This Is For Your Own Good

The surrounding air was cold despite the feeling of being covered by something woolen. The pitter-patter of water can be heard although seemingly distant.

‘It has started raining again…’

*Drip* --- *Drip*--- *Drip*

‘Do rain droplets always fall in such a timely manner?’

*Beep* --- *Beep*--- *Beep*

‘Wait… What is that? Why does it sound so… mechanical?’ Jared thought as he forced his eyes to open.

The golden rays of the late morning Sun that streamed into the room shone harshly as if he was directly facing the light source.

‘But it’s too white to be the Sun…’ Jared thought as awareness began to set in.

Jared gasped as his eyes shot wide open before squinting due to the bright lighting.

“W-Where am I?” he croaked as his eyes adjusted.

He was in a room that was covered with mint green tiles. The heart monitor machine strapped to him beeped at an elevated pace as Jared began to grasp the situation he was in. He was strapped to what seemed to be a hospital bed.

Alarmed, he began yanking and struggling against his binds. However, his efforts proved to be futile. With a large light shining brightly and so close to his face, Jared could not help but feel like one of those insects in biology class that is about to be dissected or experimented on.

‘Don’t think about horror movies, Jared. It could be an operating table. Yeah, that’s where a large light piece like this is usually found… Then where’s the doctor?’

“...But did I get hurt? How-”

In an instant, memories began flooding in.

“No, it can’t be…” heaving a sigh, Jared ceased his struggles.

Just then, the large dark green metal door swung open and a lanky figure entered. He wore an oversized white coat and rubbed his hands together as he approached the bed.

“Ah, I see that you’ve awoken. How are you feeling?” the man asked in a sing-song tone as he moved the OR light away.

“Who are you and where am I?” Jared demanded.

“Oh my. I like that spirit. Hehe~ But oh! Where are my manners?” the man said in a rather dramatic manner and cleared his throat before answering, “Why, I’m Doctor Heine. You’re here in my facility to be cured. You’ve got your mother really worried, you know~”

“Facility? Wait…” Jared’s eyes widened as realization sank in, “This is a mental asylum?!”

“Well, we don’t believe in calling this place by that name. It is a facility that enables us to help and rehabilitate the residents here. But essentially, yes, it is as you said it to be.”

“No… Why-” Jared stopped mid-sentence as he already knew the answer.

‘Everyone thinks I’m crazy for obsessing over those phrases. I know that I’m not of this world but they aren’t aware of it… How do I get out of this?’

*Knock* *Knock*

“Doctor Heine, how is he?” a feminine voice was heard from the doorway and Jared looked in the direction.


With teary eyes, Jared’s mother rushed over to the bed and stroked his hair gently, “You’re going to be okay, dear. Doctor Heine said that you should be good as new when you’re done with the treatment.”

Jared shook his head defiantly.

“I’m perfectly sane. You’re making a mistake. I was just…” Jared paused as he thought of an excuse, “I was trying to act out the lines for a character that I plan on dressing up as for the upcoming ‘meet and greet’ event.”

However, when Jared looked up to meet his mother’s gaze, she had a very worried expression.

“D-Doctor Heine, it’s just as you predicted…”

“Yes, patients sent here tend to lie. They’d do anything just to get out of this place…” the doctor sighed, “No matter, I will personally see to it that Jared returns to his former self.”

“What? How is that a lie? I attend the ‘meet and greet’ events all the time! It’s necessary for my game streaming career!” Jared yelled.

“N-No, you don’t. You’ve never done such a thing as you’re a ‘faceless streamer’. I… Oh, Doctor Heine… What can I do about this? Jared is definitely not acting himself.”

‘Oh no… I’ve slipped up again. The ‘Jared’ of this place is much different than I’d assumed. But didn’t I stream the other day with my facecam on? …Or am I just remembering it from when I was in my original world?’

“There, there. Don’t worry, Madam Lee. It’ll be difficult but I won’t rest until Jared’s mind is restored.”

“Thank you so much, Doctor Heine! I wouldn’t have known what to do if it wasn't for you,” Jared’s mother began to cry and stroked Jared’s hair with a trembling hand, “Please take care of my boy.”

