

Sneaking into the brothel was no big deal. It was an event night and the whole market place along with the red light district had started to bustle.

We made a quiet entry through the top floor and we threw our hoods in the alley right beside the building.

The place was big, there was a constant sound of music to overpower the sounds of moans. The incense was burning at many places, the smell of which covered the whole place. The atmosphere was completely different and for some reason, the smell in the air was tickling my nose. And not just some regular kind of tickling, it was weird, like the scent was reacting to me.

Leon held my hand as we went around the building.

“Got any clues?” He asked as we passed by women and men wearing provocative clothes, some even guiding their customers around.

“We’ll have to look for anyone who looks suspicious.” I said, “The demons would be easier to locate.”

“Should we split?” He asked when we stopped by the stairs.