

“Fine,” I said with a straight face and then moved into his arms which surprised him.

I smirked.

Just as I thought. He just wanted to rile Sorin up because Sorin doesn’t like anyone touching her.

“R-really?” He was definitely taken aback.

I acted nonchalant, “Well, you already know my secret.” I went and wrapped my arms around his neck that startled him but then he glanced at me and went calm again.

“That’s true.” He smirked and wrapped his arms right under my butt and picked me up, “And it’s not like you have much of a butt anyway.”

“Excuse me?” I looked at him with disgust and then felt a hand on my ass.

He prepared himself for a jump, “Yep, nothing there.”

“Enri!!” I grabbed his hair as he launched himself in the air and pulled them hard right when we were crossing.

“Sorin wait!!!” I got so angry I ended up pulling some of his hair out, “Fuck!!” He landed on the other side and immediately let me. I got away from him as he grabbed his head with both of his hands in pain, “Hell!! Why did you do that!”

“Why did you grope my butt!” I folded my arms and protested as I began to walk.

“You could have just groped my butt back!” He whined, “Why pull my hair! We men already struggle with enough hair loss!!” He followed me side by side, “This was brutal!”

“I’m not a harasser like you.” I huffed at him.

“Oh! I wasn’t harassing you!” He folded his arms in anger, “I was just proving a point.”

“Well, you’re wrong! And that was harassment!” I glared at him.

“Oh! I am right!” He glared back, “You have absolutely no womanly charm!”

I gasped, “To hell with you! I do!” His words made me angry.

“Like hell!” He gritted his teeth, “You don’t have an ass, neither do you have any breast! You’re flat like a board!”

Anger boiled in me, “Shut the fuck up!” I was so annoyed, “You’re blind if you can’t see that I have both!!” I huffed, “You’re the one who has zero charm!”

He scoffed, “Haha,” We didn’t realize in our bantering that we had reached the market, “What would a ‘boy’ like you know about manly charms.” He said that on purpose. He was mocking me with the word ‘boy’ because that’s what I looked like in my disguise as a man. So of course there isn’t any femine charm there either.

“Well, this ‘boy’ only sees someone with an inflated ego and a tiny penis.”

“Well mind you! My junior is definitely not tiny.” He glared at me and I glared back.

“Yeah, right. You’re gonna cross thirty soon and nobody wants to settle down with you.” I looked down at his pelvis and made a disgusted face, “No wonder there.” I looked up at him with a smirk and made a ‘tiny’ gesture with my fingers.

He scoffed, “You won’t be saying that if you spend the night with me.”

“Oh! That will never be happening.” I shrugged, “Why would I sleep with someone who has a tiny dick?”

That sure did annoy him, “Well, a little boy like you wouldn’t understand anyway.”

I rolled my eyes, “There’s nothing to understand.” I stuck my tongue out to him, “A fact is a fact.”

“Oh yes,” He looked at my chest, “A flat board will always be a flat board.”

This fucker!!

I turned my head away and paused when I realized there were a few people who were having fun listening to our argument.

Oh hell no!

I shot my gaze around looking for the shop I had to go to and darted away.



I don’t think I’ve argued like this with anyone for a long time.

I’m friendly with my knights but no one calls my dick tiny. I mean, why would anyone? My junior is body builder sized.

I looked at Sorin while I sat on the stool in the corner of the female only tailor shop. As I looked at her and explained to the seamstress what she wants, for some reason I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. It was fun though, in its own way.

I guess she has changed a little.

I cleared my throat.

But only a little.

I pouted as I kept my gaze on her while she followed one of the workers into the changing room after we had spent hours in here. I stood guard in my place while she had constantly worked on something with the workers since morning.

I wonder, why did she come here though? For custom clothes? Why? For what purpose?

I tapped my foot on the ground as I thought about this.

Ever Since Sorin’s coronation, she’s been different. She hasn’t fought with anyone or screamed at anyone, or made a scene.


I tilted my head and began to move the stool front and back as I saw her close the curtains.


