Chapter 6



"Who are you?" Sky had asked the stranger who was holding a big rectangle object with weird carvings on it.

"I'll ask you the same." The woman said putting down the object that she ,was holding. Sky looks at her from head to toe. The woman is a couple of inches taller than her. She is also kind of exotic. She's slim and has a rich color of skin that resembles the earth, and something about her presence made Sky calm, despite of the fact that the other woman is a complete stranger to her.

"I....i'am Sky. I'm given to the queen as a gift." The woman raised her eyebrow looking at her from head to toe as if she was judging her,it made her feel uncomfortable especially when the woman snorted.

"And she accepted you? As far as i remember she loathed your kind, her hatred for your kind runs so deep that just by hearing your kind makes a sound makes her teeth grind with each other." The woman then walks closer to her, she walks around her taking in her features and Sky had to follow her, also curious with the other woman.

"Anyways. I'am Shahara of the Desert. Nice to meet you Sky." Shahara said once she's satisfied with checking her out, she offered her hand which Sky Gladly took and shake.

"Why are you here?" Sky asked. She knows the Desert. Ebony told her that the desert is a place where there is a lot of sand and only few trees could be seen.

"Same as you. I'am given to her as a concubine." Sky tilted her head to the side. It's the second time she had heard that word but she doesn't know what it is.

"What does a concubine do?" Shahara then look at her as if she is a weird person.

"Where have you been living? Everyone in the west knows what a concubine is." Shahara stated.

"I live in a brothel." Sky said, she watched Shahara as she sat down on the bed.

"If you live in the brothel how come you don't know about it?" Sky scratch the back of her head.

"Well. I live in one of the brothel's room inside a cage. I wasn't supposed to get out of it nor interact with the other people outside of it. This is actualy my first time outside." Sky explained. Shahara's eyes then soften. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Well... A concubine is some sort of slaves. In my place back at the dessert we are known as the pleasure servants. We...we are used by the Queen for her own pleasure or to give her pleasure." Shahara explained.

"So you sleep with her?" Shahara nodded, she couldn't help but admire Sky's electric blue eyes. It was so innocent. It was like a child's eyes

"Yes, i slept with her and sometimes with the regent and their are some occasion where i slept with both of them." Shahara added before looking at the window as if the idea of it pained her greatly.

"Would i do that too?" She asked tilting her head to the side, she's quite scared at the thought of it, she had no experience when it comes to giving pleasure as she basically grew up inside a cage, separated from others, and the idea of angering neither the queen nor the regent scares her.

"Well, i don't know. You are a wolf after all so maybe no." Shahara said. Sky bit her lower lips. She went down and sat on the floor. Now what? Would she just wait for the queen and the regent to lose interest in her? Or would she just plan to escape? But how could she escape this large house? It is filled with guards, and souls that are trapped.

"Oh i know that look. If you are planning to escape. You won't get too far. If the queen caught you. She'll probably beheaded you." Shahara said.

"I'm not meant to be a pet. I'm not a pet. Wolves belong to the wild." Sky said looking up at Shahara with pleading eyes, hoping she could understand her.

"You should have known that from the day you were born, your freedom is already been taken from you. Your kind here are treated as slaves and whores and animals. You must consider your self lucky that you happen to be here. Atleast you could get some special treatment." Sky shakes her head she doesn't want special treatment, because there's nothing special with becoming a slave.

"You do not understand. My people suffers in injustice. We are paying for the crimes that we did not commit. How many more years should we suffer? How many more children would grow up in brothels? In markets and in cages? How many more mother would mourn? How long can we live like this? Can you live in fear for all your life? Can you live the rest of your life in cage? I don't want that." She firmly stated, she didn't know where does words are coming from. She just wanted to say it. Shahara on the other hand is speechless.

"I...i never stop hoping. I never stop dreaming, that maybe one day, i could be free. Do you not want it too? You know? To go back to your homeland? To the place where you belong?" Shahara couldn't answer. She stared at Sky's blue eyes who's determined, ever since Madam Juanita had brought her to her brothel, all Sky could think about is her freedom, the forest, and the trees and the rivers, all she could think about is running away from the dreadful place and living the best of her days.

"I... I wish i could be like you. I hope you don't change." Sky smiled at Shahara's answer, but their moment were cut short when the guards barge in their room. The roughly pulled Sky with them and without a word they left the room.

Shahara couldn't help her self but feel pity for Sky. Because she knows, that they will break her will to live and to find purpose, she knows that they will crush her dreams and hope. She could only pray for Sky to be strong enough. To keep her faith that one day, she could be free. That one day they all can be free. They were both then startled when the door of the room burst open and the guards harshly holds Sky's arms. She winced by their harsh grip on her.

"You're coming with us." One of them said as they drag her out of the room.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked them.

"The queen's chamber." The guard said picking her up,they harshly grip her on her arm and led her out of the room. She gulp and her heart started to beat fast. Who knows what the queen will do to her.