket" and instantly knew it was me lol. I have great friends :) Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!