Chapter 47.

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Her tunic was hanging off of her shoulders, her tan skinned peaking over the cloth of her dark tunic as Kylo's mouth trailed across her collar bone.

His own tunic was on the ground a foot away, his chest was radiating heat onto her, warming her cheeks even more.

Kylo's hands were holding her, gripping the skin at her waist as they traveled up her spine, crushing her to him, creating a physical bond so tight that she felt he was freezing her there, as if someone was going to take her at any second.

Gripping the fabric of her tunic that gathered at her back, his mind spoke to her as he pressed another kiss to her neck, her shaky breath tumbling as her eyes closed, her head leaning back.

'Are you sure?' he softly asked to her mind, and Rey couldn't help but notice the quiet tremble in his tone.

Not able to trust her own voice, not even the one she'd speak with to his mind, instead, she slowly opened her eyes, meeting his dark, hungry gaze. Rey's fingers timidly went to touch his cheek, her fingertips brushing over his skin so lightly that he trembled as she traced over his scar, nodding her reassurance that she did in fact want this, even needed this.

Noticing the dark glint in her eyes burn darker as she traced over his scar, he felt the same primal energy return from her core, awakening the warmth within her and transferring into him, a sense of pride and satisfaction as her fingernail softly trailed down his scar.

Hungry with desire as he watched her, Kylo's fingers gripped the back of her black tunic, tearing it apart, filling their ears with the sound of ripping fabric and exposing her soft, milky skin as his own rough hands splayed across her back.

Rey's eyes shot up to his, a soft and quiet gasp escaping her parted lips as her cheeks reddened. She quickly gulped, determined not to shy away from his touch, and not to feel embarrassed as he slowly tugged the tunic off, casting it away to the side.

Her gaze shifted downwards as her hands flew to cover her nether regions, her nipples growing into hard buds as the cold air settled on her warm skin beneath his own gaze.

On Jakku, it was a normal thing for the women there to bare chested, though Rey herself still refused to walk around like that... It was true, Kylo would be her first, and before him, no other being in the galaxy had seen her as she was showing herself now.

Again, nervously, she gulped.

Kylo's black, tussled hair curled around his face in waves as he looked down at her, his knuckles brushing against her bare shoulder, drifting across her collar bone, up her neck until his thumb found its way beneath her chin, tugging her gaze up.

Hesitantly, almost too stubbornly, Rey's eyes focused on him, entrancing her there as his handsome, stern features hit her one by one, from the scar she had often admired, to his black, messy hair, his long nose and soft cheeks...

He himself was absolutely breathtaking.

Their eyes met, as if once more making sure this was what the other wanted.

In this moment, they both understood that they were giving themselves to the other... Completely.

Timidly, Rey's hands abandoned covering herself as she glanced down to his bare and muscularly toned chest, letting her hands spread across his skin as she felt every jagged edge of his muscles, of his scars.

Kylo's breath caught as she touched him, as she felt physical proof of his work from the battles and years of training. Her eyes trailed across every part she touched, her hungry, curious gaze slowly creeping up to meet his.

As he continued to peer down at her, his chest heaved with every deep, heavy breath. Burrowing his large hand in her hair, Kylo leaned down to meet her lips, her hot cheeks meeting his own as her lips parted, his own tongue darting out quickly to skim hers, tasting her and drawing out a soft moan from the depth of her being.

Needing no other encouragement, his other arm captured her, dragging her to him, and even beneath his pants, she could feel the proud, hard member that she had yet to explore poking at her abdomen.

Snaking his arm beneath her buttocks, Kylo lifted her, her palms flying out to hold herself up against his broad shoulders, knowing she had needed not to worry about falling.

His palm left her hair, traveling down her arm and landing on her hip, gripping her outer thighs as he moved her knee to his side, guiding her legs to wrap around him.

Doing as he silently demanded, she locked her ankles behind his back, her mouth never leaving his as her hands gripped him to her, nipping his bottom lip.

Kylo let out a low growl, igniting more sparks within Rey as she moved to kiss his cheek, and traveling down to his neck as he began to walk them to the bed.

Her mouth at his neck reminded him of the dream he once had, when his own teeth sank into her...

If at all possible, he could feel himself grow harder against her.

Pausing at the edge of the bed, before he placing her down, he nudged her away, her lazy eyes meeting his for a split second before his face disappeared into the crook of her neck, finding his target.

For a moment, Rey froze, unsure of what he was going to do, but feeling his warmth on her, she began to relax again as he planted a soft kiss at her neck, tasting her there with his tongue before she felt his teeth against her skin, a hard bite hitting its mark, sending vibrant jolts through her limbs, soaking her blood with heat as her stomach clenched with desire.

Her brows furrowed as her head leaned back, giving him better access as a raw, breathless moan escaped her.

Kylo's own breathing hitched as he heard and felt the reaction from Rey.

Even now, she still surprised him with how she sternly approved or disapproved of something, never taking a moment to fool anyway or waste anyone's time with indecisiveness. It was raw, it was pure.

And now, just as he bit her neck again, a bit harder this time, her hand shot up into hair, tugging and crushing him to her, no defiance in his body whatsoever as he obliged. Yes, he knew for certain she was loving it...

Though tasting her there, where her pulse throbbed, he had other ideas...

Pulling his mouth away from her, he met her lips once more as he gently placed her on the bed, making sure to be careful with her bandaged wound on her back.

Rey brought her knees up, hiding her center from his view.

Kylo couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips as his hands went to the band of his black pants, making quick work of the belted band, undoing them and tugging himself loose, his pants falling away.

Bringing herself up to her elbows, Rey leaned back against them as she curiously eyed his large and ready member.

Her eyebrows shot up, gulping at the size of it, unsure if she would be ready to take it...