Chapter 61.

For the second time that day, his brain short circuited, tripping and stuttering over his own thoughts as he leaned back against the stoned rail, while she stepped away and knelt before him.

The act itself was not new to Kylo's mind, having seen a couple holovideos of pornography in his younger years. He couldn't admit, that even then, the idea was not enticing.

But here, with Rey, seeing her so eager and curious when it came to giving him pleasure...

His heartbeat quickened.

The next moment, it froze, feeling her slim fingers at his waistband.

Kylo's mouth went dry, forming into a thin line as he gulped hard, his hands looking for something to hold onto, deciding best to grip the railing behind him. His eyes flew around their surroundings, daring something or someone to interrupt this moment.

With his cheeks burning, his jaw just as tight as his grip on the rail, Kylo slowly looked down to the woman on her knees before him, her eyes focused as she began to tug his pants lower and lower, watching with dark, lustful eyes as she sprung him free, a small, shy smile appearing on her lips.

Again, his heart picked up the pace as his body grew hot, his abdomen clenching with anticipation.

At his nervous and hungry state, Rey smiled as she let the remainder of the alcohol take over her own nerves throughout her system, thankful that it worked out so well and so fast at calming her down and giving her such a playful thrill.

On a night like this, she was surely grateful for it.

Carefully, Rey moved to grip his shaft in her hand, giving him one long, slow stroke to the base, marveling in the shudder that escaped from him, along with shaky breath. His abdomen lightly heaved, trying to conceal the reactions that Rey was drawing from him.

She'd hardly gotten a chance to learn this part of his body, a few quick, shy touches here and there were the most she'd achieved, and now that this part of him stood firm and proud in her hand, she couldn't help but take a moment to admire him.

Her slim fingers looked even smaller as she held him, her tanned skin was no comparison to the color of his flesh here, appearing red at the tip, eager and pleading as it throbbed. Subconsciously, Rey's tongue darted between her dry lips as her eyes lit up, watching the head of his member throb with the same anticipation that fluttered through her abdomen.

Still awestruck, Kylo watched as Rey carefully stroked him once more, pressing her thumb on the underside of his member as she glided along to the tip, studying him with wide playful eyes as a drop of pre-cum appeared.

Again, a small smile dimpled her cheeks, and just as Kylo inhaled sharply, gathering whatever air he could to tell her she did not need to do this, he froze as Rey moved forward, pressing a long, soft kiss to his member, glossing her lips with the clear fluid.

Kylo worked to suppress a groan, his teeth clenching while his breathing grew heavier, watching her as she watched him. Her tongue skimmed across her lower lip, tasting the man she left quivering before her, her own teeth grazing her lip as she savored him.

Her pleasure at the salty taste of him flew through their bond, and for a moment, Kylo was nearly dragged out from the scene before him as he focused on the fact that he could feel her so vibrantly now, as if the devices went mute, allowing the force around them to breathe.

However, Kylo was quickly brought back to Rey when he felt her hot breath on his shaft, her small, pink mouth opening to take in the head of him, working her tongue around to decide where to lay.

With her mouth on him, he shuddered as his head fell back, a small moan leaving his lips and falling into the sky above them. The sound alone encouraged Rey even more, glancing up to see his scarred, handsome features turned upwards. When she cast her eyes back down to the part of him in her mouth, she noticed his hands that gripped at the railing behind him, his knuckles turning white from his hold while feeling out the new experience.

Still, she made no further move, popping the head of him out of her mouth to lay another kiss on the side of it, her tongue trailing back over the part that leaked only a moment ago.

Above her, she heard him audibly gulp, a small shift in his hips pushing him further into her palm that held him.

Briefly, Rey wondered what people would think... To see the Supreme Leader of the First Order crumbling before her...

He gave a single, hard thrust into her hand, his head shooting to look down at her with a glare, though his eyes were still dark and lustful.

"You're projecting..." he hissed, his chest rising and falling with each large breath.

Rey smiled, heat rising to her cheeks. Kylo moved to thrust again, to urge her on now that she was aware, however Rey gripped him tighter, though not too tight. Just enough to for his own heat to spike, and across their bond, she could see clearly that he liked it.

Her thumb moved to circle the head of his shaft, finding the spot that made him jerk and go breathless.

"You only need to say one word..." she muttered teasingly, continuing the torment.

Finally, the bell in his mind rang loud as he recalled the little game they had been playing for the past few days since the last time he took her.

'I'll beg you to stop when you beg me to start.' her voice echoed at the memory.

Seeing what he was thinking, Rey smiled as she leaned forward, looking up to meet his hooded glare as his member softly brushed against her pink cheek.

Seeing her this way, playful and eager, and feeling her excitement through their bond that seemed to light up more than ever, Kylo could actively feel the change in him as he slowly let go of the control he demanded to have, his jaw clenching and unclenching with the struggle.

Only this woman could make such a mess of him... His queen...His Jedi... His scavenger...

His Rey.

As the moment lengthened with silence, Rey watched him with her own glazy eyes as she waited, her mouth salivating and her core pulsating. She wanted this just as much as he did...

Right when Rey had thought she lost this one, his voice, usually deep and commanding, gave a soft, honest plea that reminded her of the time when he'd asked her to join him, though this time, the reason for why he was so breathless, made her body warm.

"Please..." the word escaped from his plump lips, and with a glance from his member to his face, Rey saw his cheeks redden even more as the breeze from the wind moved his hair around, exposing his red ears, too.

Rey debated telling him that one plea was not enough, however her own curiosity beckoned her forward as she again moved to his shaft, pressing her tongue against the base of him and moving along the side of him before taking him into her mouth.

The fit was rather tight, which was expected since she knew he was a large man, and for a quick moment, she wondered if maybe he didn't like it, but the more she took in, the louder the groan it brought forth.