Kara's secret 3( long time requested....ik finally)

Lena's POV _____________________________

It has been over 10 months since we last had sex and Kara was desperate. Now our baby was born and we decided to get a little time for ourselves so we asked alex to look out for mon-el our baby boy .

I was sitting at home -alone and waiting for kara to come back from work.

We had planned to have sex that day when she arrives.

But I couldn't wait so long for my relief.

I decided to have a head start.

And so I put my sexy black and red lingerie and I sat in bed wide legged.

I grabbed my pink vibrator and I pressed it against my clit

"Fuck "i said at the sudden feeling.

Suddenly i felt a breeze of wind and I looked up at the door.There she was.Kara was stroking her erect cock while looking at me with hunger.

"What? Don't mind me ... just keep fucking yourself like the little whore you are"she said.

I chuckled in embarassment.

She jumped on me and grabbed the vibrator up to her cock.

She slowly moved  her mouth to my ear and moaned.

"Fuck kara .. that is so hot" i said while grabbing her shaft to stroke it.

She quickly pushed my hand away and put the vibrator on my clit."Mhmm"That is all i could let out .The way she was looking at me (straight into my soul as I was presented in this newly found weakness ) made me quiver in pleasure ... of this exposing and intimate moment.

She put the vibrator to the side and started rubbing my clit in unision to her stroking her cock.

I held my head back and closed my eyes to feel this bliss ... and to experience how arousing her slight grunts were near my ear.

I then stopped her.It was my time to shine.

I got on top of her and she smirked.

I got on top of her and we started making out...-i pushed her hand away from her shaft and I started stroking.

"Fuck" she moaned into our kiss. Her breath started hitching as I stroked faster.

"STOP NOT SO FAST" she screamed in pleasure.And so i stopped.

With that she spun us around and started kissing and sucking my neck .

She held her cock and led it to my entrance ... and i simultaneously held my legs around her waist.

She stood there with  a smirk.

"Dont you dare.... just fuck me already!" I said .

She let out a small chuckle and so i took it upon myself to pull her bottom towards me -deeply penetrating me.

"Ff-" she said with the sudden event.

"Oh Rao" she said as she shut her eyes tightly and i felt my walls clench aound her pulsating cock.

She started thrusting and thrusting and thrusting.

I was getting breathless with the the pleasure and she just kept going faster.

"Fuuuck" i said with each thrust.

"Lets take this outside." She said ... to wich i nodded in agreement.

She grabbed me and pushed  my legs  further around her, and she flew out of the window.

At this point we were fucking to the light of the sunset. Literally on the top of national city.She put her arms around me -making us steadier and she kept pumping.

Harder and faster.

"Fuck , Lena .. im very close" she said as i heard her squealing with pleasure.

"Holy Rao" she said as she went EVEN faster .

"Shit, kara im close too" i said as we fucked each other mid levitation.

Some how .. this sudden exposure , increased the level of euphoria.

"fuuck" kara screamed as we both came .

I then glanced down and i almost fainted with the sight.

"Oh , God kara. Get me out of here ... Now !" i said in fear of going down as the luther who died because of fornication with a super mid air.

______________________________As I bet yall know.. this was a major request from the readers.. im still holding on to some previous requests but yall can send some more if ya want.

Also , how are you guys doing in terms of quarantine . I know these can be hard times but just holdon to the supercorp smut to bring you happiness which is something Queller (the writer) could never do.