[Author's Note] = I'll just use ' ' simple from now on, so don't be nervous when some dialog is highlighted with ' ' instead of " "
'Flycyane!' You're the weakest fox in this forest and you really think I'd lose a fight with a girl?
She runs towards me but anticipating her movements I manage to dodge her sharp nails and run towards my house. As I know this forest like the back of my hand, I don't waste time and bend over to pass in narrow places, the undergrowth that exists on a large rock also can't hold me and so I jump over some rocks that are close to my legs, I cross some small lakes and so I maintain a reasonable speed and I can gain distance.
The fox can't keep up with the same speed and starts to lose sight of me.
'Okard' This kid is really fast! Even that girl with the pointy ears can't have more speed than me, but this damn boy is different!
He manages to resist my natural ability and the most incredible thing is that Okard dares to laugh and turn his back to run away, how strange! In some absurdly strange way he manages to have the same effect as my natural ability but in a different way.
I hate to admit it but in some unknown way I feel like an idiot when I'm around this boy, what a weird feeling, why am I feeling this?
[Line break]
Near a beautiful tree with yellow flowers. There is a beautiful white-skinned girl, currently this girl finds herself picking some wild berries. This girl's skin is smooth as snow and the hair on her head is golden and curly. This little girl's ears are pointed and long and she looks about 10 years old.
With her forearm crossed the handle of a small basket made of straw, the little golden-haired beauty holds a fruit that is shaped like an apple and takes it towards her beautiful mouth. Her lips are pink and her eyes are green.
Unlike the fox and the boy, this elf child is wearing a slightly more acceptable outfit on her fragile little developing body though it is still a torn rag. She bites into a piece of the sweet fruit that is in her hand and along with that she closes both her eyes and starts to slowly savor the sweet taste of the wild fruit that is being chewed by her little fluffy mouth.
Suddenly she hears some strong footsteps coming towards her, wasting no time she moves her beautiful head to the side and without showing any surprise the little elf opens her mouth and in a calm voice whispers. 'okard'
[Line break]
My body starts to feel heavy as running at high speed carrying a sturdy fish is a bit tricky but I manage to keep myself steady. The environment around me changes and I head towards a small valley of rocks and flowers.
Everything in this place exudes peace and quiet but I still keep the rhythm because that fox is very dangerous when it is close to a fish and human blood so I can't risk losing everything.
In the distance I see an illustrious tree, its leaves are the color of gold and to make matters worse I see a girl who has pointed ears. She notices me approaching and looks in my direction and along with that she opens her mouth and in a calm and serene tone whispers. 'okard'
As I approach I stop running and before speaking, I bend down and position the fish on the ground and after that I start breathing heavily, I feel the air entering my nostrils and going straight to my lungs.
'Is this a cartrazy?'
The little elf's childish voice invades my ears, I lift my head and look ahead and I notice that Lirial has her arm raised towards my fish and her index finger is pointed at the floor where my fish is.
I flash a warm smile on my mouth and with my chest puffing out with pride, I answer the question. 'Yes, this is a cartrazy' and I took it with my bare hands. The elf listening to my answer can't keep calm and starts shaking with emotion.
Her beautiful eyes start to glow and along with this glow the elf poses arrogantly and says. 'I am Lirial', future governess of this forest and you are just a human without magical powers so I will be merciful and allow you to feed me this fish.
After hearing Lirial's words, I frown firmly and reply. 'Which?' Are you by any chance going crazy? This fish is mine and only I will eat it!
Lirial can easily hear my words of denial and says. 'Okard', you are weak and can do absolutely nothing against me, just accept the blessing that I future mistress of the forest am giving you who are a human cub with no future.
Again I can't keep serious and an urge to laugh invades my soul, I bend over and take one of my hands towards my chest and answer. 'HAHAHAHAHA'
First I find a fox and now I find a girl whose ears are bigger than an apple and to make matters worse this girl still has the audacity to ask me for something.... AHAHAHAH!
I lift my arm and point with my fingertip to little Lirial's ear. 'HAHAHAHA' Ears so big... . HAHAHAHAH!
I can't stand my ground and I fall to the ground like a rotten fruit. 'AHAHAHAHA!'
Lirial doesn't like my somewhat exaggerated reactions.
Anger contorts her beautiful face and her skin that was once white as snow now starts to turn a few shades of red, Lirial opens her mouth and answers my insults. 'Okard' I will kill you!
A faint blue aura appears over the small body of the elf in front of me and like a child of a wolf she takes a small leap towards me, the basket that was on her forearm falls to the ground spilling some fruit.
But the elf ignores it because it seems that she has found something much more important than these fruits.
Hey you. "yes" I'm talking to you who are reading these words with your mind! I would like to wish you that all the best happens in your life. I would also like to ask all of you for help to keep me motivated to write. [Rate this novel 5 stars and surrender all your power stones! - Please (:]