Kylo Ren's Hideout

There's snow on Yavin 4, which I didn't expect. It eerily reminds me of the forests on Starkiller Base.

I fly the ship low to the ground, looking for a place to land. Just when I think the Force-Bond to Kylo feels the strongest I keep going just a bit farther and it grows even more. I look out over the land. There are no buildings or signs of life, only treetops and snow. It's night time and the light from the planet's local moons give a pink hue to the snow that covers everything below.

I see a clearing and hover over it. It's time to land the ship. He's here, very close. Snow billows up around us as I land with a soft thud. Outside it's cold, and large snowflakes are falling. I didn't come dressed for this weather. I'm still wearing my desert garb.

A shiver runs through me and wrap my arms around myself. "Will you be okay BB-8? In this cold?"

"Yes, will you?" BB-8 beeps.

I smile down at her then jump out of the cockpit, landing with a crunch of snow beneath my soft soled boots. BB-8 waits patiently as I walk around the small ship and pull her out from the front co-pilot seat, then set her down in the snow.

"At least it's not too deep yet," I say. BB-8 gives me a thumbs up and we start walking. 

Kylo's presence becomes ever stronger as we crunch through the snow. The large snowflakes soak through the fabrics of my light clothes. My feet are instantly wet and cold. Between the trees I see a mountain cliff side. It rises high up blocking the shine from the moons. Then an opening to a cave.

This must be it. So far I haven't seen a ship or anything to indicate that anyone is actually on this planet. Could I have been wrong? Are these feelings that are drawing me forward not really a Force-Bond I share with Kylo? The sounds of the forest seem muted by the blanket of snow covering that covers everything. I move closer to the cave.

A flicker of light from within the cave catches my eye. My knees almost buckle at the realization that someone is actually here. I reach behind me for my fighting rod. My hand clasps around it. Is he waiting for me? Is this some kind of trap? I look down to make sure BB-8 is still with me.

"BB-8, you wait out here, okay?"

BB-8 starts to protest but I don't listen. I just got her back and I don't need Kylo Ren using the Force to drive her into a rock and smash her to pieces.

I let go of my stick, deciding I'll have better balance to walk through the cave by leaving it on my back.

As I approach the entrance I hear a trickling sound, like water. I walk faster, stepping over the stalagmites as I go farther into the cave. BB-8 wouldn't have been able to make it over all these rocks jutting out form the ground. I hurry my steps, not wanting to leave her behind for too long.

My breath puffs out in front of me as I walk faster. The farther I go, the colder it gets. I glance back to the cave entrance to see if I can still see BB-8, but the cave path has turned a corner and the walls are now blocking my view. I move forward again, toward the small flickering light illuminating off the walls. Then I see it, a candle, resting in a groove in the cave wall. There are more along the way.

I turn a corner and I'm suddenly in a cave room, lit with candles. It is much warmer in here but I'm still wet with cold snow.

I stop, frozen in place with uncertainty. Is this Kylo's hideout? I glance around the room. There aren't any high tech things, just the basics. It reminds me of my place back on Jakku in some ways, clay bowls, dried meet, a basic bed...

Then I see him. His dark hair hangs in his face, shoulders bare above the blanket he's got draped over his tall frame. He's asleep. My muscles tense. It's definitely him, and he's definitely sleeping. It's so unexpected. I could kill him, I could do anything, he isn't even aware that I'm here. I've found him. I've found Kylo Ren's hideout and he has no idea I've come.