
>>Sorin (The original timeline)

The demons attacked, the palace was in a frenzy and I was running around not sure where to go. The royal have secret passage ways they can access in these situations and I knew of a few but the place was getting swarmed by enemies fast so, I made my way to the royal study where I ran into Leonidas and Enri.

Just at the same time an attack was launched at the palace, making the whole place quake.

They had already opened a passage and were making their way in.

“Wait!” yelled and they both looked at me. I looked at them both with wide eyes as the place trembled, “Take me with you.” I said as things began to tumble down in the room making blockades to the passage.

Leon and Enri looked at each other and never looked at me again. They cut the rope holding the passage open and it shut immediately. They left me there as the demons entered the floor and killed everyone in their sight.