3:Befriending Jirou


Akira's POV

I've always wondered what would happen if I changed the plot to a degree so I came to the agreement.

[That's it I'm going to befriend Jirou!!]Akira

[Shut Up and get ready!]Kuro


[Mmm,thanks for the food mom]Akira

[You're welcome dear]Yuki

[I'm off]Akira

[Bye]Kuro and Yuki

Timeskip:After School

3rd Person POV

[Hey Jirou um I know this is fast but do you want to hang out after school?]Akira

[Um sure]Jirou

[So I heard there is a music festival do you want to come?]Akira

[Obviously.Let's go]Jirou

Timeskip:Seeing as the author doesn't know what to put imagine anything you want.After the festival

[That was fun]Akira

[Yeah,Thanks for inviting me]Jirou

[Thanks for coming with me.Um can I have your number to keep in touch?]Akira

[Sure it's *******]Jirou

[Ok bye get home safe]Akira


Jirou's POV

Something interesting happened at school we had a new student they were interesting they were a girl but liked to dress as a boy.I bumped into her yesterday she was really cute,Wait what am I thinking.She took me to a music festival today it was really nice and I did something I could never do.I gave her my phone number.

[You really are and interesting person Aki]


Akira's POV

I should text Jirou Goodnight.

This world really is interesting