3. Lying to a Leader

When at last morning came, he found himself standing in front of Snoke, who had reached out to him through the force, located him and requested they meet to talk. So there he stood, in the large, dimly lit chamber, awaiting orders from his Supreme Leader.

The hologram flickered to life, and Kylo dropped on one knee on instinct. He waited for Snoke to speak, his face hot inside the mask. Snoke's voice at last came from the hologram, deep and dark. "You have brought the girl back with you."

"I have."

Snoke leaned forward on his gilded chair. "Then surely you remember what we have discussed?" His question brought back the memory.

"I remember," Kylo replied. Yes. He did remember Snoke's requests. But he also remembered the hesitation that had flooded his body, trying to stop him from agreeing to his leader's orders.

"Make her trust you, Kylo Ren. Do whatever you must." Snoke paused and leaned forward on his chair, his sunken eyes drilling holes in Kylo's head. "And then you must kill her."

All of a sudden, a wave of lightheadedness washed over Kylo's body. He dropped to his knee, bowing his head. He could not kill Rey. He could not kill her. Somehow the fire that fueled Rey had imbedded itself in his mind. He could not shake her from him.

The connection he had felt with her when he searched for the map. He remembered it clearly then. The wave of energy that had passed between them when he took his helmet off, allowing her to clearly see that he was a human. He had felt called to show her he was not a creature in a mask. His body had acted on his own then, his hands traveling up and pushing the buttons before his mind, which he had thought to be so strong, had realized what he was doing.

And he had stood in front of her without the mask, likened to the form of his grandfather's. And somehow, Kylo Ren had felt as though a weight had lifted from his chest. Because for once in his life,  someone looked at him who did not feel as though he should be sent away. She looked at him like no one else had.

He could not destroy her.

"Master," he said--he begged. He could not bring himself to say anything more.

There was silence, a horrible silence that sat heavy on his head. And then Snoke spoke in a low, tremor-filled voice that forced tingling bursts of electricity down Kylo's spine. "Take off your mask."


"Take off your mask!" Snoke yelled, his words booming around the chamber, and nearly shattering Kylo's ears. The hologram flickered, Snoke's outburst having upset the connection.

Before Snoke would have him publicly shamed, Kylo obeyed. He raised his hands to the mask, standing up as he did so. He would take off his mask because he must. Not because he wanted someone to see his humanity. No. In this moment he wanted nothing more than to hide his anxiety, his fear, inside the cover it provided.

The buttons clicked into place, and then he was lifting the helmet from his head. He forced the anger, the hate, the dark onto his face. He. Would. Not. Let Snoke see his fear. He swallowed, hard, before turning his face up to the Supreme Leader. He held his helmet tightly against his hip, half-hidden behind his cape.

"You hesitated, Kylo Ren."

"No." He. Would. Not. Admit the truth.

"You lie," Snoke said, in a terribly deep, slow voice. "You will make her trust you, Kylo Ren. You will teach her. You will complete your training." He paused, and a slow, tight, eery smile wove its way onto his face. "You kill her."

"Master," was all he said. Somehow, he was still half-begging to be released of this job. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had formed a fantasy that he would simply be able to teach Rey. That he would simply be able to take joy in the thought of sharing his powers with someone just as strong as him. With someone who understood what it meant to have the Force alive in their blood, pulling in two directions at once.

"Swear it, Kylo Ren. Swear to me, or I will ."

Kylo bowed his head, forcing his emotions in a downward spiral to the pit of his stomach, where they settled. He felt nauseous. "I swear."

At last, Snoke leaned back in his chair. "Good. Now pull yourself together. Put on your helmet. You have a mission to complete."

The hologram flickered, and then was gone. And Kylo was left alone in the big room, nauseous and fearful. ?