Finding her

>>Kaan ( A few months later)

“You still can’t find her?” I stared at my knights in disbelief while I sat on my throne, in the throne room.

“Your majesty.” Leysa was the captain of one of our best platoons, “Finding that island alone was too difficult.” She was speaking on behalf of all the soldiers, “That island, Rugen, almost no one knew it even existed.”

“I know,” I frowned as I put my hand over my eyes, “But the only place she could be. We’ve searched everywhere else.” I massaged my temples.

That’s right. I had the whole demon kingdom searched. Leonidas had the Human empire searched and Enri was sent to look among the elves but she was nowhere to be found.

The only lead we got was about an island that only has halves or mix breeds living there. Rugen, the name of the island but barely anyone knew anything about it.