After knowing about the scholarship process, Kagen decided to try his best to achieve his dream, and he also researched many things, but here was now, a boy without motivation the next day. He forgot he was a wallflower.
While he was thinking about his scholarship process, the Morning classes were over in a blink of an eye and now it was lunchtime. He was eating his lunch sandwich behind the school building.
“The best place for me. Complete solitary and peace.” Kagen said while inhaling the fresh air from the school backyard. It had many flowers and trees there.
But here the problem came
"Oi oi, Commoner, what are you eating here like you own this place? Don't forget, you are just an ordinary person. Don’t be full of yourself," Tristan said, showing his disgusting looks.
Kagen thought ‘It’s become a problem but its simple solution is to ignore them. You can't keep everyone happy. So you be happy is the best.’
He didn't reply to anything and ignored him. It had been like every day that problems keep poking him.
“It did not satisfy me that day when you lost.”
“The fight was between you and me, but Sunao Sakurako interferes. The feeling of beating the useless, ordinary commoner like you is a just paradise for royalty like us."
"So I Tristan Rodgeruig, hereby challenge you for a battle"
"Huh! Battle from nowhere is just...” he showed him a poker face but said in a low voice.
Kagen thought, ‘ha ha ha ha it was just like I wanted; I am relieved that it turned out like this. It will become my first official match but-‘
"I accept your challenge, but I have four conditions. If you accept these, then I will fight with you"
"Huh, say your condition lowly commoner"
"The first one is that we will play the match in no audience."
"Are you afraid of what happens if you lose for the second time, ha... Ha... I accept it"
"The second one is that we will play it as an official battle under the direct surveillance of the teacher."
"I accept it"
"Third one, if I win I will get two matches worth of points and you convince the teacher for it"
"Ugh... it's not in the rule. I can't accept it. ," Tristan flinched there for a moment.
Sawing him like that, Kagen targeted his pride at playing the match as a royal warrior.
"So the great lineage of the royal guard isn’t sure that he can beat a lowly commoner like me"
After flinching and arguing with himself at last accepted that.
"I accept it and I will talk about it to the teacher. Whatever I will win for sure"
'Last but not least, whatever the result comes out, no one will announce it outside"
"I accept it. Is this all you need?"
"Yeah, that's all"
"And what happens when I will win which I am definitely going to, hmmm... let's see”
“you will live as a slave of me for your entire life"
"I accept it," Kagen acted without even thinking about it.
Then they informed Ms. Tanya to survey the conditions as a teacher and the conditions.
Kagen was a little worried about the points system, but it turned out that the two players decided teachers have nothing to do with this, but one performance decides whether you get two matches worth points or not. The day which it will be going to happen was decided as next week Thursday after School.
Kagen was kind of relieved that it turned out like this. Next was to wait until the match.
But Kagen was quite worried about something. While he was talking with Tristan, he felt a presence, but he was too focused on that matter. He ignored it. He assumed that no one listens to them. Who might be that?
The next day when he arrived at school, students were chit-chatting about the battle. Maybe Tristan spread this. But it didn’t concern him. It’s not like it will cause him any problem and they didn't know about the conditions he thought.
If he wins that match, no one will know who won and everybody assumes that Tristan won and he lost. Two things in one arrow.
"Did you get the information that I asked for?" One of the celestial commanders asked his soldier while sitting in the chair.
"Yes sir, precisely. Name Kagen Starlezia, Hometown Loser city Harsya, sixteen years old. His mother's name is Dethy Starlezia, father is Yoru Starlezia. His father and mother were both former Adventurers. But both retired seventeen years ago." Soldier replied.
"And, sir, one more thing. Can you come closer?”
“Whisper... whispers...." the soldier whispered in his ears after the commander came close to the soldier.
"What are you saying, but how?" the commander replied.
"Then I am going"
"But where are you going, sir?"
"Isn't it obvious?”
“I am going where I need to be?" the celestial commander replied with a prideful smile and after that left the camp.
That day passed by and today was Tuesday. After the classroom, Kagen was called by a girl from the school.
But as a man of society, there are some things that he has to do.
So he did the obvious thing: he didn't open the letter and behaved as if nothing happened to him and ignore it like it was his first day as a baby in the world. As baby ignored any noise and sleep soundly without noticing anything.
Kagen thought, ‘huhuhu... Mission accomplished.’
Surprised and worried, Kagen thought ‘huh? Who called my name,oii.. oiii...oioi...’
"Here me Sunao, " Sunao said while tilting her head slightly.