Chapter 52.

A few hours later, Rey lay in bed with Kylo, her bare chest to the mattress, wrapped in a white sheet as he trailed a rough fingertip down her spine, so lightly that she woke from the shiver that coursed through her.

"Mmmm." she murmured, deeply inhaling as she turned to face him, a shy smile playing across her warm face.

Kylo peered down at her, having been awake for nearly the entire night after he had made love to her before Naboo, the window open for full view from the city. The thought alone made his ears redden, and his member slightly stirred.

His mind was uneasy though, unable to stop it from constantly running back and forth from thoughts of Hux, to his plan, the odd presence of Snoke that he felt in Rey's mind, and his meeting with Caleo. His day came crashing down when he had returned to Rey, the urgent need for her turned to a craving he wasn't sure he could sate.

It seemed to always be that way with her, a constant need and want, a new experience every time he was near her, their bond singing with every breath. It confused him, the utter rawness of their connection as it grew deeper and deeper the more time they seemed to spend with each other.

He couldn't complain though, as he sat naked in bed with the woman that drove him crazy with want, that seemed to work his nerves and his body just the same.

Kylo's eyes trailed from the arch of her back, to her wild hair spread across the soft, white sheets, and up to her face that was so warm and inviting.

Rey noticed immediately how his eyes grew dark with a familiar hunger as he studied her, sending nothing but warmth and need down to her center.

She glanced down from his hard gaze, taking her time to admire his scar before lowering her eyes to his chest, the outline of his muscles standing out so proudly as the sun began to rise. Rey looked back to his face, her lashes fluttering slowly as she gave him a look so tempting that he nearly took her there.

Bending his head low, he pressed a soft, lazy kiss to her shoulder as her eyes closed in delight as he trailed more kisses across her upper back, sweeping some of her hair to the side.

"I feel as though I could do this forever." she murmured, her eyes opening a moment later as she realized she had said it out loud.

She felt him smirk against the back of her shoulder, wishing she could see his face as her cheeks pinked.

"We very well can. We'll need to get some contraceptives though." he muttered, his lips still busy as he tasted new spots of her that he hadn't before.

"Mmmm... So, there will be more of this?" she asked, her tone light and seducing as the bed moved, Kylo's body now pressing hard against her back, his member awake and standing tall against her bum.

Rey's body instinctively pressured against his, arching against the bed as she fit to him like a puzzle piece, a sharp curse escaping his lips as she moved her body down his when he breathlessly answered, "Yes. Much, much more."

Kylo slipped a knee between hers, spreading them apart just enough to kneel behind her, his hands gripping her waist so tightly that she had no other choice but to do as he guided when he forced her onto her own knees, pushing herself up on her arms.

Moving quickly, so much that Rey lost her breath, Kylo shot his hands out to grip her wrists with one hand, holding them above her head as she arched against him and Rey let out a low grumble of a moan.

The air filled with Kylo's ragged breath behind her as he tried to pace himself with the wild creature he attempted to tame, his desire building along with hers.

Keeping his hip pressed against her, he let his large hand lay flat against the cheek of her backside, the idea of spanking her there briefly entered his mind, and he guessed the thought must have been loud as Rey stilled beneath him, high with anticipation as she wiggled.

The corner of Kylo's mouth turned up, the idea of teasing her becoming much more appealing.

Instead, he ran his hand up the long crease of her back, her arms still suspended before her as her cheek pressed against the mattress, bent to his every will and command.

The air was thick with their arousal, the sun peaking at them behind the clouds.

His hand trailed from her backside to her hip, giving a stern squeeze as he felt out her flesh and bone, moving so slowly to the part of her that begged for him, slick with proof.

Rey's eyes drifted close, her lips parting as she waited, trying her best to conceal her plea as she whispered it into the sheets.

His touch growing softer by the second, one long, thick finger came in contact with her folds, barely touching her, yet leaving her skin searing with heat.

"Hmm?" he hummed, knowing fully well what she had said, what she begged.

Rey's stubbornness came out, hidden beneath her hair and masked by the mattress as she refused to repeat herself, her teeth biting down against her lip, letting her body talk instead as she pressed back against him, trying to urge his hand.

A whimper escaped her as she felt his hand leave her completely, and instead burying deep into her hair, gripping softly as he tugged her back. Her core throbbed, shocked at how exotic it felt to be at his mercy like this, his hands rough though he never came close to causing pain.

"What was that?" he repeated, his tone dark and deep, a rumble coursing throughout his body and into hers.

Against her will, the word escaped into a breathless shiver. "Please..."

He leaned down against her, his nose skimming her jaw, his hand still in her hair, holding her back towards him. "Say it." Kylo's voice demanded of her.

Kylo waited as a tremor shook through Rey, her warm body shaking against his hard member, causing a stiff twitch against her as he groaned.

"Please...Touch me...Really touch me..." she begged, her eyes shut.

Needing no other encouragement, he released her hair, allowing her to settle back to the bed as he dragged his hand down her back once more, squeezing her hip before giving into her plea, basking in the wetness that awaited him, that was caused by him.

His fingers cupped her, circling over the sensitive nub that made her jerk and gasp, one finger entering her tight warmth in a single swift move.

Kylo shuddered against her just as she writhed before him, marveling at how hot and wet she was, her body so responsive to him.

In his training, he was always taught that passion for such things as sex was a mere distraction, even weakness in most cases. If they ever had anything even close to Rey, he understood now.

His finger delved into her slowly, backing out, and entering her with its own hard thrust, determined to make her yield under his own hand. Kylo's head drifted down as his eyes closed, resting his forehead at the back of her shoulder as she whimpered at his touch, her breathing hitching at every move of his hand.

Rey's cheeks began to flush with heat, her need beginning to turn into a strong crave that only he would be able to satisfy, her abdomen growing taunt as she shuddered against his chest, the thick member that waited for its turn poking at her inner thigh.