Possible romance?


Aw man…

Why do I feel like I’m a problem? I get this strange feeling that there’s bad luck attached to me.

Why? There’s a feeling swirling inside of me that I can’t really express. It’s strange. It’s weird, bizarre almost, because I can’t really understand it. There’s something tugging my heart and emotions.

It was evening, the sun was setting and I had spare time so I came to the roof.

Kaan has been busy with his guests, Leon has a lot of work to do as well. Enri has shifts with me but recently he’s been awfully quiet. Since I’m in the palace and almost never leave, guards don’t really have to always accompany me.

I stared at the purple sky turning black as soft wind blew.

I had a lot of time to think and I often think about the people I’ve left behind. I keep wondering how they’re coping without me? The members of my family were also my friends.

I placed my hand over my chest as I felt a little void.