‘but there is a problem for me if I landed a hand on royalty it will not only circulate in school but also among royal families and it will induce a big crisis for me and apart from this I don't want to cause a furor so I want to lose but not from this pig rich, obnoxious royalty.’

After considering this Kagen replied to Sunao “I am sorry but I can’t”

“As you know, royalty is superior to commoner and even if I win, what is the guarantee that he wouldn't do anything to me in the future?"

When Kagen was giving his reasons suddenly a voice came to the scene "I heard everything. Aren't you overconfident? you lowly commoner just said you won't fight Tristan because you are afraid of damages that are going to occur to you in the future, then why don't you fight with that girl there?"

After completion that voice when everyone except Kagen looked at the man he was Arthur. He was saying all of that while making a disgusting face.

"Yes, why don't you fight with me?" Sunao asked Kagen.

Surprised, Kagen thought, what was she saying? Wasn’t it completely unrelated to fight? Why did he have to fight with her?

Then he realized ‘Wait wait, wait....! Stop right there isn't it a good chance to end this with a loss of me, turmoil going to stop’.

"But, Sir Arthur, I am the one who wants to torment him."

"I know that Tristan, but why do we royalty have to touch some no one in a fight? It will be harsh to our ancestor who creates our power and magic superior from them ha ha ha...”

After their conversation over Kagen thought ‘I don't take revenge on anyone but Arthur. You better remember the words you just said today. I will make sure to put you through what you just said; I don't care who you are, what your position is’

‘ If you interfere with my life, you are going to pay for it. Wait, Kagen, even if you say these things to him now, it will make it worse. Wait for the right time. Now let's accept the challenge and act according to my plan.’

"Yes," Kagen responded.

It got decided that it will happen in the battle arena of the school after classes.

They started their classes normally. Just kidding, it wasn’t that easy as all his classmates already knew about battle .but the most interesting thing was that he wasn’t afraid of the battle but afraid of the thought that many viewer will be going to watch.

But he gave himself a manmade syndrome called looking down on own self. He thought no one was going to come to their match, but he forgot that in a match there are two people going to fight, and his opponent was a famous figure.

Due to the heavy rainfall, the practical classes and afternoon classes were suspended. At last, the moment that everyone foresaw appeared.

When he entered the arena his most afraid thought came true, many bunch were already present at there and due to the first battle of the first year students, teachers were also presented there.

Controlling his nervousness Kagen took out a sword for the arena inventory which was established right beside the player resting area and started to enter the arena.

By sawing this everyone in the crowd began their chitchatting "He didn't even know magic is more influential than the sword, ha ha ha ha! Don't make it boring, come on entertain us"

Kagen knew that swordsmanship is a bit poorer than magic but in his remark, this battle arena wasn’t so big, if magic combats the sword here then surely the sword will win, cause in chanted magic it will carry some time before activation, but in a professional case it may fluctuate.

Magic use two types, chanted and non-chanted. In school, they only teach chanting, so the activation will take time. Thanks to his parents, he already knew magic and swordsmanship quite accurately. Even though they were not very good adventurers, they knew the fundamentals.

Kagen and Sunao both players took their places in the arena as there were places already marked for the players to stand.

After sawing Sunao’s stance he thought ‘From me, she stands around thirty meters away. This match has already been decided before playing. I would surely win if I fight, but I know what I want to do.’

Even Kagen didn’t have any talent but he can calculate and observe his opponent's time and attack. Kagen took his stance, as he stood there while opening up his legs a little.

[Sunao POV]

What is he thinking about choosing a fight with a sword against a magician?! Is he trying to provoke me? And what is the loss stance he is taking? I also know plenty of swordsmanship.

Well, whatever, I will end this in no time.

Easy win for me.

[POV End]

The referee was set. With the whistle of the referee match got started. The decision of two lives got batted.

In less than five minutes, the match ended, and the winner got established.

The match started with the signal of the referee.

"Whistle... Whistle .start match" Referee started the match with his whistling.

Kagen took his stand and was ready for his attack.

Just kidding.

He waited for her to attack but just for show he took his stand.

If he lost in a rush it would exhibit that he was striving to lose from the start.

Sunao started to chant her spell

"Thousands and millions of souls, who are our ancestors, show me the way of my power with 'Fire arrow” Sunao chanted the spell.

For Kagen, it was kind of funny.

This was something typical like a first-year student chanting.

The arrow of fire around twenty meters started to come towards Kagen.

An informatics battle field got pooped in his head. He created stimulation on his head. He labeled himself as player one and Sunao as player two. He created the fire arrow and calculates the all aspects of it.

After calculating it Kagen thought ’Sunao is standing around ten meters from me, the attack will approach me in ten second., too easy for me, if I cut it right at nine point five second the attack will be vanished.’

‘If I wish I can easily avoid it but if I do so now I will persuade everybody attraction’.

Normally first-year students couldn’t dodge the magic attack because of their lack of manipulation of body magic.

But there were many cases where there were first year students who were able to dodge magic and who could do that were not the normal ones, they were abnormal class magicians.

For Kagen, he was different from others not because he already learned something about magic and swordsmanship, but because his mentality and personality are different from other humans.

Kagen swung the sword as he planned earlier.

"Slashhh…..” And a smoke screen created by that “shooshhh”

‘Bingo I did it; it's too easy for me’ Kagen completely deflected that attack by only his sword without even using magic

“What! He cut that"

"You are not so bad for an ordinary student, "Sunao replied with a smile.”

The fire arrow is the basic form of fire magic but in the first-year level, it can only summon one arrow. But much better you become on it you easily make one hundred in one-shot go.

Once more Sunao started to chant”as the request of your user I summoned you fire and wind magic.”

After sawing her chant Kagen thought ‘Oh... She can use double attribute. She is a manipulation magician. I can't avoid this attack.’

‘It can’t be helped. So I have to take my sleeves up for this attack’

Kagen said in a very unnoticeable voice

“Kagen origin

One sword art”

Kagen eyes' pupils started to change slightly white.

“First form ‘Null transfaction’ ”

A sonic wave appeared from his swords and came towards Sunao’s attack.

Sunao’s Attack got vanished from the arena and a crystal clear white gas appeared.

Kagen thought ‘Boom attack got completely deflated.’

"He deflected king-level magic like nothing ''Sunao said surprisingly and backed off a slightly to avoid kagen’s next attack.