Private Jet sex

Kara's POV_________________________________After me and Lena found a Lead to Kaznia I actually felt compelled to give up everything and tell her who I really was because I really wasn't bothered to take a jet prior to my super speedy flight."Come on Kara there isn't a faster way." She said as we walked in.To my suprise the lighting was very dim and luxurious.I sat on the luxuriously rose scented seat ,opposite her.She popped champagne open and romantic music .I thought to myself:

"So what do you think? " she asked .pouring me some champagne"did you make all of this ? " I asked while she handed me my glass."from core to skin" she answered giving in a small smirk while taking a sip of champagne.i just nodded .Suddenly I felt the urge to look at her chest and Oh Rao they are huge.I gulped loudly."hhmhmm "she cleared her throat"my eyes are up here " she said while taking a sipI choked then we both laughed while I pushed up my glasses in hope of comfort.Then I started feeling her foot going high up to my knees.stroking in circles.with that I leaned back and unbuttoned the top button."Isn't it hot in here ? " I said while taking a sip of champagne."I don't know lovely" she said.Then it started to make its way on my upper thigh. "fuck " I whispered"What's wrong ? I never heard you swear" She said in a joking tone.She knew what was wrong.I took the last sip of champagne and with that Lena went down the table and made her way to my knees .I could feel her breath on my crotch.I felt the need to take some relief and so I shoved my hand in my trousers and started running circles on my clit.She undid the chair from the floor and pushed me backwards.With that she got on my lap and we started making out.after loads of lip bitting and electrifying tongue touching she started humping on my clit."Fuck Lena" I said while throwing my glasses in the floor."I have been meaning to do this for awhile"She said looking down on me.she then got off of me and started undressing my trousers.she then got up and walked up to this weird looking cabinet.she wrote a combination of numbers in and pulled out a strapon.she got fully naked and then she put it on "you look so hot Lena" I said catching my breath.with that she pulled me into the wall with my back turned to her and She thrust it in me. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. My walls were clenching around it ."hmmm" I moanedshe then fastened her pace making me hit the window."Omg Lena faster" I said.With that she pulled out a remote and the strapon was on full speed."aaahhhh fuuuuck" I screamed with all that friction.The feeling of it started making me shake"I'm close" I said.she then turned me around facing her. I got on her legs and she kept going faster."Omg,omg,omg"I screamed getting louder with each word."Aaaarghhhhh"I breathed out as I came all over her."Fuck" she said. In frustration" what" I asked."We lost our power because of the thunder ... I'll have to do emergency landing.