Chapter 15


"Sky?" Sky slowly opened her eyes when she heard Shahara's voice. She's sitting infront of her wearing a cloak that covered her body completely, Sky whimpered.

"Please, please tell her i'm sorry." Sky said, her throat is dry and even her lips. Her knees aches and even her back still burns.

"Hush, i'll do what i can. Here drink this." Shahara placed the straw near Sky's mouth. She then took it in and sip from it. Sky never knew that water could feel divine as it runs down her throat. When she's done, Shahara gently caressed her face.

"I told you to stay away from her. Lysandra would only cause you harm, now look at you." She knows that Shahara is mad, but not at her, she saw the pity in Shahara's eyes.

"Oh you poor thing." Shahara said as she hug Sky. She caress her hair and kissed her on her cheeks and forehead. And then she stands up.

"Shahara, please don't leave me! Don't go." Sky begged as she tried to stand but failed.

"I'm sorry, but i must go." And then she was gone. Sky is once again left in the cold room. She sobs again as she felt pain and defeat.

The next day, Sky was awoken by a harsh tug on her hands, when she opened her eyes, she saw two slaves pulling at the two long chains that tied her. They pulled it down until she is standing on her feet. They had the look of pity for her. When the secured the chains, one of them stands infront of her and touched her cheeks.

"May the Goddess have mercy on you." And then he left, Sky stood their, scared and confuse. Until a sharp bolt of electricity runs through her body and she screamed.

"If you didn't do that, you wouldn't even be here." It was lord Jonathan, he was holding a book.

"The Queen's face is healing, but that wound would leave a scar." He flicked his finger and again Sky was electrict shocked. Sky screamed in pain again she felt herself gets wet, she actually peed herself because of the shock. Her whole body is shaking.

"But i'm not here to fuss around because you scarred the Queen's face. I'm here to ask you question. Why did Lord Dutton send you?" Sky shakes her head.

"I don't know him, i've never met him."

"A lie." Lord Jonathan flicked his fingers again and Sky felt the Electricity runs through her body much more stronger and painful

"Did he send you to be a spy? Or for you to kill the queen?" Sky shook her head as she cry.

"I don't know what you are- ack!" The collar around Sky's neck tighten and she couldn't breath.

"Or maybe...he send you to seduce the queen? To turn you to her side and for him to begin his campaign for the so called equality." He then flick his finger and Sky could breath again.

"You are beautiful...and i know you could seduce her majesty. So why don't we....burn that beauty away?" Sky screamed when she was shocked again, but this time it is more stronges! She felt the burning of her legs and arms! She shouted! She called for the Goddess to help her! To have some mercy! And when she couldn't take it anymore. She blacked out.

"Wake up!" Sky gasp and sat up. She's not in the cold room. She's back in the white room where in the middle of it the tree of undying love grow. A woman sat infront of her holding a tea cup.

"Where am i?" She asked the woman who was sipping tea from her cup.

"Where are we? That you could only answer." She gasp when the woman turned her head at her. She looks exactly like her, with blue eyes same as her. But her hair is brown. And she isn't as white as Sky. Instead her skin is a rich color of brown. It made her eyes stand out.

"Why? Why am i here?" The woman set her tea cup down and she look at Sky.

"Why are you here?" She said returning the question to Sky.

"I don't know." The woman smiled at her.

"It is impossible for you to not know why you are here, inside this place." Sky stared at the tree. The snow is still falling.

"Who are you?" She finally asked looking at the woman.

"I'am Sabel." Sky tilted her head. It feels like she have heard that name before.

"Sabel." She said testing the name on her tongue. Sabel then smiled and nod her head

"Now, tell me...Why are you here?" Sabel asked again pouring herself another cup of tea.

"I already told you. I don't know." Sabel raised her eye brow.

"You don't know? Why?" Sky bit her lips.

"You're confusing me." Sabel smiled.

"Em i? I'm sorry. What was the last thing you remember?" Sky suddenly remembered what happened to her. The electricity, the smell of her flesh burning, her Skin craking open. And her screaming for help.

"I....i was screaming. Am i dead?" Sabel giggled at her question.

"No your not dead...not yet. Now what were you screaming?"

"Help." Sabel nodded her head.

"Now do you know why you are here?" Sky only then realized why she was here. She's asking for help, asking someone to take away the pain and so she was brought here. In this place, a place of refuge and safe haven.

"But you cannot stay here for long, your mission isn't done yet. So you must return." Sky's eyebrow furrowed.

"My mission? What mission?" Sabel suddenly stands up and she offered her hand to Sky which she gladly take. And togethere they walk towards the direction of the tree.

"Every living thing has it's mission that was given to them by their creators, by supreme beings that they believe in. And each mission contributes to the cycle of life. And you Sky has the most complex mission." Sabel explained, they stopped infront of the tree, and Sky gasped when she saw something. The tree's body were formed by human beings and other creatures, they were holding hands and some of them were reaching for something while some are running. Others were laughing and the other one was crying.

"You need to finish it." Sabel said.

"What do i need to finish?" Sky said.

"The thing that i started. You must finish it. Promise me Sky, you must finish it."

"I...i don't know if i can do what you wanted me to do. And how do i know my mission?" Sabel gently caressed her face.

"You will know it in time. But don't worry, someone will help you. But for now you need to wake up." And then Sabel pushed her down and Sky fell into oblivion


Shahara is clutching the bucket of water hard as she silently walks in the darkness of the torture chamber, her cat like skills helps her to navigate in the dark and walk lightly. When she arrived at the room where Sky is being held she quickly enter and closed the door shut, when she turned around, she dropped the bucket that's she's holding. There while chained Shahara saw the still smoking arms and legs of Sky badly burnt, the smell of burnt flesh filled the room, Shahara moved quickly and with sheer strength she manage to set Sky free from the chain. But, Sky is bearly breathing.

"Sky? Please, don't die on me." She said. She was about to carry Sky when the door of the torture room opened and Catherine entered the room.

"What happened?" Catherine asked walking closer to them.

"I don't know, but she's not breathing." She replied, Catherine gasp when she saw how badly burnt Sky is.

"Go, call for help!" Shahara quickly called for help, and soon as the doctors are in the chamber they quickly made quick work to heal Sky.


Catherine didn't hesitate to tell Lena the news and as soon as she heard about Sky she quickly checked on her allowing her to deal with Butcher and Lord Jonathan.

"Regent, you called for us." Catherine sat on her Emerald throne and watched the two.

"I found my favorite pet badly burnt at the torture chamber." She said watching the two closly. They didn't speak allowing her to continue.

"I must admit that my pet is still a little bit untrained, that's why she had accidentally hurt Lena. But i know how sorry she is. You see, it wasn't in her nature to just hurt people especially the queen, but i know that she needs to learn her lesson." Catherine said, she closed her eyes to try and to calm her self. But when she opens it her eyes are glowing and demon shadows appeared on the room.

"A simple whipping would be enough to teach an omega a lesson, so why must you burnt her arms and legs?" Her voice rises. Lord Jonathan and Butcher starts to panic as the shadows gets closer and closer to them.

"We don't know who did it Regent" Butcher said, getting on his knee.

"Please Regent, i promise you we will look for the man who did these, just please don't kill us." Lord Jonathan promised, the shadow then dissappeared.

"Find whoever did this before i kill you myself. And if i found out that you two did this, i swear that you two will the wolves meals!" She threatened them. The two quickly runs out of the room and she sighed. Whoever did this, she will definitely kill them.