This is making me curious~

The worker went to Sorin’s changing room and handed her something and exchanged some words with her from the other side of the curtain.

She said the next outside destination would be the brothel. Is she getting something for that?

I whistled.

That would be interesting though, even though there’s no need to get clothes for a prostitution house. It all comes all in the end.

The bells rang as the door of the shop opened and my gaze automatically went there to see the people who entered the store.

I froze


They’re the female knights of my squad! Why are they here!??

I shot my head towards the changing room.


If Sorin comes out, the cover is blown!

I got a little stressed.

I looked back at my knights and clicked my tongue. This is bad. All the royal guards have seen Sorin’s face up close. The moment any of them sees her, they’ll know it’s him.

I stood up and moved further back where I couldn’t be seen.

I have to get Sorin out before there’s trouble-


Why was I worried about her cover getting blown? I wanted that to happen…

I understand that it’s an order from Leon to make sure that doesn’t happen but well, I sighed and thought about it.

I guess I don’t want her to die either.

I rolled my eyes.

Fuck this!

It’s not far before Leon turns righteen, I just need to make sure everything is peaceful till then. I stealthily made my way to the changing room which isn’t really allowed here since I'm a guy and I shouldn’t be moving from the stool I was on but this was an emergency.

“Sorin,” I called her name in a low voice.

“Enri?” She replied, “What the hell are you doing?” She sounded a bit pissed off.

“Well, don’t get mad, there’s an emergency.”

“What emergency?”

“Well, the girls from my squad are here too.” I said.

There was a small pause, “Wait, your knights?”

“Yep,” I answered and heard her curse under her breath.

I chuckled.

Does she always do this? I never knew, because no one has gotten this close to her before. Well, no one except Leroy.

It suddenly bothered me. Why are they this close? Are they in a relationship?

“Fine,” She said, “I’ll stay in here-” I heard the rustling of clothes, “-till they leave.” She was changing into something or maybe taking something off.

“Alright,” I answered, “Good,” I turned around hoping to quietly go back to my seat but as soon as I did a 180 degree twirl I jumped.

The three girls from my squad were right in front of me with big angry smirks on their faces.

“Hello captain,” Lilia spoke, “It’s very ‘nice’ to see you here.”

I laughed nervously, “Don’t misunderstand anything.” I raised my hands up next to my chest, “I’m here with my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Rose and Nana raised their eyebrows at me.

“You don’t have a girlfriend.” Nana said, “Nobody wants you.”

“Hey!” I protested and then we all heard a chuckle from inside the changing room. Sorin was laughing at me.

Damn! This is sort of humiliating.

“Who’s in there?” Lilia stepped forward but I blocked her path.

“You can’t go in.” I said and all three of them looked at me bewildered.

“Why not!?” Nana stepped forward too along with Rose and I had no choice but to block the entrance of the tiny changing room.

“I said you can’t!” I looked at all of them, “She doesn’t like strangers pouncing on her.”

The amount of disbelief on the faces of my knights was sort of an insult to me. I mean, is it that hard to believe that I have a girlfriend? I can stay committed if I want to! It’s just that free life is better!

“Captain,” Rose began to push me aside, “If you do this, we’ll be more curious.” Nana joined in as well.

“Ladies, ladies!” I stood my ground, “Don’t do this!”

Lilia glared at me, “Excuse me!!” She said out aloud, “The lady in there,” Shit! “Can we see you?”

There was a moment of silence and pause

“No…” A soft voice came from inside the room, “Um, you guys are scaring me…”

Wait! What the hell!! Did her voice just change?!?! She sounds like a cute girl!?!? What the heck!?!?!

“Oh! We’re no one scary!” Nana said, “We just wish to meet captain’s ‘girlfriend’”

There was a small pause again and for some reason I was very anxious.

“I’m not his girlfriend.” Damn! That hurt for some reason!

“I knew it!” The three girls yelled and I was flabbergasted.

“There is no way, someone like you will ever have a permanent partner!” Lilia said and kicked my shin.

“Ow!” I was distracted for a brief moment where Nana and Rose managed to push me aside and go for the curtains.