Chapter 22: I Have Failed You As A Father

In the car, on the way back, Zhao Yingyue conversed excitedly with her father. She had to admit that she was really happy about the fact that her and her father were actually having a conversation, which wasn't a very common occurrence. It almost made the earlier conversation with her mother fizzle out of her mind. Maybe, there was at least some hope for him.

This time, they talked about more than just the engagement party. He seemed a lot more interested in what she had been up to lately and showed genuine concern for her wellbeing. Even in the few times that they did converse, they had only been surface level and never that involved. He'd even asked about the incident earlier that day in which she'd almost gotten hurt and gotten upset for her when learning what had happened.

"Yingyue, I'm so sorry. Tonight's dinner has helped me realize how little I truly know about you and that the things I had previously chosen to ignore were a lot bigger than I had expected. There's no excusing that and I hope to be more present in the future."

"If I'm honest, seeing how the Liu family interacted with each other in such a close manner was an eye opener to me. Seeing how you interacted with Madame Liu and how much more unrestrained you were with her compared to us made me feel ashamed as a parent."

"You should never had to have dealt with that Gu Yan's bullying. Even I am unaware of however long this was going on for but this ends today. I shouldn't have allowed myself to remain in such ignorance."

"I thought that more than anything, a daughter needs her mother but maybe I should've given you the luxury of both parents in the home. I severely misjudged the situation."

"It's just a shame that it took me so long to realize this. I hope that you can one day forgive me."

Zhao Yingyue had previously thought that her father's blissful ignorance came with him knowing the extent of what she had endured but his apology said otherwise.

In fact, it helped her understand him a little more. He was genuinely sorry for what he did, or rather didn't do, and seemed helpless as he pleaded for her forgiveness.

Zhao Xiang had trusted his wife to make decisions in regard to their daughter because he didn't think he knew best how to raise a girl. He also didn't know how loving families acted either.

Now that he was aware, would he actually step up?

Words are one thing but actions are another. To Zhao Yingyue, without actions to back what he said, it was still going to be hard to trust him. For all she knew, he was saying all of this to ensure favor with the Liu's in the future. He could be trying to make sure that they know that regardless of his wife, he was capable of feeling shame for his actions.

For the longest, the only person that Zhao Yingyue had relied on was herself, as dealing with her mother and cousin alone always left her feeling lonely and hopeless. The only person who pulled her through those dark times was herself.

It wasn't like the shows where the lead had a best friend to vent to or had some stroke of luck that led to an easy life.

While meeting Liu Haoyu could be considered a stroke of luck, the only reason that they made their deal because of her own gaming skill that she'd nurtured herself, and in secret. At one point, she had made an online friend who she had learned from and grown with, but that was a memory that she'd rather not delve into.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be married off soon anyway and the Liu family said it themselves that I turned out alright. Regardless of what's happened, I've pushed through."

Zhao Xiang shook his head.

"You should never have had a point in life where you should have suffered, Yingyue. I'm so sorry. I truly have failed you as a father."

"I know you and that Liu Haoyu are planning to get married soon but I've cleared up time until the day of the engagement party so that we can spend some time together—of course, that's only if you want to."

Zhao Yingyue smiled and said, "Of course I want to! I'm sure no one will mind me cancelling my plans for the next few days. I'd much rather bond with you, Dad."

She was purposely being more affectionate to get under her mother's skin. While Gu Yanya was on thin ice, Zhao Yingyue was inversely bonding with her father. It seemed that the tables were turning and her father would be her champion this time.

Gu Yanya was upset but she still couldn't say anything. Her husband was still angry at her and she knew the best way to appease him would be when they were alone with no prying eyes. She would just have to endure until then. She couldn't let him start to take Zhao Yingyue's side, too.

And aside from that, how dare Zhao Yingyue take it upon herself to cancel her plans for the next few days? Didn't she know that it wasn't up to her? Even if Gu Yan was no longer in charge of her schedule, she should know that her mother would obviously take charge of the schedule for the time being. Canceling these plans look bad on her as the girl's mother. Still, with all the restraint she could, she stayed quiet.

"Good. Then I'll make sure to set up a plan for us. I know that it won't make up for my lack of presence throughout your life up until now but I won't let that be our future, too. I only sincerely hope that it's not too late."

"And, I will be personally overseeing making sure you get proper security from now on. I thought that had already been taken care of when I originally told your mother to arrange for it some years ago but apparently there was a mix-up somewhere."

