Chapter 6: I'd Like to Marry Your Daughter!

Zhao Yingyue was up early the next day. She was too anxious to sleep in. She needed today to go well so that the rest of their plans could follow.

When she checked her phone, she was met with a message.

[Good morning my soon to be fiancée.] -Captain H

Zhao Yingyue's face went went a little red as she wasn't yet used to Liu Haoyu's sweet talk. Still, regardless of embarrassment, it would be rude not to reply.

[Good morning]

The reply came quick.

[Make sure you're ready within the hour!] -Captain H

[Okay. I'll go do that now.]

She then threw her phone on the bed and started getting ready. She hoped her parents wouldn't pick today to be too difficult. It would be embarrassing for her to let Liu Haoyu see her that way.


At almost exactly an hour since their last message, a knock resounded on Zhao Yingyue's door. She quickly finished setting her makeup before answering the door.

Gu Yan stood in front of her. She did the usual critical lookover of Zhao Yingyue before sneering.

"That's not good enough. Mr. Liu will be here any minute. You can't wear that!"

Zhao Yingyue was confused. She wore the same type of clothes that she wore everyday.

"Gu Yan, do you expect me to dress up in a gown in my own home to meet my own suitor? He's chasing me, not the other way around."

Gu Yan was shocked. This was the first time that Zhao Yingyue had actually talked back to her. She hadn't expected this day would ever come.


"I what? You guys request that I get married and for once, a suitor who has chased me has come back. If he's to be here any minute, wouldn't it be much more disgraceful to show up late because of a change in wardrobe?"

Zhao Yingyue didn't back down. After all, here everyday clothes were not the typical person's everyday clothes. Her's were all brand names.

She had let Gu Yan talk down to her for a very long time to stay on the good side of her parents and she was sick of it. Yes, her parents may have put her in charge of her since she went to high school, but she was still the Young Miss of this family.

Gu Yan tried arguing.

"I'm sure Mr. Liu will understand if you need to change your clothes Zhao Yingyue."

Zhao Yingyue didn't like social separation to the point of stiffness, but she also didn't tolerate disrespect. It seemed she'd let Gu Yan off for too long.

"Gu Yan, have I ignored your constant disrespect for too long? Have you forgotten who I am or do you simply not care?"

Gu Yan took a step forward—her face starting to redden with anger and embarrassment.


Zhao Yingyue cut her off with the click of her tongue.

"My parents can put you in charge but I am still the Young Miss of this house. If you don't respect that or respect me, be prepared for the consequences."

She then gently pushed Gu Yan to the side and walked past her.

Gu Yan was so shocked that she remained in the doorframe unmoving for a few seconds. However, she couldn't allow Zhao Yingyue to get off easy. She was embarrassed and angry and wanted to put that child back in her place.

When she scared off yet another suitor, this time with her parents there to observe, she would surely be locked up. Gu Yan knew that she would become Zhao Yingyue's only reliable source for anything.

She thought to herself, 'Zhao Yingyue, you will regret the embarrassment that you have shown me today.'

Zhao Yingyue, being over the entire Gu Yan situation, went back to worrying about Liu Haoyu's appearance. He said he'd be there so she knew he wouldn't be late.

As soon as she had finished descending the staircase, one of their hired help led her to the smaller dining room. It was used for more intimate gatherings.

When she entered, she immediately greeted her parents, "Hello mom and dad."

In response, her parents Zhao Xiang and Gu Yanya, simply nodded at her and sat quietly.

Zhao Yingyue pulled out a seat in front of her mother and sat down. Her parents didn't really acknowledge her much—even when she does as they say or succeeds. She's more likely to get attention for the opposite.

After a few short minutes, the doors to the dining room open again and in walks Liu Haoyu. Her parents immediately shoot to their feet and bow to him.

Having noticed Zhao Yingyue herself not get up, Zhao Xiang glared at his daughter trying to silently send the signal that she should also join them.

She, in return, pretended not to notice. After all, they'd soon be equals and the appearance is his courting her. Why can't she sit back and be pampered for a while.

Noticing that she wasn't taking the hint, Gu Yanya said, "Zhao Yingyue! Show our guest some respect!"

Before Zhao Yingyue could reply, Liu Haoyu said, "It's fine, Uncle and Auntie. After all, I am the one courting her, not the other way around. You can all rest assured. I should be the ones thanking you for hosting me in your beautiful home."

He then bowed after.

Her parents stammered over each other, almost inaudibly telling him that it's okay and how they were more than happy to.

Liu Haoyu then walked over to Zhao Yingyue and grabbed her hand before bringing it to his lips and softly kissing it.

"I've missed you Zhao Yingyue. Thank you, especially, for having me."

Zhao Yingyue blushed.

How can this man be so flirtatious? He even dared to do so in front of her parents.

On the other side of the table, her parents cleared their throats and ordered the food to be brought out. While her parents' attention was on the powerful man in the room, his attention was solely on Zhao Yingyue.

