[20 October 2021, Wednesday…]
[11.13 pm]
[3rd floor, recreational area…]
Faint rasping from cicadas could be heard despite the wide, thick tempered glass windows whose frames have been completely reinforced to prevent any incidents of the facility’s patients breaking through the glass and inevitably hurting themselves.
‘Strange… I don’t remember cicadas still being around during the late summer. Well, it’s practically autumn now, and those insects don’t like the mild and dry climate. In fact, the heat of the summer would have long subsided by now…’ Jared thought to himself as he gazed out of the window from his seat.
Although Jared was seated fairly close to the windows, he was unable to fully see the trees. At best, he could see the very top of some of the nearby trees- but that was about it. Being on the third floor in a facility that was located on the highest ground in the entire county, it was difficult to see much unless one were to stand directly at the window.