“Yes, I will. Cross my heart and hope to die,” the doctor replied solemnly and Jared had to suppress the urge to gag in disgust.

‘What kind of doctor says such childish things?’ Jared thought as he watched a nurse coming in to escort his mother out of the room.

“Please take care, Jared. I hope you recover soon. I… I love you,” Jared’s mother squeaked before he heard her crying outside in the hallway.

The moment the door was closed, an eerie silence descended. No movement or voices could be heard coming from outside the room. It was as if he was truly alone and isolated in this familiar yet unknown world.

A minute or so passed before the doctor began to whistle a low tune, reminding Jared that his troubles were only just beginning.

Feeling like a caged animal, Jared attempted to follow the doctor’s every movement--- to wait for an opportunity to strike. However, Jared was unable to fully see the room from his vantage point and thus, relied on his ears to discern what was going on around him.

From the sound of it, the doctor was plugging in some wires before handling some metallic items that clank heavily against each other. An audible series of squeaks were heard when Jared could finally see what the doctor had in mind.


“Electroconvulsive therapy is by far the most effective way in curing… ‘ailments’ such as yours. With small electric currents, we should be able to successfully reverse the symptoms you’re having,” Doctor Heine replied as he pulled over the OR light and placed stimulating electrodes on Jared’s temples.

“B-But I’m not sick… I just… It was just an act. Yeah, that’s what it was…”

“Ah, back to feigning innocence. It would appear that you’re a pathological liar as well. How concerning. I do pity your dear mother,” the doctor said with a slight smirk on his lips as he attached the monitor cuffs and the recording ECG.

“Please, don’t do this…”

“I do apologize but this is all truly necessary. Since your ‘ailment’ is this severe, I will unfortunately not be using any anesthesia to put you under.”

“No… Please-”

“Don’t worry, I’m a doctor and I know what’s best. This is for your own good,” Doctor Heine then switched on the machine which gave a low hum.

“No! AHHH!”





[Somewhere within a scientific laboratory at an undisclosed location---]


“Ernst! What is the meaning of this?!” a man dressed in a dark blue striped suit yelled as he hauled a nearby table at the group of a few scientists. Although the table had missed them, they inadvertently cowered. The scientist who was addressed gulped audibly before stepping forward.

“S-Sir, the wormhole we’ve created has collapsed. The electromagnetic field energy was compromised.”

“Tsk! That means that you’re inadequate at your job! Your little science experiment is flawed!”

“Y-Yes… I’m so sorry, Mr. Kaliosky. The good news is that the theory works and-”

“Do not spout rubbish! You’re not fooling anyone. A boy came through! That is the direct opposite of what we’ve intended the machine to do!”

“Ah… Y-Yes, that is due to a connection interference… The boy’s arrival may be an anomaly and we now have a better grasp on how to perfect the method,” Ernst said with newfound confidence despite his initial apprehension.

“Hmph. Then fix it,” Kaliosky grunted.

“Yes, Mr. Kaliosky. We’re already working on it-”

“Ah, that is good news,” Kaliosky interrupted and sighed slightly in relief when the lead scientist continued.

“...but we’ll need to recalibrate the entire thing from scratch…”

“You… WHAT?! I–” Kaliosky stopped mid-sentence and cleared his throat in an attempt to calm down. There was already so little time and the success of everything rested on the shoulders of these scientists. He cannot afford to upset or terrify them any further. It was crucial that he did not descend into a violent rage.

Even so, Kaliosky was not a man of utmost patience or equanimity.

“Have you gone mad? We haven’t much time left.”

An ominous silence fell within the group as they all looked toward the countdown display on a large screen that was high up on the wall. Regardless of everything, the seconds on the display continued to descend.


“How soon will we be ready to make another attempt?” Kaliosky asked solemnly.

“It’s uncertain as the storm generated too much force and did a number with the entire system. Even the schematics…” upon noticing the murderous glare from Kaliosky, Ernst trailed off and adjusted his collar that suddenly felt constricting.

“I want an estimation, Professor.”

“Well… If there are no setbacks, approximately 10 weeks or so…?”