The Dark Side - Part 4

"I didn't believe he could do it," Hux says as he strides into the interrogation room with a smile on his face. He rubs his hands together and looks me over. "I don't see anything particularly special about you."

"Nor I about you," I say, unable to help it.

Hux smirks. "Tell me," He walks behind me, then around the chair slowly. "How did he get you into this chair? I know it wasn't by force." He stops, then whispers near my ear. "Luke told us who you are, or shall I say, we found a way to coerce him into telling us."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply. My jaw clenches tight. 

Hux straightens and begins to pace again. "You're in this chair willingly. Why?" He's on my other side now and reaches up a gloved hand to my lips. I turn my head away. "You like him, don't you?" His fingers travel down my neck. "How cute-"

"Don't touch me."

Hux's eyes go wide and his throat makes a choking sound. The Stormtroopers that came in with him, stand at attention by the door and don't catch on right away as Hux struggles for breath. Now that I'm locked onto him I do a quick search of his thoughts. He's got a strong mind, and there are details he keeps well hidden that I can't get to, details about Luke and what they're doing with him. I don't have time to force that information out of him. But I do see that he is planning to betray Kylo. He wants to kill him and take me to Snoke himself, like a prized trophy.

Two of the Stormtroopers rush over to me and zap my arms with an electric shock. I cry out. They don't stop until Hux raises a hand. "Snoke wants her alive," he says and they pull away.

My head pounds and my vision blurs. But I can still see Hux rubbing his neck, looking down his nose at me. All humour has left his face now. Then I see Kylo, standing silently behind him.

"Kylo?" I blink a few times. He's wearing his mask now and I can't see his expression. How long has he been in the room? Hux steps out of the way and Kylo comes forward. He removes his mask, tucking it under his arm. My heart squeezes at the sight of him, his black hair and intense eyes, his stony expression, now devoid of the emotions I once saw frequently during our time on Yavin_4.

"What's the plan Kylo?" I whisper, trying to look him in the eyes. But he looks past me, over my shoulder as leans down close to my ear. "I'm sorry, Rey," he whispers, then unlatches my light saber from my belt. He straightens up and hands the light saber to Hux then puts his helmet back on. Hux gives me a wink before they all turn and walk out of the room. The Stormtroopers march out with them before the door slides closed.