Chapter 149

Lena slowly blinks open her eyes and looks over at the woman she's sharing a bed with. Kara's mouth is open slightly and a small line of drool is falling from her lips, but Lena thinks it's adorable. Kara looks peaceful, cuddled up against her. She huffs a little in her sleep and smacks her lips softly, scooting closer to Lena.

Lena's hand goes up to gently stroke at Kara's hair and she smiles softly when her girlfriend practically melts against her. She looks so soft, so calm now. Lena glances over at the book where she stored her poem and lets out a quiet breath of her own. She's nervous, and doesn't think it flows right. While maybe it's not the greatest poem in the world, she wrote it for Kara and she knows that she would love it, even if she decided to write "banana" over and over again until she got to the whole wanting to marry her part.

Lena decides that she's been anxious enough this past... However long it has been. She knows she can't completely avoid her anxiety, but it's her day today. She's not going to let those little voices in her head whispering about the "what if"s get to her.

Lena closes her eyes again with a soft smile playing on her lips. She falls asleep relatively quickly with the weight of her girlfriend's head on her shoulder.

When Lena wakes up again, she can feel eyes on her. But she doesn't feel threatened, she knows by now what being looked at by Kara feels like. She opens her eyes to see Kara cuddled up in the same place, except her eyes are open.

"Hey sleepy girl," Kara murmurs.

"Hey drooling girl," Lena teases.

Kara flushes. "You saw that, huh?"

"Mm hmm," she hums. "I think it was cute."

Kara shakes her head like she doesn't quite believe her and Lena leans in, gently capturing Kara's lips in hers. Their eyes close and they pull each other close. Lena rests her forehead against Kara's when she pulls back.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Kara."

Kara pecks Lena's nose. "As much as I love cuddles, my stomach won't let me stay still much longer."

"Go get us breakfast, then."

Kara perks up, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Breakfast in bed?"

"Mm hmm."

Kara lets out an excited high-pitched noise and then zooms off, leaving their blanket to flutter back down from the wind of her departure back onto Lena. Lena shakes her head softly at Kara's antics, smiling fondly.

Lena leans back and closes her eyes, knowing that Kara will be back there as soon as she possibly can. Sure enough, it's barely a couple minutes later when the door opens again and Kara walks in with a large amount of food. Honestly, the amount barely phases Lena anymore. It's just her eating habits that Lena wants her to work on.

Kara shoves half a waffle in her mouth before handing Lena her plate, grinning. Bits of waffles peek out from the crack between her lips and Lena cringes. Even if she weren't raised in a household that demanded the best posture and the best dining manners, she's not sure she could stomach seeing that.

"Manners, darling." Lena reminds her.

Kara's eyes widen and she nods. She chews thoughtfully, her eyebrows scrunched together, then swallows. "Right, no big bites."

Lena nods. "Thank you love."

Kara grins at the nickname and gets back into bed next to Lena, beginning to dig into her mound of breakfast. She carefully takes bites of it that don't threaten to poke out between her lips and Lena smiles at her. She knows that Kara's trying, and she's trying not to be so nitpicky about it like her moth-like Lillian was.

They usually finish eating at about the same time, but since Kara's taking smaller bites, it's taking her longer. Especially since if she uses her superspeed to eat, she can't ensure that syrup won't go everywhere. Lena leans back and looks over at the book.

"Do you already have a poetry book picked out that you want to read?" Kara asks, thankfully between bites. That's another thing she's gotten much better at, not eating with her mouth full.

"Yeah. It's the Sappho book. I figured we could read some of it before... Before we get to a poem I wrote." Lena says shyly.

Kara's entire face lights up. "Rao, you wrote a poem? That's amazing, Lena! I can't wait to hear it!"

"Will you wait for me to read up to where I put it?" Lena asks.

"Of course! Whatever works for you, Lee!" Kara says with a smile.

She bites down on a sausage as Lena gets up and grabs the Sappho book. It's one of their favorites and now it definitely will be Kara's favorite now that Lena has put her own poem somewhere in there. Kara's tempted to peek with her X-ray vision to see where it is so that she can know when to expect it, but she thinks it'll be more fun if it's unexpected.

Lena flips to the page they left off on and her lips twitch up into a smile. Now she remembers why they left off here. It's one of their favorites, and a translation they both love because the translator didn't try to make it seem like Sappho was anything less than a lesbian.

Kara sets aside her empty dishes on the bedside table and smiles warmly at Lena. "Ready?"

Lena nods. She clears her throat before she begins. "Sweet mother, I cannot weave - slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl."


Lena turns the page again and barely has enough time to catch the loose piece of paper that she immediately recognizes as her own. Her voice cracks slightly with sudden anxiety as she continues reading the poem she's on. She can see that Kara has perked up, noticing the paper as well. She'll read it after this poem.

Okay, next chapter we'll get to the poem! I actually do have it written, but like Lena I'm not sure it's the best haha. It'll be fine, hopefully! Thank you guys for your patience with the updates recently, we should finally be back to normal! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!