"There is no Dark or Light side. There's only, The Force."

"We need to figure out how this works," Kylo says to me.

"Why would I want to work with you?" I cross my arms. "You're working for Snoke."

"Not anymore. I was never working for Snoke. I just needed him to think that. Hux and I had different ideas, for the use of Starkiller Base-"

"There's only one use for Starkiller Base and that's to destroy."

"That's not true. I wanted to use it to intimidate, not to destroy, as a threat to the pirates and the-"

"You're on the Dark Side." I furrow my brow. Does he seriously expect me to believe he has anything but evil plans for the Galaxy?

"There is no Dark or Light side. There's only, the Force."

"There's also how you use the Force, for good or evil."

"There's that."

We're standing closer now, our hands still clasped together.

"Luke saw it too," Kylo says, his fingers tightening around my hand. "That's why he went away to Ahch-To. He knew things weren't right and he went to search for answers."

"What things weren't right?" I ask.

"The disorder within the Jedi and the Resistance, and everywhere that claimed to have the Light."

"I don't understand."

Kylo drops my hand and it feels cold without his warmth.

"Why did you kill... your father?" I ask, watching him.

"Snoke would have had him killed anyway. He wasn't going to survive for long." Kylo stops a moment then continues. "I had to prove to Snoke that I was trustworthy, he was beginning to doubt me, beginning to see that I had other... plans. I didn't want him to see that."

"So you killed your own ?" 

He looks up, right into my eyes. "He was a drifter. He stole merchandise and sold it for ridiculous prices. He wasn't going to save the Galaxy by flying around and making dishonest trades. His will do more now for the good of the Galaxy than he ever would have while alive. I didn't want to..." Kylo stops. He turns abruptly, his black cape swinging around. "I did what I had to do."

"You don't ever to kill someone," I challenge.

"You're not familiar with the Jedi Code, are you?" he says.

I'm not sure how to answer that so I don't say anything.

"We believe in... believe in eternal life. They don't become obsessed in mourning for those who die." Kylo turns back to face me. "Any they also believe in the good of the many outweighing that of just one person."

Again I don't know what to say. Kylo walks off and I stay where I am. I wouldn't want to be followed, if I was him right now. Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I look for BB-8. She's a little ways off, near a tree. I know she's heard everything. And the poor little robot is a big muddy mess.

"Come on BB-8, let's get you cleaned up."