Chapter 2 Heart Break

"Why is that?!" Vane cried.

Mia gave him a tissue, and she took it. "You're stupid! you're fragile! you fall to that lizard?! My God! you only talked for one month and you fell! look what after, now you will cry because he ghosted you." Mia, said angrily.

Ghosting is what we call to people suddenly disappear like a bubbles. After work she invited us because she's broken about that guy she nearly talked about for a month and then she can't contact him anymore. Boys nowadays. It's hard to find true love now, the definition of love now is about playing, and dumb after he is done with you.

"Our friend is fragile," Mia, playfully smiled. She is teasing, Vane.

I smiled on them.

I fix her hair that has been messy because she keeps on crying buckets of tears.

"Vane." I called her and fixed her hair. "When you just meet, don't fall right away, you don't know if the person is serious about you" I said gently. "There are a lot of cheaters now, you must learn your lesson when it happened to you before."

"His g-g-good looks and then he always picks me up at w-work, then he always invites me on a date." He hardly wiped her tears. "Then he said he was different from the men who ghosted me."

Mia and Layla laughed on her statement.

"You're really stupid and fragile!" Mia, hardly said and she started crying again, and Ann comforted her.

Shaking and laughing, Layla laughed at what Vane said.

"You can get into trouble, Vane, at least one time, just in case your stupidity is reduced" Layla said annoyed.

While Mia was just laughing, I knew she was disgusted with our friend's cleverness. How many times has this scenario been like this? Vane, being ghosted by random boys and crying over.

"I'll introduce you to someone" Ann said, "but when he got bored, he'll dump you" Ann, she's making fun of her.

We laughed "Selena!" She called my name in annoyance and cried harder. “I thought you’re with me? Why are you laughing with them?” She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Promise this will be the last time." He lifted his head and showed us her hands making a promise, she wiped her tears and got the bottle of beer. "Let's cheers" she raised the bottle of tequila.

""How many more promises is that?" Layla, counted her fingers and stopped. "Oh my! countless times!" Vane pouted.

"Layla you're mean!" She glared at her in annoyance "I swear this will be the last time I won't fall again that easily, and no man can hurt me again!" She desperately said and she's holding the bottle of tequila hard.

Mia, cursed her while laughing and we're not believing on her words.

Vane threw a tissue on, Mia.

"Let's have a bet." Ann said.

"For what?" Layla, asked while raising her right eyebrow.

"If this." She pointed on Vane. "Our stupid friend fall in love again."

"I'm in!" Mia, greedily said and Layla put money on the table. "Five thousand dollars on me, I'll bet!"

"What?!" Vane, reacted. "What kind of friend are you all?" She can't believe this.

"We're tired to advice you and hear about your story all over again it's time to get benefit on it." Layla said.

"C'mon! Let's have some cheers! `` She toasted her bottle and we did the same.

"My husband doesn't know about it, he will get mad." She said nervously. This is unplanned.

"Please leave Kyran alone. "Layla said annoyed.

Mia, laughed. "You're still annoyed, Lay?" she asked with a smile.

"He's an asshole!" she's gritting her teeth while remembering the scene.

Kyran, make fun of Layla, and she's really annoyed.

"That stupid moron! all of the boys and girls there! he chose to embarrass me!"

"Don't think about your husband, we're her. you're safe" Mia, assures her to don't need to worry.

Ann, replied "I bet, Tan, doesn't know about this too." And Mia replied. "I'm legend." She proudly said.

"Let's dance and stop about that husband things." Layla, invites us.

She pulled me on the dance floor.

In the other side.

"Dude, you sure?" He asked in assurance. They are near in the dance floor and he's about to go home.

"Yeah, why?" His dim aura.

"Don't think too much, this bar is a safe place. This is the safe place." He assured him.

"Let's dance woah!" They heard a woman shout near them. Kier's too occupied to notice that voice.

"Wooah hoo! Hoo! Woaah! Yuhooo!"

"What the fuck!" Kier, hiss when someone pulled him in the dance floor.

"Hi, Cousin." Layla, huskily said and she roamed her hands in his chest.

"What the fuck, Lay?" He whispered. Based on what he sees, she's drunk.

He's cousin is wearing a seductive dress. He took off his coat and laid on her.

"What are you doing here?!" he hissed.

she pulled him more in the center of the dance floor and her hips is swaying, she returns his coat on him "Cousin, this is bar not company, w-... why you're we-wearing coat?" he asked in drunk voice

She's dancing dirty and swaying her hips sexily.

He looked the whole place and she saw Mia in the corner dancing wild ass if she’s free while.

Ann's dancing in the center of the table while holding a bottle of beer. He boiled his fist. He bet no one of his doesn’t know about this. Knowing Tan, he doesn’t want Mia to get out of his sight.

His eyesight darkened as he looked up at his wife who was dancing with a man. He clenched his fist.

"Lay, did you invite my wife here?" He dangerously asked while/looking at his wife but she's busy dancing and she's not paying attention to him, why would she pay attention to him if she doesn't know that he's here? He boiled his fist tighter; he’s getting annoyed. Are they always doing these in bars when they’re always together?

His jaw tightened in annoyance. What just the fuck? He's wife is not used to parties and the way she's dancing it seems she is used to it. He pulled his cousin and held her arm tightly.

"Layla, I swear, I'll wreck your neck if ever I found out that you brought my wife here" he warned her but she kept on dancing.

He bet his cousin is the mastermind behind this . She likes partying till dawn, buying expensive things, and being fabulous.

He left her and walked towards his wife. His dark aura.

He pulled the wife from its dance. His eyesight got darker because they're dancing dirty.

"Dude, back out, she's my wife" he glared at the man and pulled his wife.

He saw Mia, drunk and can't handle herself too. “Fuck!” He cursed. They drink too much and they have the

confidence to drink where no one will assist them. They can’t handle themselves. Ann is kissing someone and he sees Vanie sleeping peacefully on the sofa while a bottle of beer is still in her hands. He shook his head. These women!

He got his phone from the pocket of his pants and called someone who can help and assist them. He can’t let them leave like this. It's not safe.