Of course his attention was so overwhelming! Couldn't he see that he was making the entire room feel awkward?

Only after he finally sat down did her parents also dare to take a seat.

Zhao Yingyue finally released a sigh of relief.

Liu Haoyu then cut straight to the chase, saying, "Auntie, Uncle, I know the reason for today's visit must be up in the air right about now so I would like to confirm the purpose of my being here."

Zhao Xiang replied, "Yes, we were curious. With the blind date having been last night, we didn't want to make any assumptions but, with the way we've just seen you interact with our daughter..."

Zhao Xiang left his sentence unfinished, not wanting to be too forward and accidentally offending Liu Haoyu. It would be great for their family if the Young Master of the Liu family wanted to marry their daughter, but after many other suitors didn't stick around, he was almost positive the one way out of his daughter's league wouldn't.

Zhao Xiang tried to explain without being too forward, "It's just that we have been trying to find a suitable partner for our Yingyue for months now and none had stuck around."

"Then let me ease your worries," Liu Haoyu said. "Uncle, Auntie, please allow me to marry your daughter. I can provide a proper life for her and I won't let you or her down."

The room went quiet for what felt like a very long time but probably wasn't very long.

When Zhao Xiang spoke, he said, "I do have a concern. It's with your current career choice. I mean no disrespect but is this truly sustainable? How will you be able to support a wife while playing games? I've also heard that this career doesn't last very long."

Liu Haoyu replied, "Uncle, I understand your concerns. However, I am still the heir to the Liu family fortune. My parents and I made a deal that I shall inherit the business when I retire from the world of e-sports. I will never be without work or a plan. Otherwise, how could I still call myself a Liu?"

He then looked over to Zhao Yingyue as he said, "In addition to that, how could I call myself a proper husband if I lacked the ability to help my wife maintain a lifestyle up to her standards?"

This time, Gu Yanya spoke, "I understand you say you can financially support her, but I don't want my Yingyue to suffer the effects of being alone."

Zhao Yingyue had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

Since when had these people cared about whether she was alone or not? Now she understood, they were simply playing hard to get to show face to Liu Haoyu and probably get more dowry from this marriage than they deserve.

Zhao Yingyue knew that she couldn't stand for this.

Putting on a pitiful act, she said, "Mom, please don't make this difficult. As dad said earlier, this is the first time anyone actually stuck around. And Young Master Liu and I get along quite well. Please don't scare him off. I too want to marry this man. It's not a one-sided affair."

Gu Yanya glared at her daughter, upset that she had the nerve to interfere.

She then said, "Yingyue, I understand what you say but you have to understand that I'm concerned for you. As your mother, don't I have the right to be. You should let your mom and dad discuss this further with Mr. Liu."

Gu Yan, who Zhao Yingyue just noticed was also in the room, walked over to behind Zhao Yingyue's seat. She was ready to escort her out and happily lock her in her room.

Zhao Yingyue already knew what was going on. Her parents intended to be greedy and difficult while trying not to offend Liu Haoyu under the guise of concern for their daughter.

In a sweet tone as she grabbed Zhao Yingyue's arm rather harshly, Gu Yan said, "Yingyue, come. Let's let your parents talk with Mr. Liu in private. After all, they're looking out for you."

Zhao Yingyue shot her gaze over to Gu Yan. It seemed she hadn't been forward enough with her earlier and the woman still intended to exert false control over her.

In a cold voice, Zhao Yingyue asked, "Who said that you can touch me or call me by my given name? Has my status fallen so low in this house that I am no longer the Young Miss and even lower than even the likes of you?"

Gu Yan was shocked. She hadn't thought that Zhao Yingyue would go as far as to embarrass her in front of her parents and this guest. However, given her standing in Zhao Yingyue's life, Gu Yan at least found comfort in knowing Zhao Yingyue's parents wouldn't harshly punish her. At worse, they'd just save face in front of their guest.

Gu Yan quickly removed her hand from around Zhao Yingyue's arm. She immediately bowed and apologized.

"I'm so sorry Young Miss. I had been working with you for so long that it seems I have forgotten my place and thought that we were a little closer. It's my fault for overstepping. Please forgive me."

Liu Haoyu looked over at the scene unraveling. Some strange woman had the nerve to touch his fiancé? Does she seriously believe she could get away with this?

He simply kept a blank expression and looked at Gu Yanya and Zhao Xiang, waiting to see how they would react to this situation.

Gu Yanya said, "Zhao Yingyue, Gu Yan has already apologized. She has been by your side for many years now looking out for you. Can you forgive her just this once?"

Liu Haoyu's eyes turned icy cold. Since they had their conversation the night before, in his head, Zhao Yingyue was his fiancée. If even her parents refused to stand up for her, he would not stand idly by.

He said, "So this is how the Zhao's treat their own flesh and blood?"

Gu Yanya was shocked as spoke, "Excuse me?"

