The Mafia wolf

**Behind the moon***

Chapter 1;

The hot shower was on but a man hotter than that was below, he let the water flow down his body ...his abs was a sight to see , he did not have enough time to enjoy the pleasure of the hot shower so he took his towel and dried himself before walking into his walk in closet.

Liam had a huge frown on his face , he is an under lord Mafia and his most priced good was been held by the bigger boss of the underworld , the eye.

Liam still can't believe he is going to a battle for his own goods just because his mortal enemy claimed it was his.

He wore a blue turtle neck and jeans before dotting his look with a jacket and glasses.

"Boss everything is ready" A man dressed in a complete brown set of suite bowed to Liam when he walked out.

"Let's leave" He got into his Mercedes and it drove away with his men all dressed in brown suit driving behind him.

After some few hours they arrived at the isolated part of the east , to any normal person it looks like a garden but to the Mafia lords it was known as the court , a place where all dispute are being settled.

Liam placed his finger print at the sensor before walking in without his men as this place was considered the home of peace, his frown deepened when he saw the man dressed in black, his enemy who had owned his good claiming its his.

"Liam long time" The man laughed out.

"Its been long we met and that's why your still breathing" Liam said with his hoarse voice.

"You both behave" A man in his fifties said before walking towards them.

"You all know the rules , who ever wins the battle owns the goods to the field" He said before walking ahead and they both followed him still maintaining eye contact.

The first competition they had was a shooting game , but they both won...they had a combat but it never ended , no one was giving up.

The man in his fifties known as 'The eye' , he had expected this from the two most powerful underworld mafias .

He knew a normal competition won't work with them , what they need is something simple but not plain.

"Stop" He shouted causing the two men to stop the fight.

"Why am I competing against a moron just to get my property? " Liam asked angrily.

"Those goods are mine , since when did you become a thief ?" Nick scolded before arranging his suit , for everyone in the underworld they where fighting for a container full of drugs but to both Liam and Nick they knew they where fighting for something more worth than drugs and its found inside the sachet of drugs.

"The rules of the game has changed .....there is an upcoming Miss pageant competition, who ever gets to train a low class girl and she wins this competition will take the goods" The eye said and they both frowned , this was a childish game and besides there was no time...they needed that goods faster.

"What are you saying? I am a mafia and not some fashion designer" Nick hissed

"Thats the deal , but no bribing is involved and your opponent gets to choose the lady you will use ....the competition is in two months, the clock is ticking" The eye said not giving them any room for argument.

"And remember why they call me the eye, I won't tolerate cheating" He warned before leaving those two men to themselves.

"Nick what's wrong with you? Your well aware those goods aren't yours" Liam scolded angrily , he was loosing his cool.

"Liam I know your not interested in the stupid drugs, you see that thing your interested more interested in it , I will choose your girl and send you the address" Nick said and walked out.

"You will never set your hands on that" Liam gritted his teeth before walking out , he had just one mission in his mind search for the ugliest girl on earth and send to Nick.


"Hey how dare they take away our light" A girl scolded from her room in anger , she was burning in rage and is going to hit someone this morning.

"Eva can you stop yelling, even our neighbors don't have electricity" A calm voice said and Eva frowned before walking towards her.

"Lucy you know I don't like being in the darkness, I had warned them about it" Eva scoffed and Lucy smiled before walking towards her.

"Poor Eva , there is no darkness because the sun is shinning brightly and illuminating our home, just say you love morning drama" Lucy said with a smile but Eva just frowned.

Eva had no parents and she lived in this poor locality with her cousin sister Lucy and her kid brother Sam who was suffering from apendix , he needs an operation and to top it all he is and asthma patient.

"Where is Sam by the way?" Eva asked before bending below the couch searching for her one and only pair of shoes.

"He went to beg on the streets so as to afford money to buy a spray" Lucy said and Eva stared at her in shock.

"Didn't we tell him to stop begging , how could you let him go?" Eva scolded.

"Eva you know how Sam is, he is as stubborn as you both never listen to me" Lucy said while brushing her hair.

"Uff, I will be back" Eva said when she found her shoes , she put them on and walked out when Lucy screamed from inside.

"Eva your hair" .

"She will never change, just woke up this morning and went out without freshening up or at least brushing her hair.


Eva arrived by the roadside and scanned around for Sam , she spotted him talking to a man in his car , Sam was about to walk inside the man car when Eva ran towards them.

"Kidnapper" She kept yelling and Sam turned towards her and he cursed out seeing his sister.

The man in the car immediately drove away.

"Are you OK?" Eva said worriedly but Sam just frowned.

"I was about to get kidnapped by a rich man but you spoilt it" He pouted angrily .

"you are a big fool , I will teach you a lesson" Eva said before taking off her shoes and about to hit Sam when he fell down unconscious.

"Sam , Sam" She called out in fear , she saw the crowd that gathered but her brother was more important.

"Taxi" She immediately stopped a cab before carrying Sam inside.

A man who has been watching everything happen smiled before making a phone call.

"Boss am in the poorest locality now and I just found a perfect girl" He said and Nick who was on the other side smiled , he stared around him and the room was filled with his men all dressed in black.

Within a blink of an eye he stood by the window and his eyes became bloody red.

