i want you bad

Quarantine really got kara in a mood today.She was pissed that even after she made up with lena , she couldnt see her. She knew she could never get the virus because well ; being a kryptonian meant that human diseases wouldn't affect her.

But she also knew that she could carry it and it would break her heart to pass it on to Lena..

*ring ring*Kara picks up the phone."Hello?" She asked."Hey, its me lena ... in just calling to let you know that i came up with a cure soooo.. when can we meet?" With that kara dropped the phone on the floor and flew to Lena's apartment.

Lena was waiting for her at the balcony.

Suddenly lena felt a fresh breeze with the smell of peaches.

"Why hello there ... that was quick!" She said.

Kara got close to her."Listen, there is so much that i need to say to you... its been months since we last spoke person-to-person and I wanted to tell you this in person... i wanted to look into those emerald eyes as I said the things that im about to say" she said in excitement.

"Well , and what is that? Lena asked easing into Kara as she grabbed her arms.

"I want you... so bad" with that Kara pulled lena into a  longing kiss.

They stopped to allow lena to breath.

"You have no idea how long i waited for you to do that " lena said breathless.

Kara paused for second just looking at Lena's mouth smiling and hearing the birds sing around the balcony.  She stood there admiring the view that was a happy and fullfilled Lena.

"Now, are you just going to stand there?" Lena said as she took off her high heels and started walking towards her apartment.

As kara understood what was about to happen she flew into lena and pushed her across the wall.

"Shall we ?" She asked

Lena nodded and bit her lip.

Kara started by leaving kisses on Lena's neck ; which was a weak spot as Lena held a moan... but kara knew it because Kara could smell Lena's arousal.

Kara went back into kissing her and held lena by the hips-pushing them closer together. As it happened she heard a squeal from Lena.

"Fuck you smell so good right now " kara said while pushing her crotch towards Lena."Oh fuuck Kara that feels so good" she said while breathing heavily.

Then Kara went on to taking Lena's blouse out and started caressing Lena's breast as they bounced with each thrust .

Lena was a moanful mess she wasn't there anymore.. she was only feeling the burning sensation in her legs which kept on making her hungry for more skin touch.

Kara was aware that she was pushing the limits on lena and if she kept going Lena would come undone right then and there.

And so kara stopped.

Which resulted in a punch from lena.

"Omg im so sorry ... i didnt mean to I'm just so frustrated .. Kara please just fuck me i can't take this anymore " she said as Kara took a step back.

"Lets roleplay.." said kara looking hungrily at Lena.

"I am your teacher and you are a very naughty student who needs to be punished; so from now on I will only answer to ma'am " she said as her face got closer to Lena until there were only a few inches a part.

Lena could feel Kara's breath against her mouth.

"Mhmm" Lena nodded.

Kara looked triggered by the answer. She abrutely turned lena around to make her face the wall and held both of her hands on one hand.

Then she spanked Lena once.

"What did I say? You now call me ma'am ... i do not accept non-verbal answers" she whispered in Lena's ear.

God was Lena turned on right now."Yes, ma'm" Lena said

"Now i want you to go to that table right there and take its contents off of it.. i want you to lay down on it with each arm and leg separate to each corner...  Got it? " Kara asked slowly caressing Lena's thigh. "Yes, ma'm" Lena answered and went straight to the table.

Kara opened a kitchen drawer and took out 4 rugs.

She tied Lena's arms and legs to the table's legs

She stopped to admire the view-once again.

"Damn u look miserable... did you want me to fuck you? Was that what you wanted?" Kara asked smirking

"Ffuck you Kara fuck me ... i can't take this anymore.. you either fuck me or ill fucking..."Lena paused to think.

"You'll fucking what?" Kara laughed as she got on top of lena.She ripped the rest of her clothes off and stood on the table .. looking down on her ..."Damn ... you look so hot from up here" she said .

"Yeah? You think so? Fuck me kara.. PLEASE IM LOOSING IT." She begged.

And so kara got off the table and made her way towards Lena's leg side.

Kara sighed "fine .. since you asked so much." She said as she started rubbing  Lena's clit really hard and fast.

"Holly shit" lena was shaking with the sudden contact in the place that had been pulsating the past 30 mins.. oh how fucking good it felt to lena.

Lena was moaning so loud that in the speed of light kara went to get a tape to tape her mouth.

With her super speed she was able to shake her hand so much it acted like a vibrator ."Oh my fucking god kara " Lena said shakily as her whole body shook with the built up frustration being released all at one .With kara's other hand she started pumping two fingers at a really high speed . And as she did that Lena screamed as she reached an explosive climax."Fuuuck Kara holy shit... fuck yes" she said in between big breaths.

After she came undone she laud her head back in full Euphoria.

Kara could see the way Lena's eyes shined.How she enjoyed being given a slice of heaven.

"Well, ill be here all day" kara said kissing her forhead and untying lena.

"Lets go again.. but its your turn now... i want to fuck you so bad youll never fly again" lena said and ran into kara for a kiss.