

“Where did they go?” I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for Sorin and Leonidas in the sitting area of the third palace floor. It was going to be midnight soon but they still hadn’t come back.

Tomorrow is Sorin’s coronation party. What if something happens to her?

I stood up from my seat and began to pace around while Enri whistled while he sat on a chair near the window as his gaze followed me around.

“Calm down.” He said, “They’re not little kids.” He seemed a little relaxed yet a little annoyed.

“I know they’re not little kids.” I stood still and glared at him, “But something is bothering me alot…” I licked my dry lips, “I feel like something is wrong.” The feeling of dread had begun to eat me up and I couldn’t help but pace around again.

Enri took a deep breath and let out a loud exhale, “I sure hope they’re not getting laid though.” He frowned.

His words made me pause, “Laid?” I was confused, “Why would they get laid?’ I looked at him in doubt.