
"I want two squads of agents with me. If she thinks she can keep my sister under her control...she has no idea how pissed off I am," Alex snarled towards J'onn, who was watching the video where Lena had picked up Kara in her puppy form.

"...I suggest you calm down, Agent," J'onn looked up from the video.

"Calm down?! A Luthor has my sister! Lex's sister has in her clutches!" Alex stomped towards J'onn, who just gave her a look.

"I'm well aware. However, charging in, in broad daylight is something we strive not to do."

Alex backed off J'onn and started to pace. "She has her. Kara doesn't even have her powers. How do we know that Luthor isn't torturing her!?"

"...Didn't Kara gush about Ms. Luthor after they first met?"

"That's...irrelevant. For all we know, she was putting up a front!"

"...Didn't Kara also gush about Ms. Luthor after they met in Noonans?"

"...She did," Alex furrowed her eyebrow, remembering Kara's second rant. Kara had gone on for minutes about the gorgeous CEO before going on about the evils of kale.

"I believe I also heard the words, 'would like to be friends with her', during that second rant," J'onn swiped past most of the cameras until he reached the camera labeled He watched as Lena and Kara got off the elevator, were approached by James, before being walked away by Eve. He noticed that Kara backed up against the CEO but didn't try to run towards James or do anything else.

"...Your point?"

"I'm certain that Kara would have fought Ms. Luthor if she thought she was in any danger, be it biting or running away. Dogs have a great sense of smell, including puppies. Come here," Alex walked back over to J'onn as he replayed the video. He placed it between them as they watched it.

"You said that James saw Ms. Luthor and Kara. Kara could have tried to escape Ms. Luthor, making a scene, in an attempt to get close to James, but she didn't."

"What do we do then?" Alex asked, sounding stressed out, taking back the tablet. She now knew who had her sister, all she wanted to do was get her back.

"It's about 3 PM now. Do you know if Kara is with Ms. Luthor now?" J'onn asked.

"I-I don't know. I just came here once I found out who took her."

"Do you know where they are?"

"...No. But it's very likely that Ms. Luthor is at LCORP."

J'onn looked thoughtful for a bit before saying, "I will deal with the detective. Take a couple of agents and stake out by LCORP, see if Ms. Luthor has Kara with her."

"And if she does? What do you order us to do?"

"I will leave that up to you Agent. Dismissed."


Kara sat patiently as Lena worked, her ears twitching every once in a while due to the keyboard. Her eyes would follow Lena's hands as she picked up a couple of buttons and grabbed a permanent marker to write on them.

Lena had shifted from sitting on her couch to the floor near the table, muttering about her back.

And Kara had wanted nothing more than to lay down next to her, but she stayed put.

Kara's eyes widened a bit when she heard her stomach rumble quite loudly that even Lena heard it, who turned to look at her with an amused look on her face. Kara, embarrassed, looked away from the brunette.

"...Hungry?" Lena asked.

Kara glanced back and nodded. Kara let out a small whine.

Lena stood up and grabbed her bowl from the kennel, cupped some food into it, then placed it down in front of her.

"Please, don't make a mess."

Instead of inhaling her food, Kara took her time, making sure not to drop a piece of kibble on the floor.' Kara perked up at the thought, licking her chops.

Kara continued to eat her kibble.Kara tilted her head.

Kara internally winced, remembering her first attempts to fly as Supergirl.

"Okay. I think this should work," Lena's voice made Kara look up from her food.

Lena picked up the buttons she had on the table and started placing them on the floor. Kara pawed close to them slowly, sniffing at them and getting a closer look at them. She could see letters on each button.

"I programmed each button to say a letter, so there are 26 of them, for the alphabet. I thought about programming punctuation marks, but I think I can understand you without that. So, press this," Lena nudged a blue button towards Kara, which had the letter 'A' on it.

Kara pawed it, then heard a robotic female voice saying 'A'.Kara looked at all the buttons before starting to move them around, nosing them along the floor.


Lena looked on as it moved them around, confused as to what it was doing.

It moved the buttons around for a couple of seconds, before sitting down and then started pawing at a few of them, making Lena hear the robotic voice saying 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R' and so on, before it ended on 'M'

Lena furrowed her eyebrow.

It looked back towards her, blue eyes shining.

"What are you trying to do?" Lena asked, making it cock its head to the left, ears twitching.

It let a huff before appearing to be thinking, then raised a paw, seemingly pointing to her table.

Lena looked towards her laptop, heard the robotic voice saying 'Q', 'W', 'E' and so on again. Her green eyes trailed absentmindedly over her laptop until her eyes settled over her keyboard.

It hit her. "Did you position it as a keyboard?" Lena asked, leaning over to see the order of the buttons, and seeing that they were in the same order of a keyboard.

It let out a small yip, putting its paw down then seeming to puff up, looking proud.

"Well, let's start."


Kara lowered her paw. Kara felt her fur puff up.