
fool's paradise [04]

Flycyane and Lirial get into a major physical conflict and neither one shows fear or regret. The fox moves first and slashes with its small sharp claws towards the Elf's neck, but is unsuccessful in its attack.

Lirial manages to dodge it by moving its own head to the side and noticing an opening in the fox's guard. She flexes her right arm after having flexed her own arm, Lirial forms a fist with her hand and with all the strength of her arm directs a powerful punch to the fox's ribs.


The fox feels horrible pain but doesn't show it and stands firm, taking advantage of this opportunity it moves its beautiful little red tail forward trying as much as possible to buy time.

Lirial loses focus for a second as the fox's red tail prevents it from continuing to strike and so the fox manages to get back up. Flycyane lowers her hand towards the lower right part of her chest and notices that one of her ribs is broken. Her instinct screams for her to run away but before making any decision the fox looks in my direction and smiles.

The environment shakes a little and an almost red energy appears in the air, Lirial feels that this energy is emanating from the fox's body, but she ignores this new discovery and Along with this red energy some thoughts arise in her head. 'Has this fox always been so beautiful?' I think I should try to be more loving with Flycyane. Wait a minute, why are we even fighting?

The fox, noticing that he was successful in his love spell, begins to slowly approach the elf, clearly showing a fake smile in her small silky mouth, she approaches Lirial who is currently lost in false thoughts.

The fox's small claws appear and being like a black panther, Flycyane strikes the elf's ribs with a force and speed superior to anything she has ever demonstrated before, the elf's blue blood appears and without thinking twice she continues to strike.

The overwhelming pain and the elf's instincts manage to remove her from the dream world, thus forcing her to return to rationality.

She raises her arms and like a lioness tries to hit the fox's face but it's in vain, because this time weakness has already dominated her but Lirial doesn't surrender and concentrates maximum strength in her beautiful horns.


A thin multicolored beam cuts through the air and crosses the fox's chest and this time there is nothing to be done and the two girls collapse to the ground, both are breathing heavily and the smell of blood is in the air.


Seeing these two fighting somehow makes me sad it's like a piece of myself is fighting with another part of me and it's agonizing... Wait a minute, why am I worrying about these girls? What a strange thing I never felt this warm feeling....

I shake my head from side to side trying to get these feelings out of my head.

My scream reaches the ears of both girls who are powerless to continue the fight. Flycyane and Lirial stop what they're doing and focus their eyes on me.

I walk towards the two of them and lie down right between them. I open my mouth and being guided by this strange new feeling I say in a loving tone. 'Girls, you don't have to fight because of me!' I'm enough for both of you. After saying those words a warm smile appears on my mouth but Lirial and Flycyane can't smile.

The fox opens its mouth first and responds almost desperately. 'Okard' You are mine and mine alone! I'd rather kill that damn elf than have to share you.

Lirial listens attentively to the fox's courageous pronouncement and counters in the same way.

'Okard' That bitch doesn't deserve a human like you so just be mine because I'm so much prettier than this insignificant fox and I can pick the best apples for you and even better I can draw.

'Power tremor...'

Suddenly an invisible force appears and starts modeling and drawing something on my neck, I try to say something but this invisible force is infinitely more powerful and managed to dominate me instantly.

The trees begin to sway from side to side and along with this movement the leaves start to fall because the pressure that exists in the environment is extremely strong, the rocks around us start to break into several smaller pieces.

I look from side to side and realize that it's not just my neck, the necks of the two girls are also glowing white. Lirial and Flycyane feel the same sensation as mine however there is something different in the air it's like a current of electric energy is connecting our souls.

Everything happens in less than 2 seconds!

On the right part of my neck is the design of 9 tails and on the left part is the design of two strangely powerful horns both tattoos exude dominance but I ignore this and turn towards the two girls.

On the right side of Lirial's neck there is a tattoo of a golden eye and on the left side of Flycyane's neck there is the same tattoo.

The two girls look at my neck and manage to identify the meaning of the drawings both open their mouths and in sync say.

'What just happened?'

['A few days later!']

Holding my left arm is Lirial and likewise Flycyane is holding my other arm, both girls are sleeping on my shoulder, right in front of me there is a big bonfire.


Hey you. "yes" I'm talking to you who are reading these words with your mind! I would like to wish you that all the best happens in your life. I would also like to ask all of you for help to keep me motivated to write. [Rate this novel 5 stars and surrender all your power stones! - Please (:]