Chapter 22


We were all playing with the kids at my parents' new place when JJ came rushing in. “Hey, everyone! Uncle Samuel just pulled up!” yelled JJ, startling the kids. The women, including me, collected our purses, valuables, and silverware, and locked them in the Mom and Dad's bedroom. Granddad explained everything to a very confused Joshua. Uncle Samuel is Dad's identical twin, but has dark brown eyes. Besides the eyes, you can tell them apart right away. We are not close with him, and he is our least favorite relative. We don't want to move away because this is our home, and we actually like Stormyard. Not only that, but we can't change the locks because Uncle Samuel can pick locks. When you first meet him, you instantly take a disliking to him. He is the type of person who would invite himself to get-togethers, eat most of the food, and never reimburse you.