Chapter 12: She Felt No Endearment

As soon as Zhao Yingyue and Liu Haoyu pulled up in front of the Zhao mansion, the feeling of dread that usually filled the former's stomach was nowhere to be found. She wasn't worried or scared. Instead, she was hopeful and content knowing that no one would be able to put their hands on her. Her new family ensured that.

After parking, Liu Haoyu let himself and then Zhao Yingyue out of the car. He would accompany her inside to tell them the news of their plans for tomorrow night and help the acceptance of Bai Xinyi flow smoother.

Liu Haoyu pulled out his phone and texted the Bai Xinyi as they started walking toward the front door. Within a matter of seconds, the woman got out of her car and swiftly walked over to the pair.

With a deep bow, she introduced herself.

"Hello Young Master. Hello Young Miss. I am Bai Xinyi and I will be in your care from today on."

Zhao Yingyue smiled as she looked at the girl. She looked as if she couldn't be more that a couple of years older than herself and she was shocked to see it wasn't some burly man. That wasn't to say that Bai Xinyi wasn't very fit.

Liu Haoyu nodded in approval at the woman and explained, "Bai Xinyi has been training since she was young and has mastered three different forms of martial arts. She's even a national champion in Kung Fu so worry not Yingyue."

Zhao Yingyue was impressed when she heard the record. This woman could be no more than 165cm and Zhao Yingyue even had at least 10cm on her. Not only this, but this woman was also very pretty. Not what she had thought a female martial artist looked like considering her sheltered upbringing.

"It's nice to meet you Bai Xinyi. I will actually be the one in your care. I hope our relationship can be harmonious."

Bai Xinyi was nervous as she quickly said, "Of course Young Miss!"

She wasn't sure how to react to Zhao Yingyue's words but was happy it seemed that she wanted to get along.

"Alright, let's go in now," Zhao Yingyue said as she pushed the door open.

Standing at the door was once again Gu Yanya and Gu Yan. There both wore scowls on their faces as they were ready to punish Zhao Yingyue if even a single action revealed what had happened the night before.

Before even realizing that other people with her, Gu Yan took a few furious steps toward Zhao Yingyue.

"Zhao Yingyue, I swear you better not have put us in difficult situation!"

Bai Xinyi immediately put her body in between Zhao Yingyue's and Gu Yan's. Liu Haoyu cold voice immediately followed as the scene in front of him unfolded.

"What happened to this disobedient member of your staff repenting after the last time she offended my fiancee?"

Gu Yan, who hadn't noticed the other people, immediately took many steps back to retreat behind her aunt. She did not want to be punished again. Last time, her uncle had actually forced her to kneel along with the fact she had received such a harsh slap.

There was no way she would be able to take another one the day after and didn't want to be humiliated once again.

"I-I'm sorry. I just lost my temper for my Auntie. She had been so worried after yesterday what the Liu family would think of our Zhao family."

Liu Haoyu's glare pierced through Gu Yan as she felt herself start to shiver. He looked over to Zhao Yingyue to see if she was okay or wanted him to seek revenge for her once again.

The glare that he'd seen directed toward Gu Yan reminded him of the wounds he'd seen on her earlier and his aura became even colder.

"So your surname is Zhao now? I also recall us having the same issue last time of how you address my fiancée. Is the Zhao family incapable of training their own staff and family members now?"

Gu Yanya gritted her teeth. She knew that she had few options here. If she didn't punish Gu Yan herself, when her husband found out, he would only do worse and be upset with her for not doing so to begin with. If she did, Gu Yan would be upset with her even if her hand was forced.

This was a no win situation for her.

Zhao Yingyue held back a smirk as she stared blankly at the situation in front of her. She knew what was going through her mother's head. Her mother had never hit Gu Yan before and she knew Gu Yan would feel it was the ultimate betrayal and be extremely angry after.

But what power did Gu Yan have now?

Gu Yanya was hesitant before she turned around and smacked Gu Yan across the face. Albeit, not as hard as she could have. Zhao Yingyue knew it since she knew the full power of her mother's slaps personally. Her head didn't even fling to the side.

Gu Yan, who had been hiding behind her Aunt with hopes that she could protect her, was shocked. Her cheek glowed red from both the impact of the slap and her own embarrassment. Tears even started welling up in her eyes as the pain inside was one hundred times worse than the impact of that slap.

Gu Yanya then said, "Go back upstairs to kneel once again Gu Yan."

Gu Yan was red but couldn't argue as she hurried upstairs.

Gu Yanya then reluctantly bowed and said, "I'm sorry for her behavior once again. It seems as if I've spoiled her too much. You see, I took her in for my brother so I've always treated her as if she were my own but it appears I haven't raised her as properly as my Yingyue. Perhaps I showed too much favoritism and instead ended up only training one child properly."

Zhao Yingyue wanted to laugh. Of course her mother had showed favoritism but not to her as her mother had implied. Of course, her cousin had always gotten preferential treatment behind closed doors. Of course, soon, none of that would matter.

Zhao Yingyue knew that she would be gone and living her life in only a week while they would be suffering the wrath of the Liu's. That was something that was none of her concern though.

When her mother and Gu Yan no longer had this powerful family to fall back on, they would understand what it is to suffer. Her mother came from nothing and would soon return to nothing. Zhao Yingyue felt no familial bond with her anymore. Not after experiencing what she had at the Liu's.

Now, she was indifferent toward the woman who gave birth to her. She no longer held onto the few good memories that she had made with her in between the abuse.

Liu Haoyu was appalled at the audacity of this Gu Yanya. She addressed his fiancée in such an endearing fashion but it was obvious to him that she didn't feel any endearment toward her own daughter. For her to act as if she did was insane.

Especially when he knew her dirty little secret. This secret would probably destroy the main branch of the family—allowing one of the side branches to take control and carry on.

However, that would have to wait until the engagement party. Only then would everybody be able to enjoy the show.