"It's nothing really. It just pains me to see the woman whom I care about get hurt and it seems that her own family won't let the perpetrator reap what they have sowed."

Gu Yan was shocked as she stuttered, "I-I'm sorry. I've already apologized to the Young Miss. W-what else can I do to fix my wrongdoings?"

"A dog that bites its owner isn't forgiven with such a simple apology that even a child could come up with," Liu Haoyu said. "In my home, physical harm toward a family member is paid back in kind. Forgive me for intervening. It's just seeing the woman I want to marry manhandled is quite upsetting and I assume it means that I'm not yet used to this family structure."

Zhao Yingyue looked over at Liu Haoyu. She hadn't expected him to come to her rescue. His words could seem like the average talk of a concerned son-in-law who wanted to learn the family structure, but he had just outright criticized her parents.

Liu Haoyu was forcing them into a situation where Gu Yan would have to be punished for the way she treated Zhao Yingyue.

"I-I haven't harmed the Young Miss. I was just guiding her away," Gu Yan pled, trying to defend herself.

Gu Yanya also spoke up, "That's right. I feel as if a simple verbal apology can handle this matter. She has not harmed my Yingyue and only had a slip of the tongue."

Gu Yanya was especially protective of Gu Yan since she was her niece. She was the result of an affair that Gu Yanya's older brother had. As an illegitimate child, she was not acknowledged by the rest of the family so she vowed to take care of her in the best way she knew how.

"Yingyue, you could let her off just this once. You know Yanyan meant no real harm," Gu Yanya once again plead for her niece and tried to command Zhao Yingyue as a mother at the same time.

Zhao Yingyue knew that had Liu Haoyu not been there, her mother once again would've ignored Gu Yan's insubordination and it wouldn't have been a discussion.

However, her new fiancé was not having it and Zhao Xiang could tell. He looked over at his wife, trying to silently tell her to pipe down as she wasn't improving the situation.

Liu Haoyu's aura was growing colder by the second to the point it was almost suffocating the rest of the people in the room.

"How can you say that Yingyue is unharmed?"

He reached over an gently lifter her arm, pointing out the area where Gu Yan had grabbed her.

"Look at her arm right here. Her delicate skin is already starting to bruise. Not only that, but can you not say that her pride is also harmed? She was wronged and the assailant could get off with a simple apology that you try to pressure her into accepting?"

"I don't know what world you live in, but in no world of mine does anyone get away with harming my woman. Not a single soul."

Gu Yanya was about to intervene once again but Zhao Xiang stopped her as he abruptly stood up and bowed deeply to Liu Haoyu.

"I apologize Mr. Liu. You are, however, correct. If I had noticed the damage done sooner, I would've had her punished immediately."

"It is also apparent to me that you will care for my daughter the way she deserves to be looked after so I leave her in your care and officially accept your request to marry her."

"As for Gu Yan..."

Zhao Xiang walked over to where Gu Yan stood. Just as she was about to plead her case again, he slapped her straight across the face. It forced her head to the side—her cheek instantly having a red mark the shape of a hand print on it.

Gu Yanya immediately yelled, "Xiang!"

He flipped his head and glared at her—a silent warning to not say another word. He was seething right now. Just now, he gave up the chance to milk an extremely good dowry out of Liu Haoyu due to the ignorance of his wife's precious niece.

Gu Yan cried out, "Auntie, Uncle, I'm so sorry. I understand I've done wrong. I'll leave to go reflect on my apology again. I'm sorry Young Miss."

Zhao Xiang was still angry as he shouted, "Who's your uncle!"

He had put up with Gu Yan for many years to appease his wife. However, what she did here today was an embarrassment and lost him a great opportunity. He was livid.

"I'm sorry Young Master, I will go repent now!"

Before she could attract any more fury, she ran out of the room in tears.

Liu Haoyu got up and bowed to Zhao Xiang.

"I sincerely thank you for accepting our proposal Uncle. Thank you."

The man was in a foul mood but still knew better than to direct his anger at Liu Haoyu. Instead, he bowed back.

"No. Thank you for putting up with this embarrassing display of family drama! It seems as if I wasn't proper enough in the training of my staff."

The two man made small talk for a few more minutes as Zhao Yingyue sat their happily. Her parents had accepted the marriage and Gu Yan was put in her place. It was a good two for one.

However, when Zhao Yingyue looked up at her mom's face, she could see the pent up anger in her expression.

Rather than deal with her anger now, she got up.

"Sorry to interrupt you, dad and Liu Haoyu, but I just wanted to remind my dear fiancé of the day we had planned out."

Still wanting to appease Liu Haoyu, Zhao Xiang thought nothing of it and said, "Alright, alright. I shouldn't keep you guys any longer. Don't bring my daughter back too late. After all, the two of you aren't married just yet!"

"Yes sir," Liu Haoyu said with a bow.

He and Zhao Yingyue then excused themselves.