Getting Back to What Matters

I'll get some armor on and go outside, but not to train. I don't want to hang around here any longer than I have to. I need to get back into my little stolen ship and fly the heck out of here.

I decide to freshen up and redo my hair into elastics first, which sit on the small table by the bed. Did Kylo take out my elastics? The fact that I can't remember is a little unsettling.

After spending a short time in the small bathroom I come out and put on the boots left for me. They're little big but they'll do. I want to take my desert clothes with me, I made them myself, but I can't find them anywhere. It doesn't matter. I won't be flying back to Jakku first anyway. I need to go tell the Resistance where Kylo is. But first, I need to get past him.

I pick up the light saber and it turns on, the radiant heat from its light hurting my eyes. The cave room isn't dark anymore with the few candles left dripping.

"We need a plan BB-8. We need to get back to our ship."

"It's not too far from here. Maybe you should agree to train with him, then we can make a run for it when he doesn't expect it."

Just as she finishes her sentence Kylo returns again, this time he seems a little agitated.

"Is it because you're a female, or because you're undisciplined, that preparing in the morning takes you so long?"

I spin the light saber around in my hand to ready position. He did just say that.

"Not here," he says, turning away. "You'll destroy the place." Then he walks off, his cape trailing behind him. Does he expect me to follow?

I take my time looking over armor laid out for me on the bed. It's not the Stormtrooper armor but it's similar, only black. Why does everything have to be black? I try on the breast plate and the belt, which has some buttons on it and electronics I can't figure out. I leave the rest of it. I don't want to be bogged down when I make a run for it. General Leia may not have wanted me to fight with the Resistance, but I'll be a hero when I reveal to them where Kylo Ren is.

I pick up the light saber and set it into my belt.

BB-8 is waiting patiently for me. I crouch down to talk to her.

"You have a great plan BB-8. But if we run off now he probably has a ship too. He'll follow us and shoot us down. Or at least he will no longer be here when we send the Resistance back to capture him," I whisper. "We'll go at night, when he's asleep. We can radio the Resistance-"

"We can't send a message from here, we'll have to fly to the outer edge of this solar system," BB-8 beeps.

"Right. Well it won't take us but a few hours, right?"


I stand up. With sleep and food I've got my wits about me now and I'm ready to face Kylo. He's not going to get the best of me this today. And before I leave tonight I'll get some answers out of him. But one thing is for sure, I have no interest in joining the Dark Side or being his... partner. All my life I've had one goal and only one, to find my family. It's time to get back to that goal. And once I'm out of here, that's all that matters.