Chapter 3: The Lucky Blind Date

Zhao Yingyue proceeded to the restaurant with Gu Yan hurriedly leading while checking her watch.

The people watching were mesmerized by Zhao Yingyue's beauty. While physically she looked gorgeous, the way that she walked exuded a certain amount of confidence and elegance that easily drew many people to her.

"Who is that?"

"Isn't that the young miss of the Zhao family?"

"She's stunning!"

Zhao Yingyue continued forward, seeming to ignore the whispers and murmurs around her. It was the same everywhere she went so she was used to it at this point. Not many families are able to match her's so people settle with watching from afar.

When they reached the restaurant, the hostess immediately runs up to Gu Yan. As Zhao Yingyue's family owned the hotel, there wasn't a single staff member there who wouldn't know who she was.

The hostess bowed deeply.

"Young miss, the table your parents asked for us to prepare for you is set and the gentleman has already arrived. Please allow me to guide you."

Zhao Yingyue politely nodded and proceeded to follow the hostess. She assumed she was knew as the hostess seemed extremely tense as she led Zhao Yingyue through the restaurant.

Zhao Yingyue sighed and calmly said, "You don't have to be nervous."

The hostess seemed to relax a bit more as she walked but she was still on guard.

Zhao Yingyue hated when people felt as if they had to be stiff around her. She was human, they were human. It wasn't either side's fault that they were born in two different worlds but she hated seeing people scared to even breathe around her.

Before she knew it, they arrived at the table. Curiosity seemed to pick at her as she could only see the back of the man's head from where she stood. While these dates usually didn't interest her, this one was supposed to be a big deal and this man's build also seemed familiar.

Zhao Yingyue took slow steps toward the seat on the opposite side of the man before taking a seat. However, she was not prepared for who was seated in front of her.

This man's face had literally been plastered across her screen not even two hours before as she silently speculated the same thing the rest of the netizens did.

Liu Haoyu.

Liu Haoyu looked up at Zhao Yingyue, a smirk plastered on his face.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Zhao. I'm Liu Haoyu."

She knew that he knew that she knew who he was. It was impossible not to.

Liu Haoyu was not only the captain of one of the most famous e-sports teams in the country, but he was also the only son of the Liu family—the richest family in the country.

But Zhao Yingyue couldn't understand what it is that he'd want with her.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Liu."

Zhao Yingyue had no idea what to say. She now understood her parents and Gu Yan's warning. He wasn't the same as the rest of her blind dates at all.

She struggled inside. Sitting in front of her was her idol—the one person she could ever say she had fangirled over in her entire life. Now that she was actually faced with him, especially under such circumstances, she was truly at a loss.

"I hope you don't mind. I've already ordered for the both of us. I just wanted to get straight to business with no interruptions."

Even if she had minded, she wouldn't say anything. How could she? She just hoped whatever he ordered was something that she also liked to eat.

Zhao Yingyue then looked around and realized that the area thy were sitting in had been cleared out. They were the only two sitting there. It seemed this man went to great lengths to ensure that they had privacy.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Liu."

"Are you really hungry right now?"

She shook her head, saying, "I went to an event a few hours ago. They fed me so I'll be fine for a while."

Liu Haoyu pulled out a small device with a single button on it and put it on the table.

"They won't start preparing our meals until we push this button. You have the choice whenever you're ready."

Zhao Yingyue was partially shocked. Most of the men she'd gone on blind dates with had tried to assume control almost instantly but this man left a choice right there in front of her.


"Now Ms. Zhao, let's get down to business."

Zhao Yingyue shifted in her seat before nodding. She wondered what he was going to offer her. Hopefully he wouldn't be like the other men who only ordered her money and jewels. People really believed she was more materialistic than she really was.

She wasn't as superficial as the world thought—not that anyone really noticed or cared.

"I believe that we can benefit each other, Ms. Zhao, through our union. I need to marry before my next birthday or my family will disband TBQ5."