"Are you sure she is unfixable?" Nick asked with a scary voice, he was the king of all vampires , the most thirsty of them all...and he will make sure to get that good because what was inside could be very useful for his kingdom. He was not going to allow the wolves to have it.

"Yes boss " His man who was also a vampire replied.

"Good then send her address and details to that stupid wolf" Nick said before hanging up.


Liam was fuming with rage , his men all dressed in brown coats where all nervous...they know what happens when their boss lost their temper.

"Liam" They heard that familiar voice from the door and sighed out in relief.

They all bowed in respect to the person who just walked in.

"Am here to help you, we won't let the vampires get a hold of our most precious jewelry" She said before her eyes turned white.

"It belongs to the wolves and it must stay with us , I could have taken the goods already but we made a pact with humans never to attack in their zone" Liam said regretting that stupid pact he made...a wolf never breaks his promise.

"We will abide by the rule...the kingdom is counting on us brother" The lady said , she was no other than the princess of all the wolves ...Malea .

"Malea am sure he already send the details about the girl we will be training, I don't like being so close to humans you try your best and train her " Liam said before walking upstairs to his bedroom.

"Lady Malea, the address was sent" A man bowed to her before handing the phone to her.

"We are going out, prepare yourselves" Malea said before walking out , she was going to do her best for her kingdom...her parents trusted her and sent her here so she is not leaving without her trophy.


Eva had already informed Lucy who joined her in the hospital, they kept pacing down the corridor scared when the doctor walked out.

"What happened to him? Why did he suddenly fall unconscious?" Eva asked worriedly.

"He needs to be operated now, we can't risk it....fill the registration form and book him for an operation as soon as possible" The doctor said and they where where they going to book for an appointment when they had no money.

"Handle all the bills, I want his operation to be done by the best doctor" They heard a voice say from behind.

They turned to see a lady with long black hair and she also had a few strands of white hair , her skin was white like an angel and she wore a white and brown attire...

Her bodyguard dressed in brown nodded before leaving.

She walked towards them majestically and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of her golden boots.

"Prepare everything for the operation" Malea said to the doctor who nodded before leaving.

Malea scanned at the two ladies, one looked low class but she was clean and cute , the other had messy hair ...her clothes where. ..ouch and she had just a shoe on .

"Your Eva" She said and Eva nodded , her guess was right...knowing who Nick was she didn't expect any more , but Nick would be shocked by the package she sent for him.

"Am Malea , an assistant to a billionaire , we need a model and I choosed you" Malea said and Lucy stared at Eva in shock , Eva laughed out.

"Lucy is it first april already? Or perhaps am dreaming....please pinch me" Eva kept laughing and Malea frowned, why do humans take everything as a joke.

"I know your shocked because you are the complete opposite of a model, but its a challenge between the rich to turn a low class girl into a model , its a great offer" Malea explained and Lucy poked herself trying to wake up from her dream.

"Wait , what your saying is you want to sign my sister in just because she is dirty , unclassic and ugly?" Lucy asked angrily.

"Yes" Malea said honestly and Eva frowned , she is not ugly...its just she has been busy trying to take care of her siblings that she did not have time to care for herself, she dont even remember the last time she bought a dress for herself.

"Go find someone else" Eva sneered.

"OK then , good luck with your brother" Malea said and turned to leave when Lucy ran towards her.

"Wait don't leave , are you sure you don't have any other ulterior motive? You just want to turn her into a model because of a challenge between your boss and someone right?" Lucy asked trying not to offend the lady God had sent to help them.

"Exactly" Malea said .

"Its just for a period of two months , if you agree to my deal then she will have to follow me now and in return I will pay for your brother treatment and also send him abroad together with you so that his asthma can be treated" Malea laid a good offer that even Eva heart skipped in joy

"Are you serious right now? And wait how do you know he has asthma?" Lucy asked suspiciously.

"Because I know everything, are you interested or not ...I don't have any time" Malea said being impatient.

"Are you sure you will fulfill your promise?" Eva asked giving in.

"Am like a werewolf, I never broke my promise" Malea said.

"As if werewolf is a thing, they are just stories so use something else" Eva said and Malea smiled, how she wished she could just transform now and prove her wrong.

"You can go check in the reception, I already paid for his bills now why can't you trust me? You have 5 mins , I will be waiting outside in my car , if interested you follow me" Malea said before walking out...she is a princess so they should be honoured talking to her.

"Sis what do you think?" Eva asked.

"I think you should go , remember its all for Sam and besides am here with him...and we will be in contact" Lucy said trying to persuade Eva , she could see that lady was sincere and meant no harm.

"What if they are not good people?" Eva asked a little scared.

"Trust me in this , we don't have any other choice" Lucy said before hugging her sister tightly.

"Take care of Sam" Eva said before turning to leave.

"Eva" Lucy called out.

"Yes?" Eva asked with a sad tone.

"Your shoes" Lucy said and Eva realized she was bare feet , she had taken off her shoes to hit Sam before he passed out.

"I will miss you, but don't bother we will be fine" Lucy said and Eva smiled before walking out.

She saw the number of cars aligned outside and she thought she probably made a mistake in choosing to leave.

She slowly walked towards the car and the door was pulled open by a guard , she walked in before they drove away.