Kara flinched as she felt something hit her back. She stopped walking and glanced behind her, lowering her snout to the ground. An acorn. She glances back up to the trees on her left. She sniffed the air. Her blue eyes caught a bit of brown hiding in the leaves. She let out a huff.
"...picking up the let go command really well." Bailey finished.
"She's about a year old, correct?" Lena asked curiously.
"Yes, she is."
Kara felt a slight tug on her leash, making her pick up the pace. She eyed the lake that was to their right. She spotted a group of ducks paddling around, a couple of them quacking. She sniffed at the air curiously, padding closer to the ledge.
Wonder was the name she had given a duckling she had found a few weeks prior. The poor thing had been on fire when she had found him, and all alone. Thankfully the duckling ended up recovering very well, although he didn't grow as many feathers back as the other ducks. She had been sure to visit him weekly, just talking to him when he got close to her.
Kara sat down by the edge, eyeing the ducks happily. She felt Lena and Bailey stand next to her, talking quietly.
Kara barked once. Several ducks raised their heads to face in their direction.
After a few seconds, three brave ducks paddled over, letting out a few quacks.
Kara woofed, tilting her head at the ducks. She felt her tail start to wag.
They chatted amongst themselves.
Kara looked on in amusement as they nipped at each other. After a few seconds, she spoke up.
All three ducks quacked in unison. They paddled off to the group of ducks.
Kara laid down by the edge of the lake, feeling grass under her belly. She eyed the group of ducks, hearing a couple of them quacking.
A few loud quacks later, a brown spotted duck made his way to Kara fearlessly.
Lena eyed the duck approaching them. "Well look at that." She muttered.
Bailey looked at the duck. "I'm surprised it's not scared of Kara."
They both looked on as the duck stopped in front of the golden puppy.
Kara yipped.
The duck tilted it's head.
Kara eyed the duck curiously, noting that a few more feathers had grown in.
Kara let her mouth drop showing her puppy smile.
The duck approached her slowly, observing the dog closely. It's beak seemed to twitch a few times as he took in her scent.
Kara tilted her head,
Wonder retorted, ruffling his feathers.
Kara wondered.
A couple of ducks quacked loudly, asking for Wonder to go back to their group.
Wonder quacked.
Kara barked lowly. Wonder quacked his goodbye and paddled back to the group.
Kara decided to remain laying down for a bit, enjoying the grass.
Lena and Bailey watched as the duck paddled off, leaving the puppy to lay peacefully on the grass.
"Do you ever wonder if animals can talk to each other?" Lena asked, a bit of wonder in her tone.
"...A bit, yes." Bailey answered.
"...I'm pretty sure we just saw those two chat." Lena said in amusement.
After a couple of minutes, they decided to continue walking. They made their way towards the southern part of the large park, enjoying the fresh air.
"Do you think we should go to the dog park?" Lena asked Bailey, looking worriedly at Kara. Bailey looked thoughtful for a second.
"I'm sure she'll be fine... Come to think of it, I think a few friends of mine are there today." Bailey said, glancing down at the retriever, who had stopped to smell the base of a lamp post. "Their dogs tend to behave...unlike Sandy." Bailey muttered.
German Shepherds are quite stubborn.
They made it to the rather large dog park, where a few of Bailey's friends were there with their respective dogs. Along with a few other strangers dogs.
Kara eyed the 3 bigger dogs warily. She sniffed at the air curiously, still remaining behind Lena's legs. Kara glanced at the different dogs. A Great Pyrenees, a Husky, and a Boxer.
Needless to say, Kara had been overwhelmed and had rushed behind the brunette who had chuckled.
"Is she yours?" Abigail, friend of Bailey, eyed the small puppy. Abigail was a bit shorter than Lena. Much like Bailey, she looked like she could work security, dressed in a white work shirt and slacks, with short brunette hair. Although, her shirt looked a bit ruffled. Along her shoulder was a small black backpack.
"Yes. Although it appears she's nervous." Lena kneeled down, allowing the puppy to get closer to her. "What breed is your dog?"
"Shelby is a big dog, but she's a sweetheart. She's a Great Pyrenees." Abigail kneeled beside Shelby and patted the large dogs back, making the Pyrenees nose her cheek.