At LCorp

At 7:30 AM, Jess stood in front of the elevator at the top floor of LCorp, clipboard in hand.

The top floor of LCorp housed only one office, Lena Luthor's office, much to the brunette's chagrin in the beginning. The CEO had argued against taking up a whole floor, and Jess had argued that it was for security reasons that the office take the top floor. It had been an interesting argument, one that Jess won.

Along with that argument, Jess had insisted on placing two security on the top floor, hand chosen by herself. The two security guards, Stevie and Bailey, were loyal to a fault, one thing Jess was made certain of.

There were several panic buttons placed throughout the floor, organized by Jess. The panic buttons would alert the rest of the security guards, and would notify the NCPD.

If there is one thing that was true, it would be that Jess was great at her job.

The elevator opened, and Lena Luthor and a Golden Retriever Puppy stepped out.

Jess inwardly squealed at the sight of the puppy, who was wearing a collar that was a red bow tie, matching Lena's red pantsuit.

Jess cleared her throat. There would be time to pet the dog later.

It was time to go to work.


Kara looked around the floor, her nose picking up multiple smells. She saw Jess and two security guards

"Good morning, Ms. Luthor." Jess and the security guards said in unison. The two security guards bowed their head a little towards the CEO.

"Good morning Jess, Stevie, Bailey." Lena walked towards the doors to her office, leash in hand. Jess opened the door to the office.

Kara barked towards Jess, then she turned towards the security guards. The security guards were new.

"Mr. Wales will be here in approximately 30 minutes." Jess read off the schedule. "At 10:30 AM, the R&D department will come up to give their report on the progress of the alien detection device. Then.." Jess continued to list the meetings for the day.

Kara followed Lena's lead, tilting her head at Jess's words.

Lena kneeled down beside Kara, and unclipped the leash from the collar. Once Jess finished listing the meetings, Lena asked, "Anything else Jess?" Lena stood back up, and walked over to her desk, placing down her purse and the red leash.

Once her leash was off, Kara trailed off to the other side of Lena's office where there was a large kennel, with a memory foam bed inside, along with two dog bowls. There were a couple of toys inside the kennel, toys which Kara sniffed. There was a puppy pad inside as well. It was quite a large kennel. She kept her ears open to Lena's and Jess's conversation.

"Your lunch with Cat Grant is scheduled for tomorrow at noon. Your transport is already scheduled to be waiting for you downstairs at 11:30 AM. " Jess looked down at her clipboard, then glanced at Kara, who tilted her head. "Will you be taking uh-"

Kara padded over to Jess, then sat down, looking up at the secretary. Kara's tail began to wag. James could help.

"I have yet to name her, but yes, I will be taking her. According to one of the books you gave me, it's good for an owner and her dog to spend as much time together." Lena walked over to her desk, turning her desktop on, and then she sat down in her chair.

"...She reminds me of that girl." Jess commented, kneeling next to Kara, and extended her left hand. Kara sniffed her hand curiously. Kara allowed Jess to pat her head gently.

"Who? Kara Danvers?" Lena raised an eyebrow at Jess, who forced herself to keep a blank face.

The puppy tilted her head.

"Interesting that you jump to that conclusion." Jess stood back up. "It is quite unfortunate she wasn't at Catco yesterday." Jess walked closer to Lena's desk.

Kara padded over to Lena, walking around the desk. She sat down beside Lena's chair, glancing up at the brunette.

"Anything else Jess?" Lena asked, ignoring Jess's last remark.

Jess looked at her wrist. "Mr. Wales will arrive in 15 minutes. I will let you know when he arrives. Will you keep Kara here with you?"

Kara's ears perked up.

"Really, Jess?" Lena sighed.

"She does require a name, Ms. Luthor. Besides, I think she likes it." When Lena glanced at Jess, Jess gestured to the puppy, who had a happy look on her face.

Kara barked at Lena, standing up on her hind legs, resting her front paws on Lena's chair.

"Kara?" Lena murmured, looking at the golden puppy.

Kara had her jaw open, showing a beaming puppy smile.

Lena started to smile. "Alright. Kara it is then. Jess, can you get some dog tags for her?" Lena rubbed the puppy's head gently for a second. Kara sat back down beside her, tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Jess wrote down the request on her clipboard. "Will do, Ms. Luthor. Will you keep her here during your meeting with Mr. Wales?" Jess asked curiously.

Lena looked thoughtful for a second. "Does Mr. Wales have an allergy to dogs?"

"I am not certain, Ms.Luthor."

Lena sighed. "It would be best that she stay with you for the meeting, just to be safe."

Jess struggled not to smile. Kara padded over to the secretary, smiling widely at the secretary.

"Very well. I already have a place for her near my desk. I will let you know when Mr.Wales arrives." Jess walked out of Lena's office. Kara padded over to her kennel and went to her dog bed, and laid down, resting her head on her paws.

Kara thought, thinking back to when herself and Clark talked to Jess, wanting to speak to Lena about the venture.

Kara glanced at the working brunette through her kennel.

Kara kept an eye on Lena for the next couple of minutes.

Kara blinked and raised her head.

Lena pressed a button on her desk phone. "Go ahead, Jess."

"Mr. Wales is coming up in the elevator. Would you like me to take Kara now?"

Lena leaned back in her chair, and looked at the kennel. "Yes. Come in."

Jess walked in the office a few seconds later.

"The leash is on the desk." Lena gestured to the other side of her desk, where the red leash was resting.

Jess picked up the leash. "Come here, Kara."

Kara stood up from her comfortable bed, and padded over to Jess, then sat down. Jess kneeled down to attach the leash. "She is certainly smart. You think someone may have trained her already?"

"Perhaps. She knew to go to the bathroom on the puppy pads this morning." Lena said, straightening her back in her chair.

"Would you like me to look into a few puppy training classes? For a bit more training? " Jess stood up.

"I'll let you know later today, Jess."

"Alright. Come along Kara." Jess led Kara to the doors of Lena's office.

Kara barked, turning to glance at Lena, before following Jess out of the office.

Now. What to do while Lena was working?