12 - Drunk Dancing

December rolled in pretty quickly in the blink of an eye. They had gotten pretty close over the past two weeks. He'd take her on dates whenever he could and they spent the most amazing times together.

She'd never met a man quite like him. He was, hilarious, kind and gentle. Even though he was all that she had ever wanted, she wouldn't allow herself to fall for him. She'd never allow herself to be that broken woman again. So, she'd just enjoy it while it lasts.

"Happy birthday, babe," Hailey grinned as she pulled Romeo in for a tight hug.

It was nineth day of December, and Romeo was now thirty-four years old.

She was always attracted to older men. To her, they were more mature than men her age and older men seemed wiser. Majority of them are very responsible and financially stable and she liked that. Older, mature men knew how to satisfy their women and treat them right.