He shot a pointed look at Gu Yanya with his last statement. After what he had heard that night, he had a lot to say to his wife later and was starting to suspect some things himself. And he doubted that it was an accident that the security hadn't been formed. Back then, he'd thought the only threats would be the crazies as she carried out her day-to-day tasks. It appeared that the real issues were closer to home.

Zhao Yingyue also glanced at her mother but her gaze didn't linger too much. After what she'd learned in the last few days, she wasn't surprised that her mother had conveniently "forgotten" to get her security. How else would she have kept her "punishments" a secret?

And what happened that day wasn't the only time she was in harm's way while going about her day. It had happened many times before but she had always managed to escape those situations. She would complain to her mom in hopes that at least the family's image was enough to get her to keep her safe but it never had been.

"Thank you, dad. Today, I was so lucky when Bai Xinyi protected me. I mean, you should also check in with mom, she was also in harm's way at the time."

"If Bai Xinyi hadn't intervened, what if he decided to also harm her? Or what if she became collateral damage? If you want, Liu Haoyu had collected the CCTV from the restaurant so that we can show that Mr. Lin that our Zhao family shouldn't be messed with!"

Zhao Xiang peered over at Gu Yanya. The latter hoped that hearing she was also in harm's way would soften her husband's heart, but his gaze gave nothing away and didn't linger on her for long.

Zhao Yingyue, who had used that conversation as a power play, was more than satisfied with her father's dismissive attitude. She would have to look elsewhere for someone to feel bad and take her side this time. If she knew what was best, she'd just keep silent.

Gu Yanya, who was angered by his dismissive attitude, said, "Zhao Xiang, I hope you do remember who your wife is. Why don't you seem concerned that I was almost injured as well? You can be angry at me but shouldn't you show me some proper care?"

Zhao Xiang was already infuriated and annoyed with his wife at the dinner so he couldn't be bothered with her pitiful act. Usually, this act would cause him to submit, even if only slightly, but that wasn't the case this time. Her hypnotical words wouldn't glide by the same way that they always did.

"'Proper care' like what? Do you mean the way you treat our Yingyue? Or do you mean the way you treat your 'precious Yanyan'?"

Gu Yanya was stunned and at a loss for words. Her tantrums never resulted in her not getting her way and never had the man talked back to her in such a cruel manner. At the very most, he would angrily storm out of the room.

Knowing that she would have no retort, Zhao Xiang scoffed. "That's what I thought."

"Now Yingyue, back to what you were saying. I would like that footage if that Young Master Liu isn't already planning a counterattack. He seems to be quite protective of you already."

Zhao Yingyue nodded her head happily. In addition to him wanting to be protective, she knew that the tape would also show her mother stepping out of the way to leave her to get hit by the man. It would be irrefutable proof of how she treated her own daughter.

Zhao Yingyue smiled as she said, "When we first met, he promised to take care of me and he's done nothing but that since we decided on our engagement. He's even been kind enough to take things at my pace without any added pressure."

"You know, I was the one to insist on the formalities first. He didn't even argue and agreed right away! We always move at my comfort pace and he always makes sure that I'm taken care of. I honestly couldn't be more grateful to meet someone like him. And I can't believe that we're going to be married soon."

"Even his family welcomed me with open arms."

Zhao Xiang smiled. "I'm happy Yingyue. Even if I haven't been the best male role model in your life, I'm glad that you have someone who will protect you and not ignore years of bullying. I only hope that there will still be room for me in your new life."

Zhao Yingyue reached over and hugged her dad. It was the first time in many years that they'd had such an intimate moment with each other. The last time that he'd hugged her, she'd been so young that she'd had three teeth missing.

"Of course there will always be room for you! Since we've cleared away our misunderstandings, what could stop us from being a happy father-daughter duo?"

And she meant that. As much hurt as she went through, she wouldn't be vindictive until the very end. It seemed that her father understood the part that he played and actively wished to work toward doing whatever he could to fix their broken relationship. That took strength and deserved forgiveness.

Zhao Xiang calmly hugged her back.

Gu Yan, on the other hand, was stewing in her own anger. How could her husband who had previously doted on her so much change after one dinner? She'd only made a couple mistakes and now he was like this!

How unfair was this! She couldn't let things remain the way they were. Otherwise, how would she be able to protect her Yanyan?