Chapter 9



"What he did to you is degrading, your majesty!!!! He send you a low life wolf as a concubine! It's very insulting!" Lord Jonathan said as he paced around the court room.

"He humiliated you infront of everyone by sending her! Lord Dutton shall be punished!" He added. Lena stayed still and listened to his council men blabber.

"I must agree with lord Jonathan, your Majesty. Sending that she wolf is like disregarding your law against them, it's a clear message that they are slighting you your Majesty. I think this is also a good time to remove them from their position, After all the lord of Waevlor and his daughter are known advocates for fighting for the werewolves to gain their rights of freedom." Lord Asrael said, he is the youngest among the six councilmen.

"Or maybe... He doesn't want to give lady Zaphira's hand to your Majesty." Lord Borrington said.

"And why is that? Who would not want that?" Lord Jonathan asked.

"The Lord of Waevlor is the brother of Lady Elleina, making Zephira and her Majesty, cousins. Our Queen is againts the thought of incest. For that may cause abomination and failure among the royal blood." Borington calmly said.

"But why a wolf? Why her? A peasant? A slave?!" Lord Jonathan's face is turning red. And finally Queen Lena had spoke.

"That, he can only answer. But i cannot punish him. He holds the largest foundation in this place. He is one of the pillars here and a well respected Elder. If i punish him, it will cause a civil war. When he is well, he will answer to me." She said with a calm voice.

"But why did you accept her as your concubine, your Majesty? It will make people think that you are going againts your law?" Lord Clifford asked. Lena narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you questioning me?" She asked daring him. But he only lowers his gaze.

"I'am the Queen, and i'll do as i please. She is my pet, not a concubine. There is a large difference between the two. And her being a pet of mine doesn't mean i'll treat her any differently. Though, i must admit. She'll get to be having a more special attention from me." She grabs her goblet and drank from it.

"The meeting is done. It's time for the Queen to rest." Lord Borington said. The other five bowed before the exited the room.

"Have you have any news about the said rebellions?" Lena asked lord Borington.

"Yes my queen. They have manage to ambush some of our men that were transporting slaves from the city of minings. They manage to kill 17 of our men and injured the rest. The slaves were freed." He reported.

"What do you say these wolves looks like? And how many are they?" Lena set down her goblet, Lord Borington refilled it again.

"Four...they were four large black werewolves. Larger than the normal Alpha males. My guess is...They might be the descendant of King Theon. My men said that... Their fur were as black as shadow and some even said they are dark as night with glowing red eyes. Only his family possess those kind of glowing red eyes" Lena's grip on the Goblets tighten. Those bastards have cause her problems, and they even killed some of her men and guards.

"Send a hunt for them. I want them alive." She stands up and left the room. Her blood boils and she wanted to kill. To drink. That's right, she must drink blood, but no human donor satisfy her. Her last human donor with the type of blood that she had liked died two weeks ago after she drained her, she sighed and shakes her head in annoyance because of thf new problem she has, while walking down the hall she caught a sweet scent of vanilla and cinammon. It is very alluring, So she decided to follow it down to the Garden. The nearer she gets from the Garden, the stronger the scent became. She stops completly at her track when she saw who owns the scent. It was already night and very cold, but the woman who owns the scent stands there unbothered by the cold. She could see how the girl admired the Garden. She's touching them but not plucking them, she's so gentle when she runs her fingers over the flower.

Lena gripped her chest, her heart....for a moment she swear it started to beat, it never beat before, she's vampire so her heart doesn't beat at all... But looking at the girl, she made her feel a strong feeling of desire. Lena took another long deep breath and she decided to have taste of that young woman. She went to her with lightning speed and when she saw how the woman is startled it make her smirk.

And her smirk grew wider upon seeing who it was. It is Sky, and the look of fear in her face gives her delight and disappointment at the same time. But never the less she is happy upon hearing Sky's heart beat faster and her blood rushes.

"What's the Matter pet?" She asked, pulling Sky closer to her, she's still gripping her wrist.

"I...n-nothing your majesty." Sky said looking down, she got annoyed when Sky looked down, she wanted to see her pretty face, and her pink lips, Lena is tempted to bite that lips and make it bleed. At the thought of blood her body shivered in pleasure, and so she forced Sky to look up at her and crashed her lips againts hers.

The force of the kissed made Sky's lips bleed. Lena expected to taste the muddy like and disgusting taste of a werewolf's blood. But instead she was shock to taste a sweet blood. It tasted like cinammon and Vanilla mix. Lena bit harder, she thought it was maybe because of the dessert Sky had eaten. But no, it was really her blood, she moaned at the sweetness of Sky's blood and she sucked harder, she licked it and she was about to bite again when she was roughly pushed away., she was so taken aback that she almost stumble down. She glared at Sky who pushed her. She was crying, holding her bleeding lips.

She almost felt bad seeing those tears and Sky's pained expression, but it only gave her pleasure, imagine her looking like that while being tied on a bed, she smirk and wipe her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Aw don't cry pet, you'll get used to it." She said walking closer to her again, she smelt fear in Sky's body and she let her run. Lena couldn't hide the smirk on her face. Now that she had tasted it... She knows that the game would be much more enjoyable.