Disband Q5? Did she hear that correctly? The team had only been running for five years and had so much potential to reach the top. Especially with rumors that 'Honor', the game they specialized in playing, would be expanding to have an international league this upcoming season.

Liu Haoyu observed her expression. If he hadn't been sure before about whether he chose the right person, he was at that moment. For a second, he could see shock in her eyes.

She had to have some interest in TBQ5, meaning she had interest in the league, which meant she must really have interest in the game. He was certain now.

Zhao Yingyue tried to hold her composure as she asked, "What's in this marriage for me? I know that you have endless amounts of wealth. Will you also offer money and jewels?"

Lin Haoyu shook his head and replied, "Nothing as materialistic as that. What I offer you is your freedom."

Zhao Yingyue was stunned. She was not expecting that answer at all. He hadn't offered her any of the materialistic things that she'd expected. Rather, he offered the one thing she truly craved.


"Freedom? What makes you think I'm not free enough already?"

Liu Haoyu looked her straight in the eye and said, "I know that you're 'Luna'. If you were truly free, would you have to cover your face every time you stream?"

Zhao Yingyue was stunned. No one had ever found out her identity before. It had been so long that people had given up on their guessing games.

She still wasn't sure about him though. So there was only one thing to do.



Liu Haoyu was already sure of himself so wouldn't fall for any type of evasion tactics she tried to use.

"Don't try to play dumb with me Ms. Zhao, I already know your identity as an undisputed fact."

She sighed.

"How'd you know?"

He replied, "Last week, you were in an internet café in Beijing playing 'Honor'. I was intrigued by your hand movements so took a peak at your screen. I immediately knew who you were when I saw your account's name. You'd made a mistake and left your identification card on the table. I took a peak and saw your name on it."

Zhao Yingyue awkwardly rubbed her forehead as she remembered having left her card out that day. She didn't think that anyone had seen anything but apparently someone had.

However, it didn't seem like he intended to use it against her. If that was the case, he would have already done so. That being the case, she could only admit to what he found out.

"Okay, you're right about this—though you already knew that. But what's the point in telling me you know? Do you intend to blackmail me or something?"

Liu Haoyu shook his head.

"No. It brings me to the second things that I believe we both can benefit from. Wu Bo Cheng and I have actively been looking for someone to carry his legacy on. We've decided that it has to be you."

Zhao Yingyue was shocked yet again with this peace of information. They wanted her, of all people, to carry on the legacy of a national legend when it comes to sharpshooters.

Liu Haoyu wasn't done yet though.

"I know that you've heard rumors about 'Honor' going international this year. I'm telling you that's true. After the National League, there will be an International League in the form of a tournament coming up after. Right now, logistics are still being settled so this is all we know for now. That being the case, Q5 can't disband yet and we need a sharpshooter that we can rely on. It seems to me that there's an easy solution to both problems."

It would be a lie if Zhao Yingyue said she didn't like what she was hearing.

"So let me get this straight. If I marry you, you will not only grant me the freedom I so desire, but you will also allow me to play pro on Q5 at such an important time in 'Honor' history?"

Liu Haoyu nodded his head.

"There's only one thing. My family doesn't believe in divorce and neither do I. When we get married, you will be my wife for the rest of your life. I will care for you as a husband should care for his wife with hopes to grow to genuinely love you."

Zhao Yingyue repeated after him absentmindedly.

"We would never be able to divorce?"

Liu Haoyu simply said, "Yes. And in return, I will never do wrong by you. You will be my one and only and I expect the same in return."

Zhao Yingyue now seriously considered her options. Realistically, she too knew that divorce was never an option for her. She'd have nowhere to run back to as her parents would likely disown her. However, she'd just met this man.

What he was offering was a dream but what if it turned into a nightmare and she became trapped in it?

"Why don't we eat for now? I just want to think this over a bit more. What you offer, if I'm honest, sounds too good to be true. But I also know that someone from the Liu family wouldn't lie or make empty promises. I just need to think."

Liu Haoyu wordlessly nodded and pushed the button on the remote in